




(三)缴纳费用。德国专利商标局收到申请书件后,登记申请日期,编定申请号,向申请人发出受理通知书及《收费通知单》。申请人应在3个月內按数额缴纳,否则视为自动撤回申请。交费方式分三种:在德专利商标局慕尼黑总部、耶拿办事处及柏林技术信息中心缴纳现金;向维登联邦收费处(Bundeskasse Weiden)转帐匯款;授权德专利商标局从有效帐户上扣款。黑白商标与彩色商标收费相同。不收取商标年度管理费。







( 1 ) Trademark inquiry. The applicant should investigate whether the same or similar trademarks have been registered. Free enquiries are available at the trademark registration lobby of the German Patent and Trademark Office headquarters in Munich, the Jena Office and the Berlin Technical Information Centre, as well as at the website of the Office. Also can be located in 24 large and medium-sized cities in the country ' s patent information center query, around the results, the fee of 500 euros ( VAT payment ).

( 2 ) Submitting registration application. The registration form can be downloaded from the website of German Patent and Trademark Office. Except for collective trademarks ( association marks ), the standard application form numbered W7005 is used. In accordance with the form-filling guide, complete the following contents : mailing address, names and addresses of applicants and agents, explanatory text and pictures of the trademark, type of belonging ( six categories of text, pattern, sound, three-dimensional, line and other trademarks ) and the catalogue of goods and services using the trademark in the order of the International Classification of Goods and Services for Trademark Registration. No sample shall be attached upon application.


Trademarks registered in China enjoy ' foreign priority ' in Germany and may apply for registration time in China ( the country of origin ) as registration time in Germany. When filling out the form, the registration time and registration number in China should be specified in the corresponding column, and the copies of domestic registration certificates should be filled in at least 2 months after the application for German trademarks. If our company within six months before the German Federal Ministry of Justice announced the exhibition, exhibit the use of the trademark of goods or services, enjoy ' exhibit priority ', you can apply for the first day of the exhibition as registration time in Germany. The exhibition list is published in the ' Patents, Samples and Marks ' magazine regularly published by the Federal Ministry of Justice.

Forms not filled out in German should be submitted within one month for the translation of German oaths or translations certified by German lawyers.


( 3 ) Pay fees. Upon receipt of the application, the German Patent and Trademark Office shall register the application date, set the application number, issue the acceptance notice and the ' fee notice ' to the applicant. The applicant shall pay in accordance with the amount within 3 months, otherwise it shall be deemed to withdraw the application automatically. There are three modes of payment : payment of cash at the German Patent and Trademark Office headquarters in Munich, the Jena office and the Berlin Technical Information Centre ; transfer of remittances to Bundeskasse Weiden ; authorizes the German Patent and Trademark Office to deduct money from the valid account. Black and white trademarks have the same fees as color trademarks. No annual trademark management fee is charged.


( 4 ) The competent department review. After confirming the receipt of full remittances, the German Patent and Trademark Office determines the category of goods or services that use the trademark, and inputs the application information into the DPinfo electronic query system of the German Patent and Trademark Office, so that the applicant can understand the registration progress at any time. While checking whether the application form meets the filling requirements, it mainly examines whether it is protective from the following aspects :

1 、 Whether has the trademark characteristics, can represent some kind of goods or services, and different from other goods or services ;

2. Whether words, patterns or lines are available for description ;

3. Whether there are absolute barriers to protection, such as the world ' s sovereignty logos ( flags, national emblems, etc. ), international organizations and public institutions logos, as well as descriptive terms representing the form and characteristics of commodity services.

Where the form is not standardized, the applicant is notified of the time limit correction. If there is a preliminary ruling that there is an absolute protection barrier, the applicant shall issue a notice of rejection to the applicant, and the applicant may respond within a certain period of time. If the obstacle is still found, the decision shall be rejected by a senior official ( or equivalent technical staff ) of the German Patent and Trademark Office. The applicant can submit an application for review to the senior officials of the Bureau within one month. If it is rejected again, it can apply for a ruling to the Federal Court of Patent of Germany within one month, and then continue to apply for a final ruling to the Federal Court ( Bundesgerichtshof ).


( 5 ) Registration and announcement. After the review, the new trademarks are registered in the trademark registration book of the German Patent and Trademark Office and published in the trademark announcement of the website electronic version of the German Patent and Trademark Office. The applicant received a ' trademark registration certificate '. Registered trademarks in Germany take an average of 10 to 12 months. After the applicant has paid the extra urgent fee of EUR 200, it can apply for rapid approval within six months. Online trademark registration is not currently possible.








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