
Speech to text 语音智能转文本

  • Introduction 导言
  • Quickstart 快速开始
    • Transcriptions 转录
      • python代码
      • cURL代码
    • Translations 翻译
      • python代码
      • cURL代码
  • Supported languages 支持的语言
  • Longer inputs 长文件输入
  • Prompting 提示
  • 其它资料下载


Speech to text 语音转文本
Learn how to turn audio into text

ChatGPT 是集人工智能和自然语言处理技术于一身的大型语言模型。它能够通过文字、语音或者图像等多种方式与用户进行交互。其中,通过语音转文字功能,ChatGPT 能够将用户说出的话语,立即转化为文字,并对其进行分析处理,再以文字形式作答。这样的交互方式大大提升了 ChatGPT 与用户之间的交流效率。

Introduction 导言

The speech to text API provides two endpoints, transcriptions and translations, based on our state-of-the-art open source large-v2 Whisper model. They can be used to:
语音到文本API提供了两个端点, transcriptionstranslations ,基于我们最先进的开源大型v2 Whisper模型。它们可用于:

  • Transcribe audio into whatever language the audio is in.
  • Translate and transcribe the audio into english.

File uploads are currently limited to 25 MB and the following input file types are supported: mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpga, m4a, wav, and webm.
文件上传当前限制为25 MB,支持以下输入文件类型: mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpga, m4a, wav, and webm

Quickstart 快速开始

Transcriptions 转录

The transcriptions API takes as input the audio file you want to transcribe and the desired output file format for the transcription of the audio. We currently support multiple input and output file formats.


# Note: you need to be using OpenAI Python v0.27.0 for the code below to work
import openai
audio_file= open("/path/to/file/audio.mp3", "rb")
transcript = openai.Audio.transcribe("whisper-1", audio_file)


curl --request POST \--url \--header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \--form file=@/path/to/file/openai.mp3 \--form model=whisper-1

By default, the response type will be json with the raw text included.

“text”: "Imagine the wildest idea that you’ve ever had, and you’re curious about how it might scale to something that’s a 100, a 1,000 times bigger.

{ “text”:“想象一下你有过的最疯狂的想法,你很好奇它如何扩展到100倍,1,000倍大的东西。… }

To set additional parameters in a request, you can add more --form lines with the relevant options. For example, if you want to set the output format as text, you would add the following line:
要在请求中设置其他参数,您可以添加更多带有相关选项的 --form 行。例如,如果要将输出格式设置为文本,则应添加以下行:

--form file=@openai.mp3 \
--form model=whisper-1 \
--form response_format=text

Translations 翻译

The translations API takes as input the audio file in any of the supported languages and transcribes, if necessary, the audio into english. This differs from our /Transcriptions endpoint since the output is not in the original input language and is instead translated to english text.


# Note: you need to be using OpenAI Python v0.27.0 for the code below to work
import openai
audio_file= open("/path/to/file/german.mp3", "rb")
transcript = openai.Audio.translate("whisper-1", audio_file)


curl --request POST   --url   --header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN'   --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'   --form file=@/path/to/file/german.mp3   --form model=whisper-1

In this case, the inputted audio was german and the outputted text looks like:

Hello, my name is Wolfgang and I come from Germany. Where are you heading today?

We only support translation into english at this time.

Supported languages 支持的语言

We currently support the following languages through both the transcriptions and translations endpoint:
我们目前通过 transcriptionstranslations 端点支持以下语言:

Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Marathi, Maori, Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, and Welsh.

While the underlying model was trained on 98 languages, we only list the languages that exceeded <50% word error rate (WER) which is an industry standard benchmark for speech to text model accuracy. The model will return results for languages not listed above but the quality will be low.

Longer inputs 长文件输入

By default, the Whisper API only supports files that are less than 25 MB. If you have an audio file that is longer than that, you will need to break it up into chunks of 25 MB’s or less or used a compressed audio format. To get the best performance, we suggest that you avoid breaking the audio up mid-sentence as this may cause some context to be lost.
默认情况下,Whisper API仅支持小于25 MB的文件。如果你有一个音频文件比这更长,你需要把它分成25 MB或更少的块,或者使用压缩的音频格式。为了获得最佳性能,我们建议您避免在句子中间打断音频,因为这可能会导致一些上下文丢失。

One way to handle this is to use the PyDub open source Python package to split the audio:

from pydub import AudioSegmentsong = AudioSegment.from_mp3("good_morning.mp3")# PyDub handles time in milliseconds
ten_minutes = 10 * 60 * 1000first_10_minutes = song[:ten_minutes]first_10_minutes.export("good_morning_10.mp3", format="mp3")

OpenAI makes no guarantees about the usability or security of 3rd party software like PyDub.

Prompting 提示

You can use a prompt to improve the quality of the transcripts generated by the Whisper API. The model will try to match the style of the prompt, so it will be more likely to use capitalization and punctuation if the prompt does too. However, the current prompting system is much more limited than our other language models and only provides limited control over the generated audio. Here are some examples of how prompting can help in different scenarios:
您可以使用提示来提高Whisper API生成的转录本的质量。该模型将尝试匹配提示符的样式,因此如果提示符也使用大写和标点符号,则更有可能使用大写和标点符号。然而,当前的提示系统比我们的其他语言模型要有限得多,并且仅对生成的音频提供有限的控制。以下是提示如何在不同情况下提供帮助的一些示例:

  1. Prompts can be very helpful for correcting specific words or acronyms that the model often misrecognizes in the audio. For example, the following prompt improves the transcription of the words DALL·E and GPT-3, which were previously written as “GDP 3” and “DALI”.
    提示对于纠正模型经常在音频中误识别的特定单词或首字母缩写词非常有帮助。例如,下面的提示改进了单词DALL·E和GPT-3的转录,这些单词以前被写成“GDP 3”和“DALI”。

The transcript is about OpenAI which makes technology like DALL·E, GPT-3, and ChatGPT with the hope of one day building an AGI system that benefits all of humanity

  1. To preserve the context of a file that was split into segments, you can prompt the model with the transcript of the preceding segment. This will make the transcript more accurate, as the model will use the relevant information from the previous audio. The model will only consider the final 224 tokens of the prompt and ignore anything earlier.

  2. Sometimes the model might skip punctuation in the transcript. You can avoid this by using a simple prompt that includes punctuation:

Hello, welcome to my lecture. 大家好,欢迎来听我的讲座。

  1. The model may also leave out common filler words in the audio. If you want to keep the filler words in your transcript, you can use a prompt that contains them:

Umm, let me think like, hmm… Okay, here’s what I’m, like, thinking."

  1. Some languages can be written in different ways, such as simplified or traditional Chinese. The model might not always use the writing style that you want for your transcript by default. You can improve this by using a prompt in your preferred writing style.


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