Autogen_core: Reflection


    • 代码
    • 代码逻辑解释:
        • 数据类定义:
        • CoderAgent 类:
        • ReviewerAgent 类:
        • 主程序:
      • 完成的功能:


from dataclasses import dataclass@dataclass
class CodeWritingTask:task: str@dataclass
class CodeWritingResult:task: strcode: strreview: str@dataclass
class CodeReviewTask:session_id: strcode_writing_task: strcode_writing_scratchpad: strcode: str@dataclass
class CodeReviewResult:review: strsession_id: strapproved: bool
import json
import re
import uuid
from typing import Dict, List, Unionfrom autogen_core import MessageContext, RoutedAgent, TopicId, default_subscription, message_handler
from autogen_core.models import (AssistantMessage,ChatCompletionClient,LLMMessage,SystemMessage,UserMessage,
class CoderAgent(RoutedAgent):"""An agent that performs code writing tasks."""def __init__(self, model_client: ChatCompletionClient) -> None:super().__init__("A code writing agent.")self._system_messages: List[LLMMessage] = [# 实际运行时去掉代码块中的\SystemMessage(content="""You are a proficient coder. You write code to solve problems.
Work with the reviewer to improve your code.
Always put all finished code in a single Markdown code block.
For example:
def hello_world():print("Hello, World!")
\```Respond using the following format:Thoughts: <Your comments>
Code: <Your code>
""",)]self._model_client = model_clientself._session_memory: Dict[str, List[CodeWritingTask | CodeReviewTask | CodeReviewResult]] = {}@message_handlerasync def handle_code_writing_task(self, message: CodeWritingTask, ctx: MessageContext) -> None:# Store the messages in a temporary memory for this request only.session_id = str(uuid.uuid4())self._session_memory.setdefault(session_id, []).append(message)# Generate a response using the chat completion API.response = await self._model_client.create(self._system_messages + [UserMessage(content=message.task, source=self.metadata["type"])],cancellation_token=ctx.cancellation_token,)assert isinstance(response.content, str)# Extract the code block from the response.code_block = self._extract_code_block(response.content)if code_block is None:raise ValueError("Code block not found.")# Create a code review task.code_review_task = CodeReviewTask(session_id=session_id,code_writing_task=message.task,code_writing_scratchpad=response.content,code=code_block,)# Store the code review task in the session memory.self._session_memory[session_id].append(code_review_task)# Publish a code review task.await self.publish_message(code_review_task, topic_id=TopicId("default", def handle_code_review_result(self, message: CodeReviewResult, ctx: MessageContext) -> None:# Store the review result in the session memory.self._session_memory[message.session_id].append(message)# Obtain the request from previous messages.review_request = next(m for m in reversed(self._session_memory[message.session_id]) if isinstance(m, CodeReviewTask))assert review_request is not None# Check if the code is approved.if message.approved:# Publish the code writing result.await self.publish_message(CodeWritingResult(code=review_request.code,task=review_request.code_writing_task,,),topic_id=TopicId("default",,)print("Code Writing Result:")print("-" * 80)print(f"Task:\n{review_request.code_writing_task}")print("-" * 80)print(f"Code:\n{review_request.code}")print("-" * 80)print(f"Review:\n{}")print("-" * 80)else:# Create a list of LLM messages to send to the model.messages: List[LLMMessage] = [*self._system_messages]for m in self._session_memory[message.session_id]:if isinstance(m, CodeReviewResult):messages.append(UserMessage(, source="Reviewer"))elif isinstance(m, CodeReviewTask):messages.append(AssistantMessage(content=m.code_writing_scratchpad, source="Coder"))elif isinstance(m, CodeWritingTask):messages.append(UserMessage(content=m.task, source="User"))else:raise ValueError(f"Unexpected message type: {m}")# Generate a revision using the chat completion API.response = await self._model_client.create(messages, cancellation_token=ctx.cancellation_token)assert isinstance(response.content, str)# Extract the code block from the response.code_block = self._extract_code_block(response.content)if code_block is None:raise ValueError("Code block not found.")# Create a new code review task.code_review_task = CodeReviewTask(session_id=message.session_id,code_writing_task=review_request.code_writing_task,code_writing_scratchpad=response.content,code=code_block,)# Store the code review task in the session memory.self._session_memory[message.session_id].append(code_review_task)# Publish a new code review task.await self.publish_message(code_review_task, topic_id=TopicId("default", _extract_code_block(self, markdown_text: str) -> Union[str, None]:pattern = r"```(\w+)\n(.*?)\n```"# Search for the pattern in the markdown textmatch =, markdown_text, re.DOTALL)# Extract the language and code block if a match is foundif match:return None
class ReviewerAgent(RoutedAgent):"""An agent that performs code review tasks."""def __init__(self, model_client: ChatCompletionClient) -> None:super().__init__("A code reviewer agent.")self._system_messages: List[LLMMessage] = [SystemMessage(content="""You are a code reviewer. You focus on correctness, efficiency and safety of the code.
Respond using the following JSON format:
{"correctness": "<Your comments>","efficiency": "<Your comments>","safety": "<Your comments>","approval": "<APPROVE or REVISE>","suggested_changes": "<Your comments>"
""",)]self._session_memory: Dict[str, List[CodeReviewTask | CodeReviewResult]] = {}self._model_client = model_client@message_handlerasync def handle_code_review_task(self, message: CodeReviewTask, ctx: MessageContext) -> None:# Format the prompt for the code review.# Gather the previous feedback if available.previous_feedback = ""if message.session_id in self._session_memory:previous_review = next((m for m in reversed(self._session_memory[message.session_id]) if isinstance(m, CodeReviewResult)),None,)if previous_review is not None:previous_feedback = Store the messages in a temporary memory for this request only.self._session_memory.setdefault(message.session_id, []).append(message)prompt = f"""The problem statement is: {message.code_writing_task}
The code is:


Previous feedback:
{previous_feedback}Please review the code. If previous feedback was provided, see if it was addressed.
"""# Generate a response using the chat completion API.response = await self._model_client.create(self._system_messages + [UserMessage(content=prompt, source=self.metadata["type"])],cancellation_token=ctx.cancellation_token,json_output=True,)assert isinstance(response.content, str)# TODO: use structured generation library e.g. guidance to ensure the response is in the expected format.# Parse the response = json.loads(response.content)# Construct the review text.review_text = "Code review:\n" + "\n".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in review.items()])approved = review["approval"].lower().strip() == "approve"result = CodeReviewResult(review=review_text,session_id=message.session_id,approved=approved,)# Store the review result in the session memory.self._session_memory[message.session_id].append(result)# Publish the review result.await self.publish_message(result, topic_id=TopicId("default",
import logginglogging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING)
from autogen_core import DefaultTopicId, SingleThreadedAgentRuntime
from autogen_ext.models.openai import OpenAIChatCompletionClientmodel_client = OpenAIChatCompletionClient(model="GLM-4-Air-0111",api_key="your api key",base_url="",model_capabilities={"vision": False,"function_calling": True,"json_output": True,})
model_client = OpenAIChatCompletionClient(model="GLM-4",api_key="your api key",base_url="",model_capabilities={"vision": False,"function_calling": True,"json_output": True,})
runtime = SingleThreadedAgentRuntime()
await ReviewerAgent.register(runtime, "ReviewerAgent", lambda: ReviewerAgent(model_client=model_client)
await CoderAgent.register(runtime, "CoderAgent", lambda: CoderAgent(model_client=model_client)
await runtime.publish_message(message=CodeWritingTask(task="Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list."),topic_id=DefaultTopicId(),
)# Keep processing messages until idle.
await runtime.stop_when_idle()
INFO:autogen_core:Publishing message of type CodeWritingTask to all subscribers: {'task': 'Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.'}{"payload": "{\"task\": \"Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.\"}", "sender": null, "receiver": "default/default", "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.SEND", "type": "Message"}
INFO:autogen_core:Calling message handler for ReviewerAgent with message type CodeWritingTask published by Unknown{"payload": "{\"task\": \"Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.\"}", "sender": null, "receiver": null, "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.DELIVER", "type": "Message"}
INFO:autogen_core:Calling message handler for CoderAgent with message type CodeWritingTask published by Unknown{"payload": "{\"task\": \"Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.\"}", "sender": null, "receiver": null, "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.DELIVER", "type": "Message"}
INFO:autogen_core:Unhandled message: CodeWritingTask(task='Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.'){"type": "LLMCall", "messages": [{"content": "You are a proficient coder. You write code to solve problems.\nWork with the reviewer to improve your code.\nAlways put all finished code in a single Markdown code block.\nFor example:\n```python\ndef hello_world():\n    print(\"Hello, World!\")\n```\n\nRespond using the following format:\n\nThoughts: <Your comments>\nCode: <Your code>\n", "role": "system"}, {"content": "Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.", "role": "user", "name": "CoderAgent"}], "response": {"id": "202501272020200fa6f85e59774867", "choices": [{"finish_reason": "stop", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "message": {"content": "Thoughts: To find the sum of all even numbers in a list, we can iterate through each number and add it to a running total if it's even. In Python, a number is even if it's divisible by 2 without a remainder, which can be checked using the modulus operator `%`.\n\nCode: \n\n```python\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    total = 0\n    for number in numbers:\n        if number % 2 == 0:\n            total += number\n    return total\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nReviewer's feedback could include suggestions for code optimization, readability, or handling edge cases such as non-numeric inputs. If the list is large, a more Pythonic way could be to use a generator expression with the `sum()` function, which is both more concise and potentially faster.\n\nOptimized Code:\n\n```python\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    return sum(number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0)\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nThis optimized version is more concise and leverages the built-in `sum()` function, which is efficient for summing up large datasets. The generator expression within the `sum()` function will only generate the even numbers, thus reducing the number of iterations needed.", "refusal": null, "role": "assistant", "audio": null, "function_call": null, "tool_calls": null}}], "created": 1737980430, "model": "GLM-4", "object": null, "service_tier": null, "system_fingerprint": null, "usage": {"completion_tokens": 320, "prompt_tokens": 94, "total_tokens": 414, "completion_tokens_details": null, "prompt_tokens_details": null}, "request_id": "202501272020200fa6f85e59774867"}, "prompt_tokens": 94, "completion_tokens": 320, "agent_id": "CoderAgent/default"}
INFO:autogen_core:Publishing message of type CodeReviewTask to all subscribers: {'session_id': 'c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b', 'code_writing_task': 'Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.', 'code_writing_scratchpad': "Thoughts: To find the sum of all even numbers in a list, we can iterate through each number and add it to a running total if it's even. In Python, a number is even if it's divisible by 2 without a remainder, which can be checked using the modulus operator `%`.\n\nCode: \n\n```python\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    total = 0\n    for number in numbers:\n        if number % 2 == 0:\n            total += number\n    return total\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nReviewer's feedback could include suggestions for code optimization, readability, or handling edge cases such as non-numeric inputs. If the list is large, a more Pythonic way could be to use a generator expression with the `sum()` function, which is both more concise and potentially faster.\n\nOptimized Code:\n\n```python\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    return sum(number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0)\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nThis optimized version is more concise and leverages the built-in `sum()` function, which is efficient for summing up large datasets. The generator expression within the `sum()` function will only generate the even numbers, thus reducing the number of iterations needed.", 'code': 'def sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    total = 0\n    for number in numbers:\n        if number % 2 == 0:\n            total += number\n    return total\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))'}{"payload": "{\"session_id\": \"c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b\", \"code_writing_task\": \"Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.\", \"code_writing_scratchpad\": \"Thoughts: To find the sum of all even numbers in a list, we can iterate through each number and add it to a running total if it's even. In Python, a number is even if it's divisible by 2 without a remainder, which can be checked using the modulus operator `%`.\\n\\nCode: \\n\\n```python\\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    total = 0\\n    for number in numbers:\\n        if number % 2 == 0:\\n            total += number\\n    return total\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\\n```\\n\\nReviewer's feedback could include suggestions for code optimization, readability, or handling edge cases such as non-numeric inputs. If the list is large, a more Pythonic way could be to use a generator expression with the `sum()` function, which is both more concise and potentially faster.\\n\\nOptimized Code:\\n\\n```python\\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    return sum(number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0)\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\\n```\\n\\nThis optimized version is more concise and leverages the built-in `sum()` function, which is efficient for summing up large datasets. The generator expression within the `sum()` function will only generate the even numbers, thus reducing the number of iterations needed.\", \"code\": \"def sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    total = 0\\n    for number in numbers:\\n        if number % 2 == 0:\\n            total += number\\n    return total\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\"}", "sender": "CoderAgent/default", "receiver": "default/default", "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.SEND", "type": "Message"}
INFO:autogen_core:Calling message handler for ReviewerAgent with message type CodeReviewTask published by CoderAgent/default{"payload": "{\"session_id\": \"c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b\", \"code_writing_task\": \"Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.\", \"code_writing_scratchpad\": \"Thoughts: To find the sum of all even numbers in a list, we can iterate through each number and add it to a running total if it's even. In Python, a number is even if it's divisible by 2 without a remainder, which can be checked using the modulus operator `%`.\\n\\nCode: \\n\\n```python\\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    total = 0\\n    for number in numbers:\\n        if number % 2 == 0:\\n            total += number\\n    return total\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\\n```\\n\\nReviewer's feedback could include suggestions for code optimization, readability, or handling edge cases such as non-numeric inputs. If the list is large, a more Pythonic way could be to use a generator expression with the `sum()` function, which is both more concise and potentially faster.\\n\\nOptimized Code:\\n\\n```python\\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    return sum(number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0)\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\\n```\\n\\nThis optimized version is more concise and leverages the built-in `sum()` function, which is efficient for summing up large datasets. The generator expression within the `sum()` function will only generate the even numbers, thus reducing the number of iterations needed.\", \"code\": \"def sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    total = 0\\n    for number in numbers:\\n        if number % 2 == 0:\\n            total += number\\n    return total\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\"}", "sender": "CoderAgent/default", "receiver": null, "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.DELIVER", "type": "Message"}{"type": "LLMCall", "messages": [{"content": "You are a code reviewer. You focus on correctness, efficiency and safety of the code.\nRespond using the following JSON format:\n{\n    \"correctness\": \"<Your comments>\",\n    \"efficiency\": \"<Your comments>\",\n    \"safety\": \"<Your comments>\",\n    \"approval\": \"<APPROVE or REVISE>\",\n    \"suggested_changes\": \"<Your comments>\"\n}\n", "role": "system"}, {"content": "The problem statement is: Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.\nThe code is:\n```\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    total = 0\n    for number in numbers:\n        if number % 2 == 0:\n            total += number\n    return total\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nPrevious feedback:\n\n\nPlease review the code. If previous feedback was provided, see if it was addressed.\n", "role": "user", "name": "ReviewerAgent"}], "response": {"id": "2025012720203021aaf1c12459466c", "choices": [{"finish_reason": "stop", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "message": {"content": "\n{\n    \"correctness\": \"The function appears to correctly calculate the sum of all even numbers in the provided list. The use of the modulo operator correctly identifies even numbers by checking if the number is divisible by 2 without a remainder.\",\n    \"efficiency\": \"The function iterates through the list once, which is efficient for this operation. There are no unnecessary computations or data structures used. However, a generator expression could be used to make the code more concise and potentially faster for large lists due to the lazy evaluation.\",\n    \"safety\": \"The function does not perform any input validation. If the function is passed a non-iterable or an iterable containing non-numeric types, it may raise a TypeError. Additionally, division by zero could occur if 'number' is zero, although this is not likely as zero is an even number and would not enter the if statement.\",\n    \"approval\": \"REVISE\",\n    \"suggested_changes\": \"1. Add type checking to ensure that 'numbers' is an iterable of numbers. 2. Consider handling the case where non-numeric types are in the iterable. 3. Optionally, use a generator expression to make the function more concise and potentially more efficient for large lists: `return sum(number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0)`.\"\n}\n", "refusal": null, "role": "assistant", "audio": null, "function_call": null, "tool_calls": null}}], "created": 1737980439, "model": "GLM-4", "object": null, "service_tier": null, "system_fingerprint": null, "usage": {"completion_tokens": 276, "prompt_tokens": 256, "total_tokens": 532, "completion_tokens_details": null, "prompt_tokens_details": null}, "request_id": "2025012720203021aaf1c12459466c"}, "prompt_tokens": 256, "completion_tokens": 276, "agent_id": "ReviewerAgent/default"}
INFO:autogen_core:Publishing message of type CodeReviewResult to all subscribers: {'review': "Code review:\ncorrectness: The function appears to correctly calculate the sum of all even numbers in the provided list. The use of the modulo operator correctly identifies even numbers by checking if the number is divisible by 2 without a remainder.\nefficiency: The function iterates through the list once, which is efficient for this operation. There are no unnecessary computations or data structures used. However, a generator expression could be used to make the code more concise and potentially faster for large lists due to the lazy evaluation.\nsafety: The function does not perform any input validation. If the function is passed a non-iterable or an iterable containing non-numeric types, it may raise a TypeError. Additionally, division by zero could occur if 'number' is zero, although this is not likely as zero is an even number and would not enter the if statement.\napproval: REVISE\nsuggested_changes: 1. Add type checking to ensure that 'numbers' is an iterable of numbers. 2. Consider handling the case where non-numeric types are in the iterable. 3. Optionally, use a generator expression to make the function more concise and potentially more efficient for large lists: `return sum(number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0)`.", 'session_id': 'c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b', 'approved': False}{"payload": "{\"review\": \"Code review:\\ncorrectness: The function appears to correctly calculate the sum of all even numbers in the provided list. The use of the modulo operator correctly identifies even numbers by checking if the number is divisible by 2 without a remainder.\\nefficiency: The function iterates through the list once, which is efficient for this operation. There are no unnecessary computations or data structures used. However, a generator expression could be used to make the code more concise and potentially faster for large lists due to the lazy evaluation.\\nsafety: The function does not perform any input validation. If the function is passed a non-iterable or an iterable containing non-numeric types, it may raise a TypeError. Additionally, division by zero could occur if 'number' is zero, although this is not likely as zero is an even number and would not enter the if statement.\\napproval: REVISE\\nsuggested_changes: 1. Add type checking to ensure that 'numbers' is an iterable of numbers. 2. Consider handling the case where non-numeric types are in the iterable. 3. Optionally, use a generator expression to make the function more concise and potentially more efficient for large lists: `return sum(number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0)`.\", \"session_id\": \"c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b\", \"approved\": false}", "sender": "ReviewerAgent/default", "receiver": "default/default", "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.SEND", "type": "Message"}
INFO:autogen_core:Calling message handler for CoderAgent with message type CodeReviewResult published by ReviewerAgent/default{"payload": "{\"review\": \"Code review:\\ncorrectness: The function appears to correctly calculate the sum of all even numbers in the provided list. The use of the modulo operator correctly identifies even numbers by checking if the number is divisible by 2 without a remainder.\\nefficiency: The function iterates through the list once, which is efficient for this operation. There are no unnecessary computations or data structures used. However, a generator expression could be used to make the code more concise and potentially faster for large lists due to the lazy evaluation.\\nsafety: The function does not perform any input validation. If the function is passed a non-iterable or an iterable containing non-numeric types, it may raise a TypeError. Additionally, division by zero could occur if 'number' is zero, although this is not likely as zero is an even number and would not enter the if statement.\\napproval: REVISE\\nsuggested_changes: 1. Add type checking to ensure that 'numbers' is an iterable of numbers. 2. Consider handling the case where non-numeric types are in the iterable. 3. Optionally, use a generator expression to make the function more concise and potentially more efficient for large lists: `return sum(number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0)`.\", \"session_id\": \"c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b\", \"approved\": false}", "sender": "ReviewerAgent/default", "receiver": null, "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.DELIVER", "type": "Message"}{"type": "LLMCall", "messages": [{"content": "You are a proficient coder. You write code to solve problems.\nWork with the reviewer to improve your code.\nAlways put all finished code in a single Markdown code block.\nFor example:\n```python\ndef hello_world():\n    print(\"Hello, World!\")\n```\n\nRespond using the following format:\n\nThoughts: <Your comments>\nCode: <Your code>\n", "role": "system"}, {"content": "Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.", "role": "user", "name": "User"}, {"content": "Thoughts: To find the sum of all even numbers in a list, we can iterate through each number and add it to a running total if it's even. In Python, a number is even if it's divisible by 2 without a remainder, which can be checked using the modulus operator `%`.\n\nCode: \n\n```python\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    total = 0\n    for number in numbers:\n        if number % 2 == 0:\n            total += number\n    return total\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nReviewer's feedback could include suggestions for code optimization, readability, or handling edge cases such as non-numeric inputs. If the list is large, a more Pythonic way could be to use a generator expression with the `sum()` function, which is both more concise and potentially faster.\n\nOptimized Code:\n\n```python\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    return sum(number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0)\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nThis optimized version is more concise and leverages the built-in `sum()` function, which is efficient for summing up large datasets. The generator expression within the `sum()` function will only generate the even numbers, thus reducing the number of iterations needed.", "role": "assistant", "name": "Coder"}, {"content": "Code review:\ncorrectness: The function appears to correctly calculate the sum of all even numbers in the provided list. The use of the modulo operator correctly identifies even numbers by checking if the number is divisible by 2 without a remainder.\nefficiency: The function iterates through the list once, which is efficient for this operation. There are no unnecessary computations or data structures used. However, a generator expression could be used to make the code more concise and potentially faster for large lists due to the lazy evaluation.\nsafety: The function does not perform any input validation. If the function is passed a non-iterable or an iterable containing non-numeric types, it may raise a TypeError. Additionally, division by zero could occur if 'number' is zero, although this is not likely as zero is an even number and would not enter the if statement.\napproval: REVISE\nsuggested_changes: 1. Add type checking to ensure that 'numbers' is an iterable of numbers. 2. Consider handling the case where non-numeric types are in the iterable. 3. Optionally, use a generator expression to make the function more concise and potentially more efficient for large lists: `return sum(number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0)`.", "role": "user", "name": "Reviewer"}], "response": {"id": "202501272020399c0bef560fae41f7", "choices": [{"finish_reason": "stop", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "message": {"content": "Thoughts: The reviewer's comments are valid concerns. It's important to ensure the input is as expected to prevent any runtime errors. We should add type checking and handle non-numeric types to make the function more robust. Using a generator expression is also a good suggestion for improving efficiency and readability.\n\nCode:\n\n```python\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set, iterable)):\n        raise TypeError(\"Input must be an iterable of numbers\")\n    \n    try:\n        return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\n    except TypeError:\n        raise TypeError(\"Iterable must contain only numbers\")\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nIn this revised code, we first check if the input is an iterable. We then use a generator expression within the `sum()` function to ensure that only instances of `int` or `float` are considered, and they are even. If a non-numeric type is encountered, a `TypeError` is raised with a helpful message. The `isinstance(number, (int, float))` check ensures that only numeric types are processed, while the `number % 2 == 0` condition ensures that only even numbers are summed.", "refusal": null, "role": "assistant", "audio": null, "function_call": null, "tool_calls": null}}], "created": 1737980448, "model": "GLM-4", "object": null, "service_tier": null, "system_fingerprint": null, "usage": {"completion_tokens": 293, "prompt_tokens": 672, "total_tokens": 965, "completion_tokens_details": null, "prompt_tokens_details": null}, "request_id": "202501272020399c0bef560fae41f7"}, "prompt_tokens": 672, "completion_tokens": 293, "agent_id": "CoderAgent/default"}
INFO:autogen_core:Publishing message of type CodeReviewTask to all subscribers: {'session_id': 'c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b', 'code_writing_task': 'Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.', 'code_writing_scratchpad': 'Thoughts: The reviewer\'s comments are valid concerns. It\'s important to ensure the input is as expected to prevent any runtime errors. We should add type checking and handle non-numeric types to make the function more robust. Using a generator expression is also a good suggestion for improving efficiency and readability.\n\nCode:\n\n```python\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set, iterable)):\n        raise TypeError("Input must be an iterable of numbers")\n    \n    try:\n        return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\n    except TypeError:\n        raise TypeError("Iterable must contain only numbers")\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, \'5\', 6.0]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nIn this revised code, we first check if the input is an iterable. We then use a generator expression within the `sum()` function to ensure that only instances of `int` or `float` are considered, and they are even. If a non-numeric type is encountered, a `TypeError` is raised with a helpful message. The `isinstance(number, (int, float))` check ensures that only numeric types are processed, while the `number % 2 == 0` condition ensures that only even numbers are summed.', 'code': 'def sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set, iterable)):\n        raise TypeError("Input must be an iterable of numbers")\n    \n    try:\n        return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\n    except TypeError:\n        raise TypeError("Iterable must contain only numbers")\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, \'5\', 6.0]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))'}{"payload": "{\"session_id\": \"c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b\", \"code_writing_task\": \"Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.\", \"code_writing_scratchpad\": \"Thoughts: The reviewer's comments are valid concerns. It's important to ensure the input is as expected to prevent any runtime errors. We should add type checking and handle non-numeric types to make the function more robust. Using a generator expression is also a good suggestion for improving efficiency and readability.\\n\\nCode:\\n\\n```python\\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set, iterable)):\\n        raise TypeError(\\\"Input must be an iterable of numbers\\\")\\n    \\n    try:\\n        return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\\n    except TypeError:\\n        raise TypeError(\\\"Iterable must contain only numbers\\\")\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\\n```\\n\\nIn this revised code, we first check if the input is an iterable. We then use a generator expression within the `sum()` function to ensure that only instances of `int` or `float` are considered, and they are even. If a non-numeric type is encountered, a `TypeError` is raised with a helpful message. The `isinstance(number, (int, float))` check ensures that only numeric types are processed, while the `number % 2 == 0` condition ensures that only even numbers are summed.\", \"code\": \"def sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set, iterable)):\\n        raise TypeError(\\\"Input must be an iterable of numbers\\\")\\n    \\n    try:\\n        return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\\n    except TypeError:\\n        raise TypeError(\\\"Iterable must contain only numbers\\\")\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\"}", "sender": "CoderAgent/default", "receiver": "default/default", "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.SEND", "type": "Message"}
INFO:autogen_core:Calling message handler for ReviewerAgent with message type CodeReviewTask published by CoderAgent/default{"payload": "{\"session_id\": \"c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b\", \"code_writing_task\": \"Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.\", \"code_writing_scratchpad\": \"Thoughts: The reviewer's comments are valid concerns. It's important to ensure the input is as expected to prevent any runtime errors. We should add type checking and handle non-numeric types to make the function more robust. Using a generator expression is also a good suggestion for improving efficiency and readability.\\n\\nCode:\\n\\n```python\\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set, iterable)):\\n        raise TypeError(\\\"Input must be an iterable of numbers\\\")\\n    \\n    try:\\n        return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\\n    except TypeError:\\n        raise TypeError(\\\"Iterable must contain only numbers\\\")\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\\n```\\n\\nIn this revised code, we first check if the input is an iterable. We then use a generator expression within the `sum()` function to ensure that only instances of `int` or `float` are considered, and they are even. If a non-numeric type is encountered, a `TypeError` is raised with a helpful message. The `isinstance(number, (int, float))` check ensures that only numeric types are processed, while the `number % 2 == 0` condition ensures that only even numbers are summed.\", \"code\": \"def sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set, iterable)):\\n        raise TypeError(\\\"Input must be an iterable of numbers\\\")\\n    \\n    try:\\n        return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\\n    except TypeError:\\n        raise TypeError(\\\"Iterable must contain only numbers\\\")\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\"}", "sender": "CoderAgent/default", "receiver": null, "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.DELIVER", "type": "Message"}{"type": "LLMCall", "messages": [{"content": "You are a code reviewer. You focus on correctness, efficiency and safety of the code.\nRespond using the following JSON format:\n{\n    \"correctness\": \"<Your comments>\",\n    \"efficiency\": \"<Your comments>\",\n    \"safety\": \"<Your comments>\",\n    \"approval\": \"<APPROVE or REVISE>\",\n    \"suggested_changes\": \"<Your comments>\"\n}\n", "role": "system"}, {"content": "The problem statement is: Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.\nThe code is:\n```\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set, iterable)):\n        raise TypeError(\"Input must be an iterable of numbers\")\n    \n    try:\n        return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\n    except TypeError:\n        raise TypeError(\"Iterable must contain only numbers\")\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nPrevious feedback:\nCode review:\ncorrectness: The function appears to correctly calculate the sum of all even numbers in the provided list. The use of the modulo operator correctly identifies even numbers by checking if the number is divisible by 2 without a remainder.\nefficiency: The function iterates through the list once, which is efficient for this operation. There are no unnecessary computations or data structures used. However, a generator expression could be used to make the code more concise and potentially faster for large lists due to the lazy evaluation.\nsafety: The function does not perform any input validation. If the function is passed a non-iterable or an iterable containing non-numeric types, it may raise a TypeError. Additionally, division by zero could occur if 'number' is zero, although this is not likely as zero is an even number and would not enter the if statement.\napproval: REVISE\nsuggested_changes: 1. Add type checking to ensure that 'numbers' is an iterable of numbers. 2. Consider handling the case where non-numeric types are in the iterable. 3. Optionally, use a generator expression to make the function more concise and potentially more efficient for large lists: `return sum(number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0)`.\n\nPlease review the code. If previous feedback was provided, see if it was addressed.\n", "role": "user", "name": "ReviewerAgent"}], "response": {"id": "202501272020489cf79ba44ed84f89", "choices": [{"finish_reason": "stop", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "message": {"content": "\n{\n    \"correctness\": \"The function still appears to correctly calculate the sum of all even numbers. The TypeError handling for non-iterables and non-numeric types in the iterable has been addressed, which is good. However, the code now includes an unnecessary check for iterability since the isinstance check already ensures the input is an iterable.\",\n    \"efficiency\": \"The use of a generator expression for the sum calculation is efficient, especially for large lists, as it uses lazy evaluation. The code has been improved in this aspect following the previous feedback.\",\n    \"safety\": \"The code now includes a type check to ensure that the input is an iterable of numbers. It also raises a TypeError when non-numeric types are encountered, which is a good practice. However, the check for division by zero is unnecessary since the operation does not involve division and zero is an even number, so it would not cause an error.\",\n    \"approval\": \"REVISE\",\n    \"suggested_changes\": \"1. Remove the check for iterability using 'isinstance(..., iterable)' as it is not required and can be confusing. The specific iterable types are already checked. 2. Remove the try-except block around the sum operation, as there is no division that could cause a TypeError in this context. The isinstance check is sufficient to ensure no TypeError is raised from sum().\"\n}\n", "refusal": null, "role": "assistant", "audio": null, "function_call": null, "tool_calls": null}}], "created": 1737980458, "model": "GLM-4", "object": null, "service_tier": null, "system_fingerprint": null, "usage": {"completion_tokens": 286, "prompt_tokens": 555, "total_tokens": 841, "completion_tokens_details": null, "prompt_tokens_details": null}, "request_id": "202501272020489cf79ba44ed84f89"}, "prompt_tokens": 555, "completion_tokens": 286, "agent_id": "ReviewerAgent/default"}
INFO:autogen_core:Publishing message of type CodeReviewResult to all subscribers: {'review': "Code review:\ncorrectness: The function still appears to correctly calculate the sum of all even numbers. The TypeError handling for non-iterables and non-numeric types in the iterable has been addressed, which is good. However, the code now includes an unnecessary check for iterability since the isinstance check already ensures the input is an iterable.\nefficiency: The use of a generator expression for the sum calculation is efficient, especially for large lists, as it uses lazy evaluation. The code has been improved in this aspect following the previous feedback.\nsafety: The code now includes a type check to ensure that the input is an iterable of numbers. It also raises a TypeError when non-numeric types are encountered, which is a good practice. However, the check for division by zero is unnecessary since the operation does not involve division and zero is an even number, so it would not cause an error.\napproval: REVISE\nsuggested_changes: 1. Remove the check for iterability using 'isinstance(..., iterable)' as it is not required and can be confusing. The specific iterable types are already checked. 2. Remove the try-except block around the sum operation, as there is no division that could cause a TypeError in this context. The isinstance check is sufficient to ensure no TypeError is raised from sum().", 'session_id': 'c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b', 'approved': False}{"payload": "{\"review\": \"Code review:\\ncorrectness: The function still appears to correctly calculate the sum of all even numbers. The TypeError handling for non-iterables and non-numeric types in the iterable has been addressed, which is good. However, the code now includes an unnecessary check for iterability since the isinstance check already ensures the input is an iterable.\\nefficiency: The use of a generator expression for the sum calculation is efficient, especially for large lists, as it uses lazy evaluation. The code has been improved in this aspect following the previous feedback.\\nsafety: The code now includes a type check to ensure that the input is an iterable of numbers. It also raises a TypeError when non-numeric types are encountered, which is a good practice. However, the check for division by zero is unnecessary since the operation does not involve division and zero is an even number, so it would not cause an error.\\napproval: REVISE\\nsuggested_changes: 1. Remove the check for iterability using 'isinstance(..., iterable)' as it is not required and can be confusing. The specific iterable types are already checked. 2. Remove the try-except block around the sum operation, as there is no division that could cause a TypeError in this context. The isinstance check is sufficient to ensure no TypeError is raised from sum().\", \"session_id\": \"c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b\", \"approved\": false}", "sender": "ReviewerAgent/default", "receiver": "default/default", "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.SEND", "type": "Message"}
INFO:autogen_core:Calling message handler for CoderAgent with message type CodeReviewResult published by ReviewerAgent/default{"payload": "{\"review\": \"Code review:\\ncorrectness: The function still appears to correctly calculate the sum of all even numbers. The TypeError handling for non-iterables and non-numeric types in the iterable has been addressed, which is good. However, the code now includes an unnecessary check for iterability since the isinstance check already ensures the input is an iterable.\\nefficiency: The use of a generator expression for the sum calculation is efficient, especially for large lists, as it uses lazy evaluation. The code has been improved in this aspect following the previous feedback.\\nsafety: The code now includes a type check to ensure that the input is an iterable of numbers. It also raises a TypeError when non-numeric types are encountered, which is a good practice. However, the check for division by zero is unnecessary since the operation does not involve division and zero is an even number, so it would not cause an error.\\napproval: REVISE\\nsuggested_changes: 1. Remove the check for iterability using 'isinstance(..., iterable)' as it is not required and can be confusing. The specific iterable types are already checked. 2. Remove the try-except block around the sum operation, as there is no division that could cause a TypeError in this context. The isinstance check is sufficient to ensure no TypeError is raised from sum().\", \"session_id\": \"c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b\", \"approved\": false}", "sender": "ReviewerAgent/default", "receiver": null, "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.DELIVER", "type": "Message"}{"type": "LLMCall", "messages": [{"content": "You are a proficient coder. You write code to solve problems.\nWork with the reviewer to improve your code.\nAlways put all finished code in a single Markdown code block.\nFor example:\n```python\ndef hello_world():\n    print(\"Hello, World!\")\n```\n\nRespond using the following format:\n\nThoughts: <Your comments>\nCode: <Your code>\n", "role": "system"}, {"content": "Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.", "role": "user", "name": "User"}, {"content": "Thoughts: To find the sum of all even numbers in a list, we can iterate through each number and add it to a running total if it's even. In Python, a number is even if it's divisible by 2 without a remainder, which can be checked using the modulus operator `%`.\n\nCode: \n\n```python\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    total = 0\n    for number in numbers:\n        if number % 2 == 0:\n            total += number\n    return total\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nReviewer's feedback could include suggestions for code optimization, readability, or handling edge cases such as non-numeric inputs. If the list is large, a more Pythonic way could be to use a generator expression with the `sum()` function, which is both more concise and potentially faster.\n\nOptimized Code:\n\n```python\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    return sum(number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0)\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nThis optimized version is more concise and leverages the built-in `sum()` function, which is efficient for summing up large datasets. The generator expression within the `sum()` function will only generate the even numbers, thus reducing the number of iterations needed.", "role": "assistant", "name": "Coder"}, {"content": "Code review:\ncorrectness: The function appears to correctly calculate the sum of all even numbers in the provided list. The use of the modulo operator correctly identifies even numbers by checking if the number is divisible by 2 without a remainder.\nefficiency: The function iterates through the list once, which is efficient for this operation. There are no unnecessary computations or data structures used. However, a generator expression could be used to make the code more concise and potentially faster for large lists due to the lazy evaluation.\nsafety: The function does not perform any input validation. If the function is passed a non-iterable or an iterable containing non-numeric types, it may raise a TypeError. Additionally, division by zero could occur if 'number' is zero, although this is not likely as zero is an even number and would not enter the if statement.\napproval: REVISE\nsuggested_changes: 1. Add type checking to ensure that 'numbers' is an iterable of numbers. 2. Consider handling the case where non-numeric types are in the iterable. 3. Optionally, use a generator expression to make the function more concise and potentially more efficient for large lists: `return sum(number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0)`.", "role": "user", "name": "Reviewer"}, {"content": "Thoughts: The reviewer's comments are valid concerns. It's important to ensure the input is as expected to prevent any runtime errors. We should add type checking and handle non-numeric types to make the function more robust. Using a generator expression is also a good suggestion for improving efficiency and readability.\n\nCode:\n\n```python\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set, iterable)):\n        raise TypeError(\"Input must be an iterable of numbers\")\n    \n    try:\n        return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\n    except TypeError:\n        raise TypeError(\"Iterable must contain only numbers\")\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nIn this revised code, we first check if the input is an iterable. We then use a generator expression within the `sum()` function to ensure that only instances of `int` or `float` are considered, and they are even. If a non-numeric type is encountered, a `TypeError` is raised with a helpful message. The `isinstance(number, (int, float))` check ensures that only numeric types are processed, while the `number % 2 == 0` condition ensures that only even numbers are summed.", "role": "assistant", "name": "Coder"}, {"content": "Code review:\ncorrectness: The function still appears to correctly calculate the sum of all even numbers. The TypeError handling for non-iterables and non-numeric types in the iterable has been addressed, which is good. However, the code now includes an unnecessary check for iterability since the isinstance check already ensures the input is an iterable.\nefficiency: The use of a generator expression for the sum calculation is efficient, especially for large lists, as it uses lazy evaluation. The code has been improved in this aspect following the previous feedback.\nsafety: The code now includes a type check to ensure that the input is an iterable of numbers. It also raises a TypeError when non-numeric types are encountered, which is a good practice. However, the check for division by zero is unnecessary since the operation does not involve division and zero is an even number, so it would not cause an error.\napproval: REVISE\nsuggested_changes: 1. Remove the check for iterability using 'isinstance(..., iterable)' as it is not required and can be confusing. The specific iterable types are already checked. 2. Remove the try-except block around the sum operation, as there is no division that could cause a TypeError in this context. The isinstance check is sufficient to ensure no TypeError is raised from sum().", "role": "user", "name": "Reviewer"}], "response": {"id": "202501272020583e5126fac7f2445a", "choices": [{"finish_reason": "stop", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "message": {"content": "Thoughts: The reviewer is correct in pointing out that the `isinstance(..., iterable)` check is unnecessary and that the `try-except` block is not needed for the current operation. We can simplify the code by removing these parts and relying on the `isinstance` check for numeric types within the generator expression.\n\nCode:\n\n```python\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set)):\n        raise TypeError(\"Input must be a list, tuple, or set of numbers\")\n    \n    return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nThis code now only checks for the specific iterable types that are commonly used and expected for this function. The `isinstance` check within the generator expression ensures that only numeric types are processed, and the `number % 2 == 0` condition filters out only even numbers. This version is cleaner and more efficient.", "refusal": null, "role": "assistant", "audio": null, "function_call": null, "tool_calls": null}}], "created": 1737980466, "model": "GLM-4", "object": null, "service_tier": null, "system_fingerprint": null, "usage": {"completion_tokens": 238, "prompt_tokens": 1232, "total_tokens": 1470, "completion_tokens_details": null, "prompt_tokens_details": null}, "request_id": "202501272020583e5126fac7f2445a"}, "prompt_tokens": 1232, "completion_tokens": 238, "agent_id": "CoderAgent/default"}
INFO:autogen_core:Publishing message of type CodeReviewTask to all subscribers: {'session_id': 'c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b', 'code_writing_task': 'Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.', 'code_writing_scratchpad': 'Thoughts: The reviewer is correct in pointing out that the `isinstance(..., iterable)` check is unnecessary and that the `try-except` block is not needed for the current operation. We can simplify the code by removing these parts and relying on the `isinstance` check for numeric types within the generator expression.\n\nCode:\n\n```python\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set)):\n        raise TypeError("Input must be a list, tuple, or set of numbers")\n    \n    return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, \'5\', 6.0]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nThis code now only checks for the specific iterable types that are commonly used and expected for this function. The `isinstance` check within the generator expression ensures that only numeric types are processed, and the `number % 2 == 0` condition filters out only even numbers. This version is cleaner and more efficient.', 'code': 'def sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set)):\n        raise TypeError("Input must be a list, tuple, or set of numbers")\n    \n    return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, \'5\', 6.0]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))'}{"payload": "{\"session_id\": \"c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b\", \"code_writing_task\": \"Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.\", \"code_writing_scratchpad\": \"Thoughts: The reviewer is correct in pointing out that the `isinstance(..., iterable)` check is unnecessary and that the `try-except` block is not needed for the current operation. We can simplify the code by removing these parts and relying on the `isinstance` check for numeric types within the generator expression.\\n\\nCode:\\n\\n```python\\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set)):\\n        raise TypeError(\\\"Input must be a list, tuple, or set of numbers\\\")\\n    \\n    return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\\n```\\n\\nThis code now only checks for the specific iterable types that are commonly used and expected for this function. The `isinstance` check within the generator expression ensures that only numeric types are processed, and the `number % 2 == 0` condition filters out only even numbers. This version is cleaner and more efficient.\", \"code\": \"def sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set)):\\n        raise TypeError(\\\"Input must be a list, tuple, or set of numbers\\\")\\n    \\n    return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\"}", "sender": "CoderAgent/default", "receiver": "default/default", "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.SEND", "type": "Message"}
INFO:autogen_core:Calling message handler for ReviewerAgent with message type CodeReviewTask published by CoderAgent/default{"payload": "{\"session_id\": \"c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b\", \"code_writing_task\": \"Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.\", \"code_writing_scratchpad\": \"Thoughts: The reviewer is correct in pointing out that the `isinstance(..., iterable)` check is unnecessary and that the `try-except` block is not needed for the current operation. We can simplify the code by removing these parts and relying on the `isinstance` check for numeric types within the generator expression.\\n\\nCode:\\n\\n```python\\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set)):\\n        raise TypeError(\\\"Input must be a list, tuple, or set of numbers\\\")\\n    \\n    return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\\n```\\n\\nThis code now only checks for the specific iterable types that are commonly used and expected for this function. The `isinstance` check within the generator expression ensures that only numeric types are processed, and the `number % 2 == 0` condition filters out only even numbers. This version is cleaner and more efficient.\", \"code\": \"def sum_of_evens(numbers):\\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set)):\\n        raise TypeError(\\\"Input must be a list, tuple, or set of numbers\\\")\\n    \\n    return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\\n\\n# Example usage:\\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]\\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\"}", "sender": "CoderAgent/default", "receiver": null, "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.DELIVER", "type": "Message"}{"type": "LLMCall", "messages": [{"content": "You are a code reviewer. You focus on correctness, efficiency and safety of the code.\nRespond using the following JSON format:\n{\n    \"correctness\": \"<Your comments>\",\n    \"efficiency\": \"<Your comments>\",\n    \"safety\": \"<Your comments>\",\n    \"approval\": \"<APPROVE or REVISE>\",\n    \"suggested_changes\": \"<Your comments>\"\n}\n", "role": "system"}, {"content": "The problem statement is: Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.\nThe code is:\n```\ndef sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set)):\n        raise TypeError(\"Input must be a list, tuple, or set of numbers\")\n    \n    return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))\n```\n\nPrevious feedback:\nCode review:\ncorrectness: The function still appears to correctly calculate the sum of all even numbers. The TypeError handling for non-iterables and non-numeric types in the iterable has been addressed, which is good. However, the code now includes an unnecessary check for iterability since the isinstance check already ensures the input is an iterable.\nefficiency: The use of a generator expression for the sum calculation is efficient, especially for large lists, as it uses lazy evaluation. The code has been improved in this aspect following the previous feedback.\nsafety: The code now includes a type check to ensure that the input is an iterable of numbers. It also raises a TypeError when non-numeric types are encountered, which is a good practice. However, the check for division by zero is unnecessary since the operation does not involve division and zero is an even number, so it would not cause an error.\napproval: REVISE\nsuggested_changes: 1. Remove the check for iterability using 'isinstance(..., iterable)' as it is not required and can be confusing. The specific iterable types are already checked. 2. Remove the try-except block around the sum operation, as there is no division that could cause a TypeError in this context. The isinstance check is sufficient to ensure no TypeError is raised from sum().\n\nPlease review the code. If previous feedback was provided, see if it was addressed.\n", "role": "user", "name": "ReviewerAgent"}], "response": {"id": "20250127202106a80dc804cf9a4197", "choices": [{"finish_reason": "stop", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "message": {"content": "\n{\n    \"correctness\": \"The function correctly calculates the sum of all even numbers. The TypeError handling for non-numeric types in the iterable is well-implemented. The unnecessary checks for iterability and division by zero have been addressed in the previous feedback, which is good.\",\n    \"efficiency\": \"The use of a generator expression for the sum calculation remains efficient, as it employs lazy evaluation and only processes the items once. The code has not introduced any new inefficiencies following the previous feedback.\",\n    \"safety\": \"The code continues to include robust type checks to ensure the input is an iterable of numbers. The raised TypeError for non-numeric types is a safe practice. The removal of the unnecessary try-except block, as suggested in the previous feedback, has improved the code's clarity and safety.\",\n    \"approval\": \"APPROVE\",\n    \"suggested_changes\": \"No further changes are suggested. The code seems to have addressed the issues raised in the previous feedback, and the type checks ensure safety and correctness without unnecessary complexity.\"\n}\n", "refusal": null, "role": "assistant", "audio": null, "function_call": null, "tool_calls": null}}], "created": 1737980473, "model": "GLM-4", "object": null, "service_tier": null, "system_fingerprint": null, "usage": {"completion_tokens": 219, "prompt_tokens": 551, "total_tokens": 770, "completion_tokens_details": null, "prompt_tokens_details": null}, "request_id": "20250127202106a80dc804cf9a4197"}, "prompt_tokens": 551, "completion_tokens": 219, "agent_id": "ReviewerAgent/default"}
INFO:autogen_core:Publishing message of type CodeReviewResult to all subscribers: {'review': "Code review:\ncorrectness: The function correctly calculates the sum of all even numbers. The TypeError handling for non-numeric types in the iterable is well-implemented. The unnecessary checks for iterability and division by zero have been addressed in the previous feedback, which is good.\nefficiency: The use of a generator expression for the sum calculation remains efficient, as it employs lazy evaluation and only processes the items once. The code has not introduced any new inefficiencies following the previous feedback.\nsafety: The code continues to include robust type checks to ensure the input is an iterable of numbers. The raised TypeError for non-numeric types is a safe practice. The removal of the unnecessary try-except block, as suggested in the previous feedback, has improved the code's clarity and safety.\napproval: APPROVE\nsuggested_changes: No further changes are suggested. The code seems to have addressed the issues raised in the previous feedback, and the type checks ensure safety and correctness without unnecessary complexity.", 'session_id': 'c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b', 'approved': True}{"payload": "{\"review\": \"Code review:\\ncorrectness: The function correctly calculates the sum of all even numbers. The TypeError handling for non-numeric types in the iterable is well-implemented. The unnecessary checks for iterability and division by zero have been addressed in the previous feedback, which is good.\\nefficiency: The use of a generator expression for the sum calculation remains efficient, as it employs lazy evaluation and only processes the items once. The code has not introduced any new inefficiencies following the previous feedback.\\nsafety: The code continues to include robust type checks to ensure the input is an iterable of numbers. The raised TypeError for non-numeric types is a safe practice. The removal of the unnecessary try-except block, as suggested in the previous feedback, has improved the code's clarity and safety.\\napproval: APPROVE\\nsuggested_changes: No further changes are suggested. The code seems to have addressed the issues raised in the previous feedback, and the type checks ensure safety and correctness without unnecessary complexity.\", \"session_id\": \"c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b\", \"approved\": true}", "sender": "ReviewerAgent/default", "receiver": "default/default", "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.SEND", "type": "Message"}
INFO:autogen_core:Calling message handler for CoderAgent with message type CodeReviewResult published by ReviewerAgent/default{"payload": "{\"review\": \"Code review:\\ncorrectness: The function correctly calculates the sum of all even numbers. The TypeError handling for non-numeric types in the iterable is well-implemented. The unnecessary checks for iterability and division by zero have been addressed in the previous feedback, which is good.\\nefficiency: The use of a generator expression for the sum calculation remains efficient, as it employs lazy evaluation and only processes the items once. The code has not introduced any new inefficiencies following the previous feedback.\\nsafety: The code continues to include robust type checks to ensure the input is an iterable of numbers. The raised TypeError for non-numeric types is a safe practice. The removal of the unnecessary try-except block, as suggested in the previous feedback, has improved the code's clarity and safety.\\napproval: APPROVE\\nsuggested_changes: No further changes are suggested. The code seems to have addressed the issues raised in the previous feedback, and the type checks ensure safety and correctness without unnecessary complexity.\", \"session_id\": \"c4ca47cb-ddb2-4490-95ad-9a97dea8de6b\", \"approved\": true}", "sender": "ReviewerAgent/default", "receiver": null, "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.DELIVER", "type": "Message"}
INFO:autogen_core:Publishing message of type CodeWritingResult to all subscribers: {'task': 'Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.', 'code': 'def sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set)):\n        raise TypeError("Input must be a list, tuple, or set of numbers")\n    \n    return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, \'5\', 6.0]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))', 'review': "Code review:\ncorrectness: The function correctly calculates the sum of all even numbers. The TypeError handling for non-numeric types in the iterable is well-implemented. The unnecessary checks for iterability and division by zero have been addressed in the previous feedback, which is good.\nefficiency: The use of a generator expression for the sum calculation remains efficient, as it employs lazy evaluation and only processes the items once. The code has not introduced any new inefficiencies following the previous feedback.\nsafety: The code continues to include robust type checks to ensure the input is an iterable of numbers. The raised TypeError for non-numeric types is a safe practice. The removal of the unnecessary try-except block, as suggested in the previous feedback, has improved the code's clarity and safety.\napproval: APPROVE\nsuggested_changes: No further changes are suggested. The code seems to have addressed the issues raised in the previous feedback, and the type checks ensure safety and correctness without unnecessary complexity."}{"payload": "Message could not be serialized", "sender": "CoderAgent/default", "receiver": "default/default", "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.SEND", "type": "Message"}
INFO:autogen_core:Calling message handler for ReviewerAgent with message type CodeWritingResult published by CoderAgent/default{"payload": "Message could not be serialized", "sender": "CoderAgent/default", "receiver": null, "kind": "MessageKind.PUBLISH", "delivery_stage": "DeliveryStage.DELIVER", "type": "Message"}
INFO:autogen_core:Unhandled message: CodeWritingResult(task='Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.', code='def sum_of_evens(numbers):\n    if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set)):\n        raise TypeError("Input must be a list, tuple, or set of numbers")\n    \n    return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)\n\n# Example usage:\n# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, \'5\', 6.0]\n# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))', review="Code review:\ncorrectness: The function correctly calculates the sum of all even numbers. The TypeError handling for non-numeric types in the iterable is well-implemented. The unnecessary checks for iterability and division by zero have been addressed in the previous feedback, which is good.\nefficiency: The use of a generator expression for the sum calculation remains efficient, as it employs lazy evaluation and only processes the items once. The code has not introduced any new inefficiencies following the previous feedback.\nsafety: The code continues to include robust type checks to ensure the input is an iterable of numbers. The raised TypeError for non-numeric types is a safe practice. The removal of the unnecessary try-except block, as suggested in the previous feedback, has improved the code's clarity and safety.\napproval: APPROVE\nsuggested_changes: No further changes are suggested. The code seems to have addressed the issues raised in the previous feedback, and the type checks ensure safety and correctness without unnecessary complexity.")Code Writing Result:
Write a function to find the sum of all even numbers in a list.
def sum_of_evens(numbers):if not isinstance(numbers, (list, tuple, set)):raise TypeError("Input must be a list, tuple, or set of numbers")return sum(number for number in numbers if isinstance(number, (int, float)) and number % 2 == 0)# Example usage:
# my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, '5', 6.0]
# print(sum_of_evens(my_list))
Code review:
correctness: The function correctly calculates the sum of all even numbers. The TypeError handling for non-numeric types in the iterable is well-implemented. The unnecessary checks for iterability and division by zero have been addressed in the previous feedback, which is good.
efficiency: The use of a generator expression for the sum calculation remains efficient, as it employs lazy evaluation and only processes the items once. The code has not introduced any new inefficiencies following the previous feedback.
safety: The code continues to include robust type checks to ensure the input is an iterable of numbers. The raised TypeError for non-numeric types is a safe practice. The removal of the unnecessary try-except block, as suggested in the previous feedback, has improved the code's clarity and safety.
approval: APPROVE
suggested_changes: No further changes are suggested. The code seems to have addressed the issues raised in the previous feedback, and the type checks ensure safety and correctness without unnecessary complexity.



  • CodeWritingTask: 存储代码编写任务,包含任务描述。
  • CodeWritingResult: 存储代码编写结果,包含任务描述、生成的代码和审查意见。
  • CodeReviewTask: 存储代码审查任务,包含会话ID、代码编写任务描述、代码编写草稿和生成的代码。
  • CodeReviewResult: 存储代码审查结果,包含审查意见、会话ID和是否批准。
CoderAgent 类:
  • CoderAgent 负责编写代码。它接收一个 CodeWritingTask,使用聊天模型生成代码,并将生成的代码封装在 CodeReviewTask 中发布出去,等待审查。
  • handle_code_writing_task 方法处理代码编写任务,生成代码并创建代码审查任务。
  • handle_code_review_result 方法处理代码审查结果。如果审查通过,则发布代码编写结果;如果需要修改,则重新生成代码并创建新的代码审查任务。
  • _extract_code_block 方法用于从Markdown文本中提取代码块。
ReviewerAgent 类:
  • ReviewerAgent 负责审查代码。它接收一个 CodeReviewTask,使用聊天模型进行审查,并将审查结果封装在 CodeReviewResult 中发布出去。
  • handle_code_review_task 方法处理代码审查任务,生成审查结果并发布。
  • 创建 CoderAgentReviewerAgent 的实例。
  • 发布一个 CodeWritingTask 来启动流程。
  • 运行系统直到所有任务处理完毕。



  1. 用户提交一个代码编写任务。
  2. CoderAgent 接收任务,生成代码,并发送给 ReviewerAgent 进行审查。
  3. ReviewerAgent 审查代码,提供反馈,并决定是否批准。
  4. 如果代码被批准,CoderAgent 将生成最终结果;如果需要修改,CoderAgent 将根据反馈重新生成代码。






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rzsz这个工具用于 windows 机器和远端的 Linux 机器通过 XShell 传输文件. 安装完毕之后可以通过拖拽的方式将文件上传过去. 安装rzsz工具 rz&#xff1a;从Windows机器上传到远程Linux机器&#xff08;或者直接把文件托进Xshell中&#xff09; sz&#xff1a;将文件从Linux远…


目录 前言1. 序列化和反序列化2. 认识URL3. 对网络中资源的理解4. HTTP的报文格式5. HTTP方法详解6. HTTP的状态码和header7. HTTP会话管理8. 总结以及拓展 前言 在理解了网络套接字编程后, 后续的文章会从应用层到链路层, 详解的讲解每一层的协议都做了些什么工作, 并且会拆分…


利用JSON数据类型优化关系型数据库设计 前言 在关系型数据库中&#xff0c;传统的结构化存储方式要求预先定义好所有的列及其数据类型。 然而&#xff0c;随着业务的发展&#xff0c;这种设计可能会显得不够灵活&#xff0c;尤其是在需要扩展单个列的描述功能时。 JSON数据…