雅思小作文 饼图


The charts compare two countries with their units of electricity production by fuel source in 1980 and 2000.The charts compare two countries in terms of the electricity produced by different fuels in 1980 and 2000.
With regard to Australia,the coal played the significant role in both 1980 and 2000 with the amount increased from 50 to 130.The amount of electricity generated by coal was highest in Australia, and it increased from 50 to 130 units in 2000.
While the figure of France remained basically unchanged,which accounted for 25 units.The figure for coal in France was much lower (25 units in both years).
The units of electricity of Nuclear Power in France saw a significant increase,from 15 to 126 in around 20 years from 1980 to 2000.There was a significant growth in the electricity created by nuclear power in France (from 15 units to 126 units).
The Hydro Power(这个表达不太对) recorded a steady increase from 20 to 36 ==(units)==in Australia during 20-year period.The figure for hydro power in australia increased from 20 to 36 units, although it was rather low in France (only 2 units in 2000).
And in contrast ,France saw a slight drop in Hydro Power by 3 units.Oil in Australia dropped sharply from 10 to 2 ,while that in France increased 5 units slightly.Australia saw a drop in the electricity created by oil to 2 units in 2000, while France saw a rise to 25 units.
In both two countries,there is a dramatic fall for gas ,both dropped from around 20 units to 2 units.The figures for natural gas showed the same trend in these two countries, dropping to 2 units.
In conclusion, the coal was the most important fuel source in electricity in Australia,and the Nuclear Power was the primary source.The amount of electricity generated by these two fuels increased in respective countries.Overall, Australia relied more on coal than on any other energy source, and in France, nuclear power was the primary source. The amount of electricity generated by these two fuels increased in respective countries.

The charts show the comparision between two countries in the units of electricity production by different fuel in 1980 and 2000.
Both the two countries saw the significant increase of the units of electricity by fuel source. The figure for coal in electricity production played a most important role in australia ,and it increased from 50 to 130 units in 2000.While the units of electricity by coal remained unchanged in France.The figure for Nature gas recorded a sharp fell to 2 units in both countries.There is a dramatic decrease in the units generated by Oil in Australia from 10 to 2 units.In contrast, the figure in France kept a slight raise to 25 units.
The amount generated by Hydro power in Australia increased from 20 to 36 units, although it was rather low in France (only 2 units in 2000).France saw a sharp increase in Nuclear Power to 126 in 2000,while the figure in Australia was only 2 units.
Overall, Australia relied more on coal than on any other energy source, and in France, nuclear power was the primary source. The amount of electricity generated by these two fuels increased in respective countries.




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