luceda ipkiss教程 43:画渐变圆弧型波导


from si_fab import all as pdk
import ipkiss3.all as i3
from import RestrictTuple
from ipkiss.geometry.shapes.modifiers import __ShapePathBase__
import numpy as np
from math import atan2class ShapePathTaperExtended(__ShapePathBase__):""" Tapered path with extended ends based on a shape. """extension = i3.Tuple2Property(restriction=RestrictTuple((float)),doc="extension of the path shape at start and end: (start, end)")end_path_width = i3.PositiveNumberProperty(doc="end width of path")start_path_width = i3.PositiveNumberProperty(doc="start width of path")def _default_end_path_width(self):return self.path_widthdef _default_path_width(self):return self.start_path_widthdef _default_extension(self):return 0., 0.def __init__(self, original_shape, start_path_width, end_path_width, **kwargs):super(ShapePathTaperExtended, self).__init__(original_shape=original_shape,start_path_width=start_path_width,end_path_width=end_path_width,**kwargs)def define_points(self, pts):# TODO: include start_face_angle and end_face_angle in the calculationsstart_ext, end_ext = self.extensionwest_coords = i3.Shape()east_coords = i3.Shape()orig_shp = i3.Shape(self.__get_original_shape_without_straight_angles__())start_angle, end_angle = orig_shp.get_face_angles()if len(orig_shp) == 0 or np.isclose(orig_shp.length(), 0.):return pts# beginorig_shp[0] = orig_shp[0].move_polar(-start_ext, start_angle)# endorig_shp[-1] = orig_shp[-1].move_polar(end_ext, end_angle)dist = [i3.distance(orig_shp[_], orig_shp[_ + 1]) for _ in range(len(orig_shp) - 1)]widths = [(self.end_path_width - self.path_width) * np.sum(dist[:_]) / np.sum(dist) + self.path_width for _ inrange(len(orig_shp))]coords = orig_shp.pointsn_points = len(coords)start_angle, end_angle = orig_shp.get_face_angles()# middlefor i in range(n_points):x = coords[i][0]y = coords[i][1]if i == 0:angle1 = i3.DEG2RAD * start_angleangle2 = atan2(coords[i + 1][1] - y, coords[i + 1][0] - x)elif i == n_points - 1:angle1 = atan2(y - coords[i - 1][1], x - coords[i - 1][0])angle2 = i3.DEG2RAD * end_angleelse:angle1 = atan2(y - coords[i - 1][1], x - coords[i - 1][0])angle2 = atan2(coords[i + 1][1] - y, coords[i + 1][0] - x)angle = angle1 + 0.5 * (angle2 - angle1 + np.pi) % (np.pi) - 0.5 * np.piturn = (angle2 - angle1) % (2 * np.pi)ca = np.cos(angle)sa = np.sin(angle)if turn == np.pi and i not in [0, n_points - 1]:i3.LOG.error("Path to Boundary conversion is not possible with paths that turn 180 degree at a node")raise SystemExitw = 0.5 * widths[i] / np.abs(np.cos(0.5 * turn))c_west = (x - w * sa, y + w * ca)c_east = (x + w * sa, y - w * ca)west_coords.append(c_west)east_coords.append(c_east)east_coords.reverse()pts.extend(west_coords)pts.extend(east_coords)pts.append(west_coords[0])return ptsclass gradient_arc(i3.PCell):class Layout(i3.LayoutView):radius = i3.PositiveNumberProperty(doc="Radius of the central bends", default=100.0)def _generate_elements(self, elems):shape_wg1 = [(0.0, 0.0),(self.radius, 0),(self.radius, self.radius),(self.radius, 2 * self.radius),(0, 2 * self.radius),]shape_wg1_path = i3.ShapeRound(original_shape=shape_wg1, radius=self.radius)elems += i3.Boundary(layer=i3.TECH.PPLAYER.SI,shape=ShapePathTaperExtended(original_shape=shape_wg1_path,start_path_width=10,end_path_width=1,))return elemsif __name__ == '__main__':gradient_arc().Layout().visualize()




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