GitLab CI/CD使用经验,来自于莫纳什大学的考试任务解析






Below is my code:

stages:- Static Analysis - Testflake8:stage: Static Analysisscript:- pip install flake8- flake8 megamart.pyallow_failure: truemypy:stage: Static Analysis  script:- pip install mypy- mypy megamart.pyallow_failure: truepycodestyle:stage: Static Analysisscript: - pip install pycodestyle- pycodestyle allow_failure: truepydocstyle:stage: Static Analysisscript:- pip install pydocstyle- pydocstyle megamart.pyallow_failure: truepylint:stage: Static Analysisscript:- pip install pylint- pylint megamart.pyallow_failure: truetesting:stage: Testscript:- python -m unittest test_megamart.pyallow_failure: false





D200: One-line docstring should fit on one line with quotes (found 4):
An Example of the Original Version.

from datetime import datetime

An Example of the Fixed Version.

This is the Megamart module.It is Megamart
from datetime import datetime

D205: 1 blank line required between summary line and description
An Example of the Original Version.

def is_not_allowed_to_purchase_item(item: Item, customer: Customer, purchase_date_string: str) -> bool:"""Returns True if the customer is not allowed to purchase the specified item, False otherwise.If an item object or the purchase date string was not actually provided, an Exception should be raised.Items that are under the alcohol, tobacco or knives category may only be sold to customers who are aged 18+ and have their ID verified.An item potentially belongs to many categories - as long as it belongs to at least one of the three categories above, restrictions apply to that item.The checking of an item's categories against restricted categories should be done in a case-insensitive manner.For example, if an item A is in the category ['Alcohol'] and item B is in the category ['ALCOHOL'], both items A and B should be identified as restricted items.Even if the customer is aged 18+ and is verified, they must provide/link their member account to the transaction when purchasing restricted items.Otherwise, if a member account is not provided, they will not be allowed to purchase the restricted item even if normally allowed to.It is optional for customers to provide their date of birth in their profile.Purchase date string should be of the format dd/mm/yyyy.The age of the customer is calculated from their specified date of birth, which is also of the format dd/mm/yyyy.If an item is a restricted item but the purchase or birth date is in the incorrect format, an Exception should be raised.A customer whose date of birth is 01/08/2005 is only considered to be age 18+ on or after 01/08/2023."""

An Example of the Fixed Version.

def is_not_allowed_to_purchase_item(item: Item, customer: Customer, purchase_date_string: str) -> bool:"""Returns True if the customer is not allowed to purchase the specified item, False otherwise.Args:item (Item): The item being purchased.customer (Customer): The customer attempting the purchase.purchase_date_string (str): The purchase date in the format dd/mm/yyyy.Raises:Exception: If the provided item is None.If an item object or the purchase date string was not actually provided, an Exception should be raised.Items that are under the alcohol, tobacco or knives category may only be sold to customers who are aged 18+ and have their ID verified.An item potentially belongs to many categories - as long as it belongs to at least one of the three categories above, restrictions apply to that item.The checking of an item's categories against restricted categories should be done in a case-insensitive manner.For example, if an item A is in the category ['Alcohol'] and item B is in the category ['ALCOHOL'], both items A and B should be identified as restricted items.Even if the customer is aged 18+ and is verified, they must provide/link their member account to the transaction when purchasing restricted items.Otherwise, if a member account is not provided, they will not be allowed to purchase the restricted item even if normally allowed to.It is optional for customers to provide their date of birth in their profile.Purchase date string should be of the format dd/mm/yyyy.The age of the customer is calculated from their specified date of birth, which is also of the format dd/mm/yyyy.If an item is a restricted item but the purchase or birth date is in the incorrect format, an Exception should be raised.A customer whose date of birth is 01/08/2005 is only considered to be age 18+ on or after 01/08/2023."""



C0301: Line too long (103/100) (line-too-long)
An Example of the Original Version.

def is_not_allowed_to_purchase_item(item: Item, customer: Customer, purchase_date_string: str) -> bool:"""Determine if the customer is allowed to purchase the specified item.Returns True if the customer is not allowed to purchase the specified item, False otherwise.
def is_not_allowed_to_purchase_item(item: Item, customer: Customer, purchase_date_string: str) -> bool:"""Determine if the customer is allowed to purchase the specified item.Returns True if the customer is not allowed to purchase the specified item, False otherwise.Args:item (Item): The item being purchased.customer (Customer): The customer attempting the purchase.purchase_date_string (str): The purchase date in the format dd/mm/yyyy.












在"megamart"文件中,最常见的问题是"pyflakes ",其次是"pydocstyles "。这些问题大多与代码注释有关。为了解决这些问题,建议保持代码注释简洁,并遵循一致的代码格式标准。如果您正在使用集成开发环境(IDE),请考虑为自动代码格式化配置插件。





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如果不能解决由数字孪生带来的开发难题&#xff0c;那么企业就无法享受这种技术便利。 数字孪生已经成为企业当前面对的一大机遇&#xff0c;其核心在于利用虚拟副本中的分析数据对未来业务事件开展预测。这不仅能够大大降低决策难度&#xff0c;同时也有助于提升决策效果。 然…