OpenAI - tiktoken ⏳ | fast BPE tokeniser


    • 关于 ⏳ tiktoken
      • 性能表现
      • 安装
      • tiktoken 如何计算 token
      • Encodings
      • Tokenizer libraries 对不同编程语言的支持
      • How strings are typically tokenized
    • 使用
      • 编解码
      • 比较 encodings
      • 计算chat API调用的tokens
      • 拓展 tiktoken

关于 ⏳ tiktoken

tiktoken is a fast BPE tokeniser for use with OpenAI’s models.
初看这个名字,以为是跟 tiktok 相关,没想到是 openai 下面的,这取名还真是有趣呢。

  • github
  • openai-cookbook / examples / How_to_count_tokens_with_tiktoken.ipynb


tiktoken 比其他开源 tokeniser 快 3-6 倍
基于 1GB 文本进行测试,使用 GPT-2 tokeniser,使用 GPT2TokenizerFast from tokenizers==0.13.2, transformers==4.24.0 and tiktoken==0.2.0



pip install tiktoken 

tiktoken 如何计算 token

给定一个文本字符:"tiktoken is great!",和一个 encoding,比如 "cl100k_base"
一个 tokenizer 可以讲文本字符串分割成一系列 tokens,如: ["t", "ik", "token", " is", " great", "!"]

GPT 模型使用这种类型的 token。
知道文本字符串中有多少令牌,可以告诉你(a)字符串是否太长,文本模型无法处理,以及(b)OpenAI API调用的成本(因为使用是按令牌定价的)。



OpenAI models 使用 tiktoken 支持下面三种编码:

Encoding nameOpenAI models
cl100k_basegpt-4, gpt-3.5-turbo, text-embedding-ada-002
p50k_baseCodex models, text-davinci-002, text-davinci-003
r50k_base (or gpt2)GPT-3 models like davinci

您可以获取一个模型的编码 ,使用 tiktoken.encoding_for_model() 如下:

encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model('gpt-3.5-turbo')

注意,p50k_baser50k_base 基本类似,对于非代码应用程序,它们通常会给出相同的令牌。

Tokenizer libraries 对不同编程语言的支持

对于 cl100k_basep50k_base encodings:

  • Python: tiktoken
  • .NET / C#: SharpToken

对于 r50k_base (gpt2) encodings, tokenizers are available in many languages.

  • Python: tiktoken (or alternatively GPT2TokenizerFast)
  • JavaScript: gpt-3-encoder
  • .NET / C#: GPT Tokenizer
  • Java: gpt2-tokenizer-java
  • PHP: GPT-3-Encoder-PHP


How strings are typically tokenized

In English, tokens commonly range in length from one character to one word (e.g., "t" or " great"), though in some languages tokens can be shorter than one character or longer than one word. Spaces are usually grouped with the starts of words (e.g., " is" instead of "is " or " "+"is"). You can quickly check how a string is tokenized at the OpenAI Tokenizer.

在英语中,tokens的长度通常从一个字符到一个单词(例如,tgreat ),尽管在一些语言中,tokens 可以短于一个字符或长于一个单词。
空格通常以单词的开头分组(例如, is 而不是 is + is
您可以在[OpenAI Tokenizer]快速检查字符串是如何tokenize的。

OpenAI Tokenizer :




import tiktoken
# 使用名字加载 encoding
# 第一次运行时,可能需要连接互联网来下载;下一次不需要联网
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base")# 对于给定的模型名,自动加载正确的 encoding 
encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model("gpt-3.5-turbo")# 将文本转化为 tokens 列表
encoding.encode("tiktoken is great!")
# [83, 1609, 5963, 374, 2294, 0]
# 计算 encode 返回列表的长度
def num_tokens_from_string(string: str, encoding_name: str) -> int:"""Returns the number of tokens in a text string."""encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name)num_tokens = len(encoding.encode(string))return num_tokens
num_tokens_from_string("tiktoken is great!", "cl100k_base")  # 6

# 将 tokens 转化为 文本
encoding.decode([83, 1609, 5963, 374, 2294, 0])
# 'tiktoken is great!'

警告:尽管 .decode() 可以应用于单个令牌,但要注意,对于不在utf-8边界上的令牌,它可能会有损耗。
对于单个 tokens,.decode_single_token_bytes() 方法安全地将单个整数令牌转换为它所代表的字节。

[encoding.decode_single_token_bytes(token) for token in [83, 1609, 5963, 374, 2294, 0]]
# [b't', b'ik', b'token', b' is', b' great', b'!']

(字符串前面的 b 表示字符串是字节字符串。)

比较 encodings


def compare_encodings(example_string: str) -> None:"""Prints a comparison of three string encodings."""# print the example stringprint(f'\nExample string: "{example_string}"')# for each encoding, print the # of tokens, the token integers, and the token bytesfor encoding_name in ["gpt2", "p50k_base", "cl100k_base"]:encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name)token_integers = encoding.encode(example_string)num_tokens = len(token_integers)token_bytes = [encoding.decode_single_token_bytes(token) for token in token_integers]print()print(f"{encoding_name}: {num_tokens} tokens")print(f"token integers: {token_integers}")print(f"token bytes: {token_bytes}")

Example string: "antidisestablishmentarianism"gpt2: 5 tokens
token integers: [415, 29207, 44390, 3699, 1042]
token bytes: [b'ant', b'idis', b'establishment', b'arian', b'ism']p50k_base: 5 tokens
token integers: [415, 29207, 44390, 3699, 1042]
token bytes: [b'ant', b'idis', b'establishment', b'arian', b'ism']cl100k_base: 6 tokens
token integers: [519, 85342, 34500, 479, 8997, 2191]
token bytes: [b'ant', b'idis', b'establish', b'ment', b'arian', b'ism']

compare_encodings("2 + 2 = 4")
Example string: "2 + 2 = 4"gpt2: 5 tokens
token integers: [17, 1343, 362, 796, 604]
token bytes: [b'2', b' +', b' 2', b' =', b' 4']p50k_base: 5 tokens
token integers: [17, 1343, 362, 796, 604]
token bytes: [b'2', b' +', b' 2', b' =', b' 4']cl100k_base: 7 tokens
token integers: [17, 489, 220, 17, 284, 220, 19]
token bytes: [b'2', b' +', b' ', b'2', b' =', b' ', b'4']

Example string: "お誕生日おめでとう"gpt2: 14 tokens
token integers: [2515, 232, 45739, 243, 37955, 33768, 98, 2515, 232, 1792, 223, 30640, 30201, 29557]
token bytes: [b'\xe3\x81', b'\x8a', b'\xe8\xaa', b'\x95', b'\xe7\x94\x9f', b'\xe6\x97', b'\xa5', b'\xe3\x81', b'\x8a', b'\xe3\x82', b'\x81', b'\xe3\x81\xa7', b'\xe3\x81\xa8', b'\xe3\x81\x86']p50k_base: 14 tokens
token integers: [2515, 232, 45739, 243, 37955, 33768, 98, 2515, 232, 1792, 223, 30640, 30201, 29557]
token bytes: [b'\xe3\x81', b'\x8a', b'\xe8\xaa', b'\x95', b'\xe7\x94\x9f', b'\xe6\x97', b'\xa5', b'\xe3\x81', b'\x8a', b'\xe3\x82', b'\x81', b'\xe3\x81\xa7', b'\xe3\x81\xa8', b'\xe3\x81\x86']cl100k_base: 9 tokens
token integers: [33334, 45918, 243, 21990, 9080, 33334, 62004, 16556, 78699]
token bytes: [b'\xe3\x81\x8a', b'\xe8\xaa', b'\x95', b'\xe7\x94\x9f', b'\xe6\x97\xa5', b'\xe3\x81\x8a', b'\xe3\x82\x81', b'\xe3\x81\xa7', b'\xe3\x81\xa8\xe3\x81\x86']

计算chat API调用的tokens

ChatGPT models like gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4 use tokens in the same way as older completions models, but because of their message-based formatting, it’s more difficult to count how many tokens will be used by a conversation.

Below is an example function for counting tokens for messages passed to gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 or gpt-4-0314.

Note that the exact way that tokens are counted from messages may change from model to model. Consider the counts from the function below an estimate, not a timeless guarantee.

gpt-3.5-turbogpt-4 这样的ChatGPT模型使用tokens 的方式与旧的完成模型相同,但由于它们基于消息的格式,很难计算会话将使用多少tokens。
下面是一个示例函数,用于对传递到 gpt-3.5-turbo-0301gpt-4-0314 的消息的tokens进行计数。

def num_tokens_from_messages(messages, model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0301"):"""Returns the number of tokens used by a list of messages."""try:encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(model)except KeyError:print("Warning: model not found. Using cl100k_base encoding.")encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base")if model == "gpt-3.5-turbo":print("Warning: gpt-3.5-turbo may change over time. Returning num tokens assuming gpt-3.5-turbo-0301.")return num_tokens_from_messages(messages, model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0301")elif model == "gpt-4":print("Warning: gpt-4 may change over time. Returning num tokens assuming gpt-4-0314.")return num_tokens_from_messages(messages, model="gpt-4-0314")elif model == "gpt-3.5-turbo-0301":tokens_per_message = 4  # every message follows <|start|>{role/name}\n{content}<|end|>\ntokens_per_name = -1  # if there's a name, the role is omittedelif model == "gpt-4-0314":tokens_per_message = 3tokens_per_name = 1else:raise NotImplementedError(f"""num_tokens_from_messages() is not implemented for model {model}. See for information on how messages are converted to tokens.""")num_tokens = 0for message in messages:num_tokens += tokens_per_messagefor key, value in message.items():num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(value))if key == "name":num_tokens += tokens_per_namenum_tokens += 3  # every reply is primed with <|start|>assistant<|message|>return num_tokens

# let's verify the function above matches the OpenAI API responseimport openaiexample_messages = [{"role": "system","content": "You are a helpful, pattern-following assistant that translates corporate jargon into plain English.",},{"role": "system","name": "example_user","content": "New synergies will help drive top-line growth.",},{"role": "system","name": "example_assistant","content": "Things working well together will increase revenue.",},{"role": "system","name": "example_user","content": "Let's circle back when we have more bandwidth to touch base on opportunities for increased leverage.",},{"role": "system","name": "example_assistant","content": "Let's talk later when we're less busy about how to do better.",},{"role": "user","content": "This late pivot means we don't have time to boil the ocean for the client deliverable.",},
]for model in ["gpt-3.5-turbo-0301", "gpt-4-0314"]:print(model)# example token count from the function defined aboveprint(f"{num_tokens_from_messages(example_messages, model)} prompt tokens counted by num_tokens_from_messages().")# example token count from the OpenAI APIresponse = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model=model,messages=example_messages,temperature=0,max_tokens=1  # we're only counting input tokens here, so let's not waste tokens on the output)print(f'{response["usage"]["prompt_tokens"]} prompt tokens counted by the OpenAI API.')print()

127 prompt tokens counted by num_tokens_from_messages().
127 prompt tokens counted by the OpenAI API.gpt-4-0314
129 prompt tokens counted by num_tokens_from_messages().
129 prompt tokens counted by the OpenAI API.

拓展 tiktoken

您可能希望扩展 tiktoken 以支持新的编码。有两种方法可以做到这一点。


cl100k_base = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base")# In production, load the arguments directly instead of accessing private attributes
# See for examples of arguments for specific encodings
enc = tiktoken.Encoding(# If you're changing the set of special tokens, make sure to use a different name# It should be clear from the name what behaviour to"cl100k_im",pat_str=cl100k_base._pat_str,mergeable_ranks=cl100k_base._mergeable_ranks,special_tokens={**cl100k_base._special_tokens,"<|im_start|>": 100264,"<|im_end|>": 100265,}

使用 tiktoken_ext 插件机制 向tiktoken注册Encoding对象。
只有当您需要 tiktoken.get_encoding 来查找您的编码时,这才有用,否则更适合上面方式1。
要做到这一点,您需要在 tiktoken_ext 下创建一个命名空间包。
这样布局你的项目,确保省略 tiktoken_ext/__init__.py文件:

├── tiktoken_ext
│   └──
└── 应该是一个包含名为 ENCODING_CONSTRUCTORS 的变量的模块。
这是一个从编码名称到函数的字典,该函数不接受参数,并返回可以传递给 tiktoken.encoding 的参数来构造该编码。
例如,请参阅 tiktoken_ext/。有关详细信息,请参阅 tiktoken/
你的 应该是这样的:

from setuptools import setup, find_namespace_packagessetup(name="my_tiktoken_extension",packages=find_namespace_packages(include=['tiktoken_ext*']),install_requires=["tiktoken"],...

然后简单地执行 pip install ./my_tiktoken_extension,您应该能够使用自定义编码!请确保不要使用可编辑安装。






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