【Android】kotlin jdk版本冲突与Kotlin依赖管理插件

1、androidx.activity:activity:1.8.0 依赖版本错误问题

*依赖项“androidx.activity:activity:1.8.0”要求依赖它的库和应用针对版本 34 或更高版本 Android API 进行编译。:app 目前是针对 android-33 编译的。此外,Android Gradle 插件 7.3.0 的最大推荐编译 SDK 版本为 33。*

19 issues were found when checking AAR metadata:
​1.  Dependency 'androidx.activity:activity-ktx:1.8.0' requires libraries and applications thatdepend on it to compile against version 34 or later of theAndroid APIs.
​:app is currently compiled against android-32.
​Also, the maximum recommended compile SDK version for Android Gradleplugin 7.4.2 is 33.
​Recommended action: Update this project's version of the Android Gradleplugin to one that supports 34, then update this project to usecompileSdkVerion of at least 34.
​Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (whichallows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updatingtargetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) andminSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installedon).
​2.  Dependency 'androidx.activity:activity:1.8.0' requires libraries and applications thatdepend on it to compile against version 34 or later of theAndroid APIs.
​:app is currently compiled against android-32.
​Also, the maximum recommended compile SDK version for Android Gradleplugin 7.4.2 is 33.
​Recommended action: Update this project's version of the Android Gradleplugin to one that supports 34, then update this project to usecompileSdkVerion of at least 34.
​Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (whichallows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updatingtargetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) andminSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installedon).
​3.  Dependency 'androidx.savedstate:savedstate-ktx:1.2.1' requires libraries and applications thatdepend on it to compile against version 33 or later of theAndroid APIs.
​:app is currently compiled against android-32.
​Recommended action: Update this project to use a newer compileSdkVersionof at least 33, for example 33.
​Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (whichallows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updatingtargetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) andminSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installedon).
​4.  Dependency 'androidx.savedstate:savedstate:1.2.1' requires libraries and applications thatdepend on it to compile against version 33 or later of theAndroid APIs.
​:app is currently compiled against android-32.
​Recommended action: Update this project to use a newer compileSdkVersionof at least 33, for example 33.
​Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (whichallows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updatingtargetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) andminSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installedon).
​5.  Dependency 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.6.1' requires libraries and applications thatdepend on it to compile against version 33 or later of theAndroid APIs.
​:app is currently compiled against android-32.
​Recommended action: Update this project to use a newer compileSdkVersionof at least 33, for example 33.
​Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (whichallows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updatingtargetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) andminSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installedon).
​6.  Dependency 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx:2.6.1' requires libraries and applications thatdepend on it to compile against version 33 or later of theAndroid APIs.
​:app is currently compiled against android-32.
​Recommended action: Update this project to use a newer compileSdkVersionof at least 33, for example 33.
​Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (whichallows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updatingtargetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) andminSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installedon).
​19.  Dependency 'androidx.annotation:annotation-experimental:1.3.0' requires libraries and applications thatdepend on it to compile against version 33 or later of theAndroid APIs.
​:app is currently compiled against android-32.
​Recommended action: Update this project to use a newer compileSdkVersionof at least 33, for example 33.
​Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (whichallows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updatingtargetSdkVersion (which opts the app in to new runtime behavior) andminSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installedon).


compileSdktargetSdk 设置为34或者更高版本




2、 Kotlin 相关依赖库的版本冲突问题

【Android】报错内容 Duplicate class kotlin.random.jdk8.PlatformThreadLocalRandom found in modules jetified-kotlin-stdlib-1.8.22 (org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.8.22) and jetified-kotlin-stdlib-jdk8-1.6.21 (org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.6.21)

解决方式:添加Kotlin依赖管理插件 platform("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-bom:1.8.0")


项目中引入 Kotlin 的依赖管理插件。其中 platform("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-bom:1.8.0") 的作用是引入 Kotlin 的 Bill of Materials(BOM),简化了 Kotlin 相关库的版本管理。通过引入 BOM,可以统一管理 Kotlin 相关库的版本,避免版本冲突和简化依赖配置。这样在引入其他 Kotlin 相关库时,可以不指定版本号,直接使用BOM中指定的版本。






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