


Teachers Cannot Be Replaced

Human brains may be the most exquisite mechanism on earth, which vary from one to another. And this distinct characteristic determines the existence of teacher as an indispensable profession in the course of education, although Internet and multimedia have significantly simplified and facilitated teaching. I myself share the same idea with those who prefer the traditional method of classroom teaching.

In the first place, teachers can adopt different strategies in accordance with students’ specific developmental traits. Everyone is unique in terms of his endowed gifts, interests and personality. Thus a flexible and individualized way of imparting knowledge is called for in the process of education, which is beyond the intelligence of computers and other modern technology. Take a question in mathematics for example, some students may understand it after teacher's demonstration for the first time; but for those who have no knowledge base or appear relatively slow in mathematic intelligence, the teacher will probably make another way around to drive it home to them. And technically speaking, it is very hard to achieve the same result for a pre-designed educational software! As we all know, it requires extremely sophisticated technology to design a robot able to imitate human beings’ simple behaviors, let alone personalized instruction from teachers.

And furthermore, teachers not only confer knowledge on students, but also make significant contributions to shaping children’s personalities. In the meanwhile of academic study, students are taught how to tell the right from the wrong, how to share and cooperate with others, how to cope with difficulties and unpleasant experiences. Quite some celebrities often recall moral education in their early childhood and attribute their success to their teachers. Sometimes a seemingly trivial event or the teacher's comment may take a far-reaching effect in the rest of the child’s life. How can some artificial intelligence compete against human beings’ wisdom in this respect? Like seedlings, all the appreciated virtues such as integrity, bravery and teamwork need to be fostered by the“gardeners”purposefully. Just as the ancient Chinese saying goes, it takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to educate a person.

Thus both academically and morally, teachers play a vital role in education and could never be possibly replaced by modern technologies. Like a torch, teachers light up the way of human’s development and help students to know the world as well as themselves better. Were there no teachers, our life would be completely different from what it is now.









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