2.EQ TS1/TS2
3.Modified TS1/TS2
Modified TS1/TS2 是什么?Modify了什么?为什么要Modify?非 PCIe 协议运行在 PCIe PHY 上或发送 TS Message 时,在 LTSSM 部分子状态采用 Modified TS1/TS2。允许发送 Modified TS1/TS2 的 LTSSM 子状态有 Cfg.Lanenum.Wait、Cfg.Lanenum.Accept、Cfg.Complete。在此之前的,必须在 Polling.Active、Polling.Cfg、Cfg.Linkwidth.Start、Cfg.Linkwidth.Accept 状态将 Standard TS1/TS2 Symbol 5 的 bit[7:6] 置为 2’b11,以此在收发端协商是否支持 Modified TS。只有在收发端均支持 Modefied TS 时,才能发送 Modified TS,否则仍然发送 Standard TS。跟 Standard TS1 / TS2 比,Modified TS 更改了 Symbol 6~15,这些 Symbol 主要是均衡相关字段,采用 Modified TS 是为了在协商完毕链路宽度后,同时协商Lane number及alternate protocolol,并bypass EQ (勘误:没有这个说法,bypass eq 指示位只是换了位置了,该 eq 还得 eq)。(参考网络)
Standard TS1
针对selectable de-emphasis:
针对Speed_change ,在Recovery.RcvrCfg也会使用此域:
针对Equalization Bypass to Highest NRZ Rate support,在2.5GT/s or 5.0GT/s -> 32GT/s的转化过程中使用:
针对No equalization needed,在-> 64GT/s的过程中使用:No equalization needed + Equalization Bypass to Highest NRZ -> Equalization Bypass to Highest NRZ.
另外No Equalization Needed or Equalization Bypass to Highest NRZ Rate在configuration.idle中的使用,没列全具体参考pcie协议。
针对Receiver Preset Hint,是用于rx,进8.0GT/s 、down端使用,不是强制使用,用于rx的dc增益。Rx均衡的一种,ctle(Continuous Time Linear Equalizer)
针对Transmitter Preset,参考下表,在64GT/s和其他速率下对应的table不一样。
针对use preset,表示是否使用preset值。
针对Equalization Redo:
注意,bit7不仅仅表示qualization还表示Use Preset,协议上其实阐述了在qualization中的phase2/phse3中该bit实际上是起use preset的作用,但是协议又规定该bit在lock,eq,loopback下有意义,
针对Reset EIEOS Interval Count(65536个以后是必须发还是根据32的倍数来的??)
phase2和phase3的描述里说可能会一次性发65536个TS1,这是因为phy的评估算法可能需要依赖较长时间的PRBS pattern,master可以通过TS1里把reset EIEOS interval count置1来实现。
(2)Direct_speed_change:If greater than 2.5 GT/s data rate support has been noted, the Downstream Port must set the directed_speed_change variable to 1b if the Retrain Link bit of the Link Control Register is set to 1b and the Target Link Speed field in the Link Control 2 Register is not equal to the current Link speed. (l1也会存在)
(4)use_modified_TS1_TS2_Ordered_Set:使用Modified TS1/TS2
(9)idle_to_rlock_transitioned:该变量记录了因为配置过程没有起作用,从而导致状态机从 Configuration.Idle 状态跳转到 Recovery 状态的次数。这可能是因为均衡设置不合适,或者当前选择的速率无法正常工作导致的,Recovery 状态内会采取措施尝试解决这些问题。该变量限制了从本状态跳转至 Recovery 状态的尝试次数,从而避免了永久的无限循环。如果链路在 256 次尝试后(变量计数至 FFh)仍然没法正常工作,那么跳转回 Detect 状态重新开始,并希望这次能有更好的结果。
a:detect.quit:The select_deemphasis variable must be set to either 0b or 1b based on platform specific needs for an Upstream Port and identical to the Selectable Preset/De-emphasis bit in the Link Control 2 Register for a Downstream Port.
b:recovery.speed:If the negotiated data rate is 5.0 GT/s, and if operating in full swing mode, -6 dB de-emphasis level must be selected for operation if the select_deemphasis variable is 0b and -3.5 dB de-emphasis level must be selected for operation if the select_deemphasis variable is 1b.
c:recovery.cfg:On entry to this substate, a Downstream Port must set the select_deemphasis variable equal to the Selectable De-emphasis field in the Link Control 2 Register or adopt some implementation specific mechanism to set the select_deemphasis variable, including using the value requested by the Upstream Port in the eight consecutive TS1 Ordered Sets it received. A Downstream Port advertising 5.0 GT/s data rate support must set the Selectable De-emphasis bit (Symbol 4 bit 6) of the TS2 Ordered Sets it transmits identical to the select_deemphasis variable.
Upstream Ports must register the Selectable De-emphasis bit (bit 6 of Symbol 4) advertised in these eight consecutive TS2 Ordered Sets in the select_deemphasis variable.