Aurora Trail
A new epic game where the perspective of the camera changes everything. Do not let your body parts get in the same view as a wall with the same color, or you’ll lose it! Puzzle your way through challenging and appealing surroundings and try to stay in one piece!
Wasteland Survival
末日灾难来袭,活下去!Wasteland Survival 《明日传奇》- 这是地球幸存者的最后一个避难所!学会生存是最重要的事情。 采集果实,收集水,伐木建造家园;制作和升级武器以杀死大波丧尸,和狗狗一起狩猎和探险未知领地。 收集资源和加入PVP掠夺......
神位纷争HD ~ Ragnania HD
《神位纷争》是由北京微笑科技有限公司研发,一款采用「团队动作对战」模式的在线游戏。 玩家能够在开阔的3D立体的封闭场地中,通过冲刺、跳跃、飞行的操作组合自由行动,并躲避子弹、接近敌人,使用硬派的格斗近战连段或是丰富的远程术式击倒对手,在180秒的超短时限内凭借比分赢下对局。
Mighty Party
わがままアリスと百日戦争 -Brutal Alice and the Hundred Day's War-
地域制压型战略模拟游戏。这是一款争夺地图上104个据点的战略游戏。 本作没有课金要素可以免费游玩。
Gems of War - Puzzle RPG
全新推出的《宝石战争》游戏由 Puzzle Quest 的创作者精心呈献,集解谜/角色扮演/策略三种游戏于一身!在《宝石战争》中,您不仅用刀剑和魔法,还使用字谜板与敌人对决!匹配宝石可以为符咒提供力量,匹配骷髅头则可以击杀敌人!然后,您可以缴获战利品并打造强大的帝国。该游戏容易上瘾,易于学习,而且充满了疯狂的连击组合、富有深度。
Shakes and Fidget Remastered
Shakes and Fidget is a fun fantasy RPG satire and an award-winning role-playing game at the same time! Sounds crazy? Over 50 million players make it one of the most popular online games in the world!Customize your own comic book hero and conquer the top slot of the Hall of Fame!
Pillars of Eternity
您将陶醉于这样一个世界:您所做的选择和您选择的道路将造就您的命运。《辐射:新维加斯》(Fallout: New Vegas™) 和《南方公园:真相之棍》(South Park: The Stick of Truth™) 的开发者 Obsidian Entertainment 和 Paradox Interactive 携手荣耀呈献《永恒之柱》。
胸怀三国 OL / 삼국지를 품다 / Embrace the Three Kingdoms OL
Worlds of Magic
Worlds of Magic is a 4X turn-based strategy game. Players can explore and conquer an almost limitless number of procedurally generated universes, using military and magical power to overcome their foes. Found cities, raise armies, research and cast spells, hire powerful heroes, and create powerful magical artifacts.
Abbot's Book Demo
A trailer for the 8-episode narrative VR The Abbot's Book.
Shop Heroes
Aurora Trail
A new epic game where the perspective of the camera changes everything. Do not let your body parts get in the same view as a wall with the same color, or you’ll lose it! Puzzle your way through challenging and appealing surroundings and try to stay in one piece!
Wasteland Survival
末日灾难来袭,活下去!Wasteland Survival 《明日传奇》- 这是地球幸存者的最后一个避难所!学会生存是最重要的事情。 采集果实,收集水,伐木建造家园;制作和升级武器以杀死大波丧尸,和狗狗一起狩猎和探险未知领地。 收集资源和加入PVP掠夺......
神位纷争HD ~ Ragnania HD
《神位纷争》是由北京微笑科技有限公司研发,一款采用「团队动作对战」模式的在线游戏。 玩家能够在开阔的3D立体的封闭场地中,通过冲刺、跳跃、飞行的操作组合自由行动,并躲避子弹、接近敌人,使用硬派的格斗近战连段或是丰富的远程术式击倒对手,在180秒的超短时限内凭借比分赢下对局。
Mighty Party
わがままアリスと百日戦争 -Brutal Alice and the Hundred Day's War-
地域制压型战略模拟游戏。这是一款争夺地图上104个据点的战略游戏。 本作没有课金要素可以免费游玩。
Gems of War - Puzzle RPG
全新推出的《宝石战争》游戏由 Puzzle Quest 的创作者精心呈献,集解谜/角色扮演/策略三种游戏于一身!在《宝石战争》中,您不仅用刀剑和魔法,还使用字谜板与敌人对决!匹配宝石可以为符咒提供力量,匹配骷髅头则可以击杀敌人!然后,您可以缴获战利品并打造强大的帝国。该游戏容易上瘾,易于学习,而且充满了疯狂的连击组合、富有深度。
Shakes and Fidget Remastered
Shakes and Fidget is a fun fantasy RPG satire and an award-winning role-playing game at the same time! Sounds crazy? Over 50 million players make it one of the most popular online games in the world!Customize your own comic book hero and conquer the top slot of the Hall of Fame!
Pillars of Eternity
您将陶醉于这样一个世界:您所做的选择和您选择的道路将造就您的命运。《辐射:新维加斯》(Fallout: New Vegas™) 和《南方公园:真相之棍》(South Park: The Stick of Truth™) 的开发者 Obsidian Entertainment 和 Paradox Interactive 携手荣耀呈献《永恒之柱》。
胸怀三国 OL / 삼국지를 품다 / Embrace the Three Kingdoms OL
Worlds of Magic
Worlds of Magic is a 4X turn-based strategy game. Players can explore and conquer an almost limitless number of procedurally generated universes, using military and magical power to overcome their foes. Found cities, raise armies, research and cast spells, hire powerful heroes, and create powerful magical artifacts.
Abbot's Book Demo
A trailer for the 8-episode narrative VR The Abbot's Book.
Shop Heroes