webassembly003 ggml ADAM (暂记)


  • https://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980.pdf



  • x:参数(权重和偏置)的值。对于Adam优化器而言,这是模型的可学习参数,通过优化算法进行更新。
  • g1:梯度向量。该向量包含了每个参数对应的梯度值,用于计算梯度的一阶矩估计。
  • g2:梯度平方向量。该向量包含了每个参数对应的梯度平方值,用于计算梯度的二阶矩估计。
  • m:一阶矩向量。该向量包含了每个参数对应的一阶矩估计值,将梯度的一阶矩估计累加,用于计算参数更新的动力学部分。
  • v:二阶矩向量。该向量包含了每个参数对应的二阶矩估计值,将梯度平方的二阶矩估计累加,用于计算参数更新的动力学部分。
  • mh:偏置修正的一阶矩向量。由于初始时m和v的值都接近于0,导致在迭代初期时估计的动量和学习率偏向较高。为了解决这个问题,采用了偏置修正,即每个参数对应的一阶矩估计值除以一个衰减因子,用于修正初始阶段的动量偏向。
  • vh:偏置修正的二阶矩向量。该向量类似于mh,但是用于修正二阶矩估计的初始阶段偏向。
    float * x  = (float *)opt->adam.x->data;  // view of the parametersfloat * g1 = (float *)opt->adam.g1->data; // gradientfloat * g2 = (float *)opt->adam.g2->data; // gradient squaredfloat * m  = (float *)opt->adam.m->data;  // first momentfloat * v  = (float *)opt->adam.v->data;  // second momentfloat * mh = (float *)opt->adam.mh->data; // first moment hatfloat * vh = (float *)opt->adam.vh->data; // second moment hat
  1. 初始化变量:Adam优化器会初始化两个变量m和v,分别用来存储梯度的一阶矩估计和二阶矩估计。这两个变量的维度与模型的参数维度相同。

  2. 计算梯度:在每个训练批次中,根据当前的参数值计算梯度。

  3. 更新一阶矩估计:通过指数加权移动平均的方式更新一阶矩估计m。具体而言,对于每个参数的梯度,将其乘以一个衰减系数β1(通常取值为0.9),然后加到对应的一阶矩估计m上。

  4. 更新二阶矩估计:通过指数加权移动平均的方式更新二阶矩估计v。具体而言,对于每个参数的梯度的平方,将其乘以一个衰减系数β2(通常取值为0.999),然后加到对应的二阶矩估计v上。

  5. 偏差修正:由于初始时m和v的值都为0,会导致它们在训练初期偏向于0。为了修正这个偏差,需要进行偏差修正操作。具体而言,将一阶矩估计m和二阶矩估计v除以1减去β1和1减去β2的指数衰减权重。

  6. 更新参数:根据一阶矩估计m和二阶矩估计v,以及学习率α,更新模型的参数。具体而言,对于每个参数,将其当前值减去学习率乘以一阶矩估计m除以二阶矩估计v的平方根。

  7. 重复步骤2-6:重复执行步骤2-6,直到达到停止条件(如达到最大迭代次数或梯度收敛)。

  • PS:需要优化的params



//   ref: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980.pdf
//static enum ggml_opt_result ggml_opt_adam(
struct ggml_context * ctx,
struct ggml_opt_context * opt,
struct ggml_opt_params params,
struct ggml_tensor * f,
struct ggml_cgraph * gf,
struct ggml_cgraph * gb) {
GGML_ASSERT(ggml_is_scalar(f));// these will store the parameters we want to optimize
struct ggml_tensor * ps[GGML_MAX_PARAMS];int np = 0;
int nx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < gf->n_nodes; ++i) {
if (gf->nodes[i]->is_param) {
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("found param %d: grad->op = %d\n", np, gf->nodes[i]->grad->op);GGML_ASSERT(np < GGML_MAX_PARAMS);ps[np++] = gf->nodes[i];
nx += ggml_nelements(gf->nodes[i]);
}if ((opt->params.type != params.type) || (opt->nx != nx) || (opt->params.past != params.past)) {
int iter = opt->iter;
ggml_opt_init(opt->ctx, opt, params, nx);
opt->iter = iter;
}// constants
const float sched = params.adam.sched;
const float decay = params.adam.decay * sched;
const float alpha = params.adam.alpha * sched;
const float beta1 = params.adam.beta1;
const float beta2 = params.adam.beta2;
const float eps   = params.adam.eps;float * x  = opt->adam.x->data;  // view of the parameters
float * g1 = opt->adam.g1->data; // gradient
float * g2 = opt->adam.g2->data; // gradient squared
float * m  = opt->adam.m->data;  // first moment
float * v  = opt->adam.v->data;  // second moment
float * mh = opt->adam.mh->data; // first moment hat
float * vh = opt->adam.vh->data; // second moment hatfloat * pf = params.past > 0 ? opt->adam.pf->data : NULL; // past function values// update view
ggml_opt_get_params(np, ps, x);// compute the function value
ggml_graph_reset  (gf);
ggml_set_f32      (f->grad, 1.0f);ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, gb, params.n_threads);opt->adam.fx_prev = ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0);
opt->adam.fx_best = opt->adam.fx_prev;
if (pf) {
pf[opt->iter % params.past] = opt->adam.fx_prev;
}// initialize
if (opt->just_initialized) {
opt->adam.n_no_improvement = 0;
opt->just_initialized = false;
}float * fx_best = &opt->adam.fx_best;
float * fx_prev = &opt->adam.fx_prev;
int * n_no_improvement = &opt->adam.n_no_improvement;int iter0 = opt->iter;// run the optimizer
for (int t = 0; t < params.adam.n_iter; ++t) {
opt->iter = iter0 + t + 1;
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG  ("=== iter %d ===\n", t);GGML_PRINT_DEBUG  ("f      = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0));
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5("df/dx0 = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[0]->grad, 0));
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5("df/dx1 = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[1]->grad, 0));for (int i = 0; i < np; ++i) {
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("param %d: %10.6f, g = %10.6f\n", i,
ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[i], 0), ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[i]->grad, 0));
}const int64_t t_start_wall = ggml_time_us();
const int64_t t_start_cpu = ggml_cycles();
// update the gradient
ggml_opt_get_grad(np, ps, g1);// m_t = beta1*m_t-1 + (1 - beta1)*g_t
ggml_vec_scale_f32(nx, m, beta1);
ggml_vec_mad_f32  (nx, m, g1, 1.0f - beta1);// g2 = g1^2
ggml_vec_sqr_f32  (nx, g2, g1);// v_t = beta2*v_t-1 + (1 - beta2)*g_t^2
ggml_vec_scale_f32(nx, v, beta2);
ggml_vec_mad_f32  (nx, v, g2, 1.0f - beta2);// m^hat = m_t / (1 - beta1^t)
// v^hat = v_t / (1 - beta2^t)
// x_t = x_t-1 - sched*(alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps) + decay*x_t-1)
// x_t = x_t-1 - sched*alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps) - sched*decay*x_t-1
// x_t = x_t-1*(1-sched*decay) - sched*alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps)
// x_t = x_t-1*(1-sched*decay) + sched*decay*(-alpha/decay)*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps)
// x_t = mix(x_t-1, (-alpha/decay)*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps), sched*decay)
ggml_vec_cpy_f32  (nx, mh, m);
ggml_vec_cpy_f32  (nx, vh, v);ggml_vec_scale_f32(nx, mh, alpha/(1.0f - powf(beta1, opt->iter)));
ggml_vec_scale_f32(nx, vh,  1.0f/(1.0f - powf(beta2, opt->iter)));ggml_vec_sqrt_f32 (nx, vh, vh);
ggml_vec_acc1_f32 (nx, vh, eps);ggml_vec_div_f32  (nx, mh, mh, vh);
ggml_vec_scale_f32(nx, x,  1.0f - decay);
ggml_vec_sub_f32  (nx, x,  x,  mh);// update the parameters
ggml_opt_set_params(np, ps, x);
}ggml_graph_reset  (gf);
ggml_set_f32      (f->grad, 1.0f);ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, gb, params.n_threads);const float fx = ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0);// check convergence
if (fabsf(fx - fx_prev[0])/fx < params.adam.eps_f) {
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("converged\n");return GGML_OPT_OK;
}// delta-based convergence test
if (pf != NULL) {
// need at least params.past iterations to start checking for convergence
if (params.past <= iter0 + t) {
const float rate = (pf[(iter0 + t)%params.past] - fx)/fx;if (fabsf(rate) < params.delta) {
return GGML_OPT_OK;
}pf[(iter0 + t)%params.past] = fx;
}// check for improvement
if (params.max_no_improvement > 0) {
if (fx_best[0] > fx) {
fx_best[0] = fx;
n_no_improvement[0] = 0;
} else {
++n_no_improvement[0];if (n_no_improvement[0] >= params.max_no_improvement) {
return GGML_OPT_OK;
}fx_prev[0] = fx;{
const int64_t t_end_cpu = ggml_cycles();
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("time iter:      %5.3f s\n", ((float)(t_end_cpu - t_start_cpu))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
UNUSED(t_end_cpu);const int64_t t_end_wall = ggml_time_us();
GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("wall time iter: %5.3f s\n", (t_end_wall - t_start_wall)/1e6);


  • https://github1s.com/ggerganov/ggml/blob/HEAD/src/ggml.c#L18414-L18610



#include "ggml.h"#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <random>
#include "ggml.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <random>#define MAX_NARGS 2#if defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdouble-promotion"
// logging
#define GGML_DEBUG 0
#if (GGML_DEBUG >= 1)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG(...)
#endif#if (GGML_DEBUG >= 5)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5(...)
#endif#if (GGML_DEBUG >= 10)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_10(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_10(...)
#endif#define GGML_PRINT(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)float frand(void) {return (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
}int irand(int n) {return rand()%n;
}void get_random_dims(int64_t * dims, int ndims) {dims[0] = dims[1] = dims[2] = dims[3] = 1;for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {dims[i] = 1 + irand(4);}
}void get_random_dims_minmax(int64_t * dims, int ndims, int min, int max) {dims[0] = dims[1] = dims[2] = dims[3] = 1;for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {dims[i] = min + irand(max-min);}
}struct ggml_tensor * get_random_tensor(struct ggml_context * ctx0,int ndims,int64_t ne[],float fmin,float fmax) {struct ggml_tensor * result = ggml_new_tensor(ctx0, GGML_TYPE_F32, ndims, ne);switch (ndims) {case 1:for (int i0 = 0; i0 < ne[0]; i0++) {((float *)result->data)[i0] = frand()*(fmax - fmin) + fmin;}break;case 2:for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ne[1]; i1++) {for (int i0 = 0; i0 < ne[0]; i0++) {((float *)result->data)[i1*ne[0] + i0] = frand()*(fmax - fmin) + fmin;}}break;case 3:for (int i2 = 0; i2 < ne[2]; i2++) {for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ne[1]; i1++) {for (int i0 = 0; i0 < ne[0]; i0++) {((float *)result->data)[i2*ne[1]*ne[0] + i1*ne[0] + i0] = frand()*(fmax - fmin) + fmin;}}}break;case 4:for (int i3 = 0; i3 < ne[3]; i3++) {for (int i2 = 0; i2 < ne[2]; i2++) {for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ne[1]; i1++) {for (int i0 = 0; i0 < ne[0]; i0++) {((float *)result->data)[i3*ne[2]*ne[1]*ne[0] + i2*ne[1]*ne[0] + i1*ne[0] + i0] = frand()*(fmax - fmin) + fmin;}}}}break;default:assert(false);};return result;
}float get_element(const struct ggml_tensor * t, int idx) {return ((float *)t->data)[idx];
}void set_element(struct ggml_tensor * t, int idx, float value) {((float *)t->data)[idx] = value;
}float run(int val){return 0.1f;
}struct ggml_init_params params = {/* .mem_size   = */ 1024*1024*10, // 设置内存大小为1GB/* .mem_buffer = */ NULL, // 设置内存缓冲区为空/* .no_alloc   = */ false, // 允许内存分配
struct ggml_context * ctx = ggml_init(params); // 创建一个ggml_context结构体对象int64_t ne1[4] = {2, 512, 1, 1};
int64_t ne2[4] = {512, 256, 1, 1};
int64_t ne3[4] = {1, 256, 1, 1};
int64_t ne4[4] = {256, 3, 1, 1};
int64_t ne5[4] = {3, 1, 1, 1};int64_t mid_w[4] = {256, 256, 1, 1};
int64_t mid_b[4] = {256, 1, 1, 1};struct res {ggml_cgraph ge;ggml_tensor * e;ggml_tensor * output;ggml_tensor * intput;ggml_tensor * target;};res hf_getcompute_graph(){struct ggml_tensor * X = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, 2);//    struct ggml_tensor * X = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne1, -1, +1); // 创建一个2维随机张量astruct ggml_tensor * target = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, 3);struct ggml_tensor * proj = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne1, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc1_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne2, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc1_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne3, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fcout_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne4, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fcout_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne5, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc3_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_w, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc3_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_b, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc4_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_w, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc4_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_b, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc5_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_w, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc5_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_b, -1, +1);ggml_set_param(ctx, fcout_weight); ggml_set_param(ctx, fcout_bias); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc3_weight); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc3_bias);ggml_set_param(ctx, fc4_weight); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc4_bias); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc5_weight); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc5_bias);ggml_tensor * proj_of_x =  ggml_mul_mat(ctx, proj,X); // 512*1ggml_tensor * fc1 = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, proj_of_x,fc1_weight),  fc1_bias); // 1*256ggml_tensor * fc1_ = ggml_view_2d(ctx,fc1,256,1,4*256,0);//ggml_transpose(ctx,fc1);  // 256*1// ggml_tensor * fc2 =  ggml_mul_mat(ctx,fc3_weight,fc1_); // 256*1 ggml_tensor * fc2 =  ggml_mul_mat(ctx,fc1_,fc3_weight); // 256*1 &  256*256 =>1*256ggml_tensor * fc3 = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, fc3_weight, ggml_relu(ctx, fc1_)), fc3_bias);ggml_tensor * fc4 = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, fc4_weight, ggml_relu(ctx, fc3)), fc4_bias);ggml_tensor * fc5 = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, fc5_weight, ggml_relu(ctx, fc4)), fc5_bias);ggml_tensor * fcout = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, fcout_weight, ggml_relu(ctx, fc5)), fcout_bias);// 3*1ggml_tensor * fcout_ = ggml_sub(ctx,fcout,target);struct ggml_tensor * e  = ggml_sum(ctx, ggml_sqr(ctx, fcout_) ); // 计算张量d的平方和estruct ggml_cgraph ge = ggml_build_forward(e); // 构建计算图gereturn {ge, e, fcout, X,target};}void hf_out(ggml_tensor * output){printf("f = %f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(output, 0));//    cout<< "res "<<((float *)(fc2->data))[0];printf("f = %f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(output, 1));printf("f = %f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(output, 2));
}void hf_free(){ggml_free(ctx); // 释放上下文内存
}res a = hf_getcompute_graph();
static int *istrain = new int(1);// delete istrain;void hf_set_data_random(){ggml_tensor * input = a.intput;ggml_tensor * target = a.target;std::random_device rd;  // 获取随机数种子std::mt19937 gen(rd()); // 使用随机数种子初始化随机数生成器std::uniform_real_distribution<float> dis(0.0, 1.0);  // 定义均匀分布函数,范围为[0.0, 1.0)std::vector<float> digit(512); // 创建大小为512的vector<float>for (int i = 0; i < digit.size(); i++) {digit[i] = dis(gen);  // 使用分布函数生成随机数,并赋值给vector的每个元素}memcpy(input->data, digit.data(), ggml_nbytes(input));digit = {100.3f,200.5f,100.1f};memcpy(target->data, digit.data(), ggml_nbytes(target));*istrain = 1;}void hf_set_data(ggml_tensor * input,ggml_tensor * target,vector<float >& v_in ,vector<float >& v_out){memcpy(input->data, v_in.data(), ggml_nbytes(input));memcpy(target->data, v_out.data(), ggml_nbytes(target));
}namespace hf_adam{const string  about = "this is a namespace for train only one epoch for adam";static struct ggml_opt_params opt_params = ggml_opt_default_params(GGML_OPT_ADAM); // 获取默认的优化参数static struct ggml_opt_context * opt = (struct ggml_opt_context *) alloca(sizeof(struct ggml_opt_context));
//    staticstatic struct ggml_tensor * gfbuf = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_I32, sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) / ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32)+ (sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) % ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32) ? 1 : 0));static struct ggml_tensor * gbbuf = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_I32, sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) / ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32)+ (sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) % ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32) ? 1 : 0));// build forward + backward compute graphsstatic struct ggml_cgraph * gf = (struct ggml_cgraph *) hf_adam::gfbuf->data;static struct ggml_cgraph * gb = (struct ggml_cgraph *) hf_adam::gbbuf->data;static int np;static int nx;}#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endifstatic inline bool ggml_is_scalar(const struct ggml_tensor * tensor) {static_assert(GGML_MAX_DIMS == 4, "GGML_MAX_DIMS is not 4 - update this function");return tensor->ne[0] == 1 && tensor->ne[1] == 1 && tensor->ne[2] == 1 && tensor->ne[3] == 1;
}static void ggml_opt_get_params(int np, struct ggml_tensor * const ps[], float * x) {int i = 0;for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {const int64_t ne = ggml_nelements(ps[p]) ;
// TODO: add function to get all elements at oncefor (int64_t j = 0; j < ne; ++j) {x[i++] = ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[p], j);}}
}static void ggml_opt_get_grad(int np, struct ggml_tensor * const ps[], float * g) {int i = 0;for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {const int64_t ne = ggml_nelements(ps[p]) ;
// TODO: add function to get all elements at oncefor (int64_t j = 0; j < ne; ++j) {g[i++] = ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[p]->grad, j);}}
}// floating point type used to accumulate sums
typedef double ggml_float;inline static void ggml_vec_add_f32 (const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float * y) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i]  = x[i] + y[i]; }
inline static void ggml_vec_add1_f32(const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float   v) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i]  = x[i] + v;    }
inline static void ggml_vec_acc_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x)                  { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] += x[i];        }
inline static void ggml_vec_acc1_f32(const int n, float * y, const float   v)                  { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] += v;           }
inline static void ggml_vec_sub_f32 (const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float * y) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i]  = x[i] - y[i]; }
inline static void ggml_vec_set_f32 (const int n, float * x, const float   v)                  { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) x[i]  = v;           }
inline static void ggml_vec_cpy_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x)                  { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i]  = x[i];        }
inline static void ggml_vec_neg_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x)                  { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i]  = -x[i];       }
inline static void ggml_vec_mul_f32 (const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float * y) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i]  = x[i]*y[i];   }
inline static void ggml_vec_div_f32 (const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float * y) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i]  = x[i]/y[i];   }static void ggml_opt_set_params(int np, struct ggml_tensor * const ps[], const float * x) {int i = 0;for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {const int64_t ne = ggml_nelements(ps[p]) ;
// TODO: add function to set tensor from arrayfor (int64_t j = 0; j < ne; ++j) {ggml_set_f32_1d(ps[p], j, x[i++]);}}
}static void ggml_vec_dot_f32(const int n, float *  s, const float *  x, const float *  y) {
#ifdef GGML_SIMDfloat sumf = 0.0f;
const int np = (n & ~(GGML_F32_STEP - 1));GGML_F32_VEC sum[GGML_F32_ARR] = { GGML_F32_VEC_ZERO };GGML_F32_VEC ax[GGML_F32_ARR];
GGML_F32_VEC ay[GGML_F32_ARR];for (int i = 0; i < np; i += GGML_F32_STEP) {
for (int j = 0; j < GGML_F32_ARR; j++) {
ax[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(x + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);
ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);sum[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_FMA(sum[j], ax[j], ay[j]);
}// reduce sum0..sum3 to sum0
GGML_F32_VEC_REDUCE(sumf, sum);// leftovers
for (int i = np; i < n; ++i) {
sumf += x[i]*y[i];
// scalarggml_float sumf = 0.0;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {sumf += (ggml_float)(x[i]*y[i]);}
#endif*s = sumf;
}inline static void ggml_vec_mad_f32(const int n, float *  y, const float *  x, const float v) {
//    inline static void ggml_vec_mad_f32(const int n, float * restrict y, const float * restrict x, const float v) {
//#if defined(GGML_SIMD)
//    const int np = (n & ~(GGML_F32_STEP - 1));
//GGML_F32_VEC vx = GGML_F32_VEC_SET1(v);
//GGML_F32_VEC ax[GGML_F32_ARR];
//GGML_F32_VEC ay[GGML_F32_ARR];
//for (int i = 0; i < np; i += GGML_F32_STEP) {
//for (int j = 0; j < GGML_F32_ARR; j++) {
//ax[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(x + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);
//ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);
//ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_FMA(ay[j], ax[j], vx);
//GGML_F32_VEC_STORE(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR, ay[j]);
//for (int i = np; i < n; ++i) {
//y[i] += x[i]*v;
//#elsescalarfor (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {y[i] += x[i]*v;}
}//inline static void ggml_vec_scale_f32(const int n, float * y, const float   v) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] *= v;          }
inline static void ggml_vec_scale_f32(const int n, float * y, const float   v) {
#if defined(GGML_USE_ACCELERATE)vDSP_vsmul(y, 1, &v, y, 1, n);
#elif defined(GGML_SIMD)const int np = (n & ~(GGML_F32_STEP - 1));GGML_F32_VEC vx = GGML_F32_VEC_SET1(v);GGML_F32_VEC ay[GGML_F32_ARR];for (int i = 0; i < np; i += GGML_F32_STEP) {
for (int j = 0; j < GGML_F32_ARR; j++) {
ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);
ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_MUL(ay[j], vx);GGML_F32_VEC_STORE(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR, ay[j]);
}// leftovers
for (int i = np; i < n; ++i) {
y[i] *= v;
// scalarfor (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {y[i] *= v;}
}inline static void ggml_vec_norm_f32 (const int n, float * s, const float * x) { ggml_vec_dot_f32(n, s, x, x); *s = sqrtf(*s);   }
inline static void ggml_vec_sqr_f32  (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = x[i]*x[i];   }
inline static void ggml_vec_sqrt_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = sqrtf(x[i]); }
inline static void ggml_vec_log_f32  (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = logf(x[i]);   }
inline static void ggml_vec_abs_f32  (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = fabsf(x[i]); }
inline static void ggml_vec_sgn_f32  (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = (x[i] > 0.f) ? 1.f : ((x[i] < 0.f) ? -1.f : 0.f); }
inline static void ggml_vec_step_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = (x[i] > 0.f) ? 1.f : 0.f; }
inline static void ggml_vec_tanh_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = tanhf(x[i]);  }
inline static void ggml_vec_elu_f32  (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = (x[i] > 0.f) ? x[i] : expf(x[i])-1; }
inline static void ggml_vec_relu_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = (x[i] > 0.f) ? x[i] : 0.f; }//
//   ref: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980.pdf
struct ggml_tensor * ps[GGML_MAX_PARAMS];void ggml_opt_adam(struct ggml_context * ctx,struct ggml_opt_context * opt,struct ggml_opt_params params,struct ggml_tensor * f,struct ggml_cgraph * gf,struct ggml_cgraph * gb) {GGML_ASSERT(ggml_is_scalar(f));// these will store the parameters we want to optimizeif ((opt->params.type != params.type) || (opt->nx !=  hf_adam::nx) || (opt->params.past != params.past)) {int iter = opt->iter;ggml_opt_init(opt->ctx, opt, params,  hf_adam::nx);opt->iter = iter;}// constantsconst float sched = params.adam.sched;const float decay = params.adam.decay * sched;const float alpha = params.adam.alpha * sched;const float beta1 = params.adam.beta1;const float beta2 = params.adam.beta2;const float eps   = params.adam.eps;float * x  = (float *)opt->adam.x->data;  // view of the parametersfloat * g1 = (float *)opt->adam.g1->data; // gradientfloat * g2 = (float *)opt->adam.g2->data; // gradient squaredfloat * m  = (float *)opt->adam.m->data;  // first momentfloat * v  = (float *)opt->adam.v->data;  // second momentfloat * mh = (float *)opt->adam.mh->data; // first moment hatfloat * vh = (float *)opt->adam.vh->data; // second moment hatfloat * pf = params.past > 0 ? (float *)opt->adam.pf->data : NULL; // past function values// update viewggml_opt_get_params(hf_adam::np, ps, x);// compute the function valueggml_graph_reset  (gf);ggml_set_f32      (f->grad, 1.0f);ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, gb, params.n_threads);opt->adam.fx_prev = ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0);opt->adam.fx_best = opt->adam.fx_prev;if (pf) {pf[opt->iter % params.past] = opt->adam.fx_prev;}// initializeif (opt->just_initialized) {
//        opt->adam.n_no_improvement = 0; //  *** stack smashing detected ***: terminatedopt->just_initialized = false;}float * fx_best = &opt->adam.fx_best;float * fx_prev = &opt->adam.fx_prev;int * n_no_improvement = &opt->adam.n_no_improvement;int iter0 = opt->iter;// run the optimizerfor (int t = 0; t < 20; ++t) {
//        for (int t = 0; t < params.adam.n_iter; ++t) {cout<< t <<endl;opt->iter = iter0 + t + 1;GGML_PRINT_DEBUG  ("=== iter %d ===\n", t);GGML_PRINT_DEBUG  ("f      = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0));GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5("df/dx0 = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[0]->grad, 0));GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5("df/dx1 = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[1]->grad, 0));for (int i = 0; i < hf_adam::np; ++i) {GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("param %d: %10.6f, g = %10.6f\n", i,ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[i], 0), ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[i]->grad, 0));}const int64_t t_start_wall = ggml_time_us();const int64_t t_start_cpu = ggml_cycles();
//        UNUSED(t_start_wall);
//        UNUSED(t_start_cpu);{
// update the gradientggml_opt_get_grad(hf_adam::np, ps, g1); // np : 8 ,ps: ggml_tensor * [256] ,g1 float * 梯度向量。该向量包含了每个参数对应的梯度值,用于计算梯度的一阶矩估计。// m_t = beta1*m_t-1 + (1 - beta1)*g_tggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, m, beta1);ggml_vec_mad_f32  (hf_adam::nx, m, g1, 1.0f - beta1);// g2 = g1^2ggml_vec_sqr_f32  (hf_adam::nx, g2, g1);// v_t = beta2*v_t-1 + (1 - beta2)*g_t^2ggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, v, beta2);ggml_vec_mad_f32  (hf_adam::nx, v, g2, 1.0f - beta2);// m^hat = m_t / (1 - beta1^t)
// v^hat = v_t / (1 - beta2^t)
// x_t = x_t-1 - sched*(alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps) + decay*x_t-1)
// x_t = x_t-1 - sched*alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps) - sched*decay*x_t-1
// x_t = x_t-1*(1-sched*decay) - sched*alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps)
// x_t = x_t-1*(1-sched*decay) + sched*decay*(-alpha/decay)*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps)
// x_t = mix(x_t-1, (-alpha/decay)*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps), sched*decay)ggml_vec_cpy_f32  (hf_adam::nx, mh, m);ggml_vec_cpy_f32  (hf_adam::nx, vh, v);ggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, mh, alpha/(1.0f - powf(beta1, opt->iter)));ggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, vh,  1.0f/(1.0f - powf(beta2, opt->iter)));ggml_vec_sqrt_f32 (hf_adam::nx, vh, vh);ggml_vec_acc1_f32 (hf_adam::nx, vh, eps);ggml_vec_div_f32  (hf_adam::nx, mh, mh, vh);ggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, x,  1.0f - decay);ggml_vec_sub_f32  (hf_adam::nx, x,  x,  mh);// update the parametersggml_opt_set_params(hf_adam::np, ps, x);}ggml_graph_reset  (gf);ggml_set_f32      (f->grad, 1.0f);ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, gb, params.n_threads);const float fx = ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0);// check convergenceif (fabsf(fx - fx_prev[0])/fx < params.adam.eps_f) {GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("converged\n");return ;}// delta-based convergence testif (pf != NULL) {
// need at least params.past iterations to start checking for convergenceif (params.past <= iter0 + t) {const float rate = (pf[(iter0 + t)%params.past] - fx)/fx;if (fabsf(rate) < params.delta) {return ;}}pf[(iter0 + t)%params.past] = fx;}fx_prev[0] = fx;{const int64_t t_end_cpu = ggml_cycles();GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("time iter:      %5.3f s\n", ((float)(t_end_cpu - t_start_cpu))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
//            UNUSED(t_end_cpu);const int64_t t_end_wall = ggml_time_us();GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("wall time iter: %5.3f s\n", (t_end_wall - t_start_wall)/1e6);
//            UNUSED(t_end_wall);}}return ;
}struct rgb{ float r; float g; float b;};void hf_play_init(){ggml_opt_init(ctx, hf_adam::opt, hf_adam::opt_params, 0);* hf_adam::gf = ggml_build_forward (a.e);* hf_adam::gb = ggml_build_backward(ctx, hf_adam::gf, true);hf_adam::np = 0;hf_adam::nx = 0;for (int i = 0; i < hf_adam::gf->n_nodes; ++i) {if (hf_adam::gf->nodes[i]->is_param) {GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("found param %d: grad->op = %d\n", np, gf->nodes[i]->grad->op);GGML_ASSERT( hf_adam::np < GGML_MAX_PARAMS);ps[ hf_adam::np++] = hf_adam::gf->nodes[i];hf_adam::nx += ggml_nelements(hf_adam::gf->nodes[i]);}}}static bool flag = true;void hf_play_start_train() {ggml_cgraph ge = a.ge;ggml_tensor * e = a.e;ggml_tensor * output = a.output;ggml_tensor * input = a.intput;ggml_tensor * target = a.target;if(flag){cout<<"------init------"  <<endl;hf_play_init();flag = false;}while(1){if(*istrain){// ggml_opt(ctx, opt_params, e); // 通过指定的优化参数优化张量ecout<<"pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp" <<endl;cout<< hf_adam::about << endl;ggml_opt_adam(ctx, hf_adam::opt, hf_adam::opt->params, a.e, hf_adam::gf, hf_adam::gb);//  ggml_opt_resume_g(ctx, hf_adam::opt, a.e, hf_adam::gf, hf_adam::gb);
//            ggml_opt_adam(ctx, hf_adam::opt, hf_adam::opt->params, a.e, hf_adam::gf, hf_adam::gb);hf_set_data_random();*istrain = 0;}else{cout<<"oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" <<endl;ggml_graph_reset(&a.ge); // 重置计算图ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, &a.ge, /*n_threads*/ 1); // 使用指定上下文计算计算图float fe = ggml_get_f32_1d(e, 0); // 获取张量e的第一个元素值printf("%s: e = %.4f\n", __func__, fe); // 输出e的值hf_out(output);for(int i=0;i<10000000;i++);*istrain = 1;}}return ;
}#ifdef __cplusplus
#endifint main(void) {hf_play_start_train();return 0;


#include "ggml.h"#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <random>
#include "ggml.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <random>#define MAX_NARGS 2#if defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdouble-promotion"
// logging
#define GGML_DEBUG 0
#if (GGML_DEBUG >= 1)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG(...)
#endif#if (GGML_DEBUG >= 5)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5(...)
#endif#if (GGML_DEBUG >= 10)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_10(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_10(...)
#endif#define GGML_PRINT(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)float frand(void) {return (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
}int irand(int n) {return rand()%n;
}void get_random_dims(int64_t * dims, int ndims) {dims[0] = dims[1] = dims[2] = dims[3] = 1;for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {dims[i] = 1 + irand(4);}
}void get_random_dims_minmax(int64_t * dims, int ndims, int min, int max) {dims[0] = dims[1] = dims[2] = dims[3] = 1;for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {dims[i] = min + irand(max-min);}
}struct ggml_tensor * get_random_tensor(struct ggml_context * ctx0,int ndims,int64_t ne[],float fmin,float fmax) {struct ggml_tensor * result = ggml_new_tensor(ctx0, GGML_TYPE_F32, ndims, ne);switch (ndims) {case 1:for (int i0 = 0; i0 < ne[0]; i0++) {((float *)result->data)[i0] = frand()*(fmax - fmin) + fmin;}break;case 2:for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ne[1]; i1++) {for (int i0 = 0; i0 < ne[0]; i0++) {((float *)result->data)[i1*ne[0] + i0] = frand()*(fmax - fmin) + fmin;}}break;case 3:for (int i2 = 0; i2 < ne[2]; i2++) {for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ne[1]; i1++) {for (int i0 = 0; i0 < ne[0]; i0++) {((float *)result->data)[i2*ne[1]*ne[0] + i1*ne[0] + i0] = frand()*(fmax - fmin) + fmin;}}}break;case 4:for (int i3 = 0; i3 < ne[3]; i3++) {for (int i2 = 0; i2 < ne[2]; i2++) {for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ne[1]; i1++) {for (int i0 = 0; i0 < ne[0]; i0++) {((float *)result->data)[i3*ne[2]*ne[1]*ne[0] + i2*ne[1]*ne[0] + i1*ne[0] + i0] = frand()*(fmax - fmin) + fmin;}}}}break;default:assert(false);};return result;
}float get_element(const struct ggml_tensor * t, int idx) {return ((float *)t->data)[idx];
}void set_element(struct ggml_tensor * t, int idx, float value) {((float *)t->data)[idx] = value;
}float run(int val){return 0.1f;
}struct ggml_init_params params = {/* .mem_size   = */ 1024*1024*10, // 设置内存大小为1GB/* .mem_buffer = */ NULL, // 设置内存缓冲区为空/* .no_alloc   = */ false, // 允许内存分配
struct ggml_context * ctx = ggml_init(params); // 创建一个ggml_context结构体对象int64_t ne1[4] = {2, 512, 1, 1};
int64_t ne2[4] = {512, 256, 1, 1};
int64_t ne3[4] = {1, 256, 1, 1};
int64_t ne4[4] = {256, 3, 1, 1};
int64_t ne5[4] = {3, 1, 1, 1};int64_t mid_w[4] = {256, 256, 1, 1};
int64_t mid_b[4] = {256, 1, 1, 1};struct res {ggml_cgraph ge;ggml_tensor * e;ggml_tensor * output;ggml_tensor * intput;ggml_tensor * target;};res hf_getcompute_graph(){struct ggml_tensor * X = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, 2);//    struct ggml_tensor * X = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne1, -1, +1); // 创建一个2维随机张量astruct ggml_tensor * target = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, 3);struct ggml_tensor * proj = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne1, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc1_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne2, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc1_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne3, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fcout_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne4, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fcout_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, ne5, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc3_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_w, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc3_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_b, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc4_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_w, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc4_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_b, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc5_weight = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_w, -1, +1);struct ggml_tensor * fc5_bias = get_random_tensor(ctx, 2, mid_b, -1, +1);ggml_set_param(ctx, fcout_weight); ggml_set_param(ctx, fcout_bias); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc3_weight); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc3_bias);ggml_set_param(ctx, fc4_weight); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc4_bias); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc5_weight); ggml_set_param(ctx, fc5_bias);ggml_tensor * proj_of_x =  ggml_mul_mat(ctx, proj,X); // 512*1ggml_tensor * fc1 = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, proj_of_x,fc1_weight),  fc1_bias); // 1*256ggml_tensor * fc1_ = ggml_view_2d(ctx,fc1,256,1,4*256,0);//ggml_transpose(ctx,fc1);  // 256*1// ggml_tensor * fc2 =  ggml_mul_mat(ctx,fc3_weight,fc1_); // 256*1 ggml_tensor * fc2 =  ggml_mul_mat(ctx,fc1_,fc3_weight); // 256*1 &  256*256 =>1*256ggml_tensor * fc3 = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, fc3_weight, ggml_relu(ctx, fc1_)), fc3_bias);ggml_tensor * fc4 = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, fc4_weight, ggml_relu(ctx, fc3)), fc4_bias);ggml_tensor * fc5 = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, fc5_weight, ggml_relu(ctx, fc4)), fc5_bias);ggml_tensor * fcout = ggml_add(ctx, ggml_mul_mat(ctx, fcout_weight, ggml_relu(ctx, fc5)), fcout_bias);// 3*1ggml_tensor * fcout_ = ggml_sub(ctx,fcout,target);struct ggml_tensor * e  = ggml_sum(ctx, ggml_sqr(ctx, fcout_) ); // 计算张量d的平方和estruct ggml_cgraph ge = ggml_build_forward(e); // 构建计算图gereturn {ge, e, fcout, X,target};}void hf_out(ggml_tensor * output){printf("f = %f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(output, 0));//    cout<< "res "<<((float *)(fc2->data))[0];printf("f = %f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(output, 1));printf("f = %f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(output, 2));
}void hf_free(){ggml_free(ctx); // 释放上下文内存
}static res a = hf_getcompute_graph();
struct ggml_tensor * ps[GGML_MAX_PARAMS];
static int *istrain = new int(1);// delete istrain;void hf_set_data_random(){ggml_tensor * input = a.intput;ggml_tensor * target = a.target;std::vector<float> digit ={1.f,2.f};memcpy(input->data, digit.data(), ggml_nbytes(input));digit = {100.3f,200.5f,100.1f};memcpy(target->data, digit.data(), ggml_nbytes(target));*istrain = 1;
}void hf_set_data(ggml_tensor * input,ggml_tensor * target,vector<float >& v_in ,vector<float >& v_out){memcpy(input->data, v_in.data(), ggml_nbytes(input));memcpy(target->data, v_out.data(), ggml_nbytes(target));
}static inline bool ggml_is_scalar(const struct ggml_tensor * tensor) {static_assert(GGML_MAX_DIMS == 4, "GGML_MAX_DIMS is not 4 - update this function");return tensor->ne[0] == 1 && tensor->ne[1] == 1 && tensor->ne[2] == 1 && tensor->ne[3] == 1;
}static void ggml_opt_get_params(int np, struct ggml_tensor * const ps[], float * x) {int i = 0;for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {const int64_t ne = ggml_nelements(ps[p]) ;
// TODO: add function to get all elements at oncefor (int64_t j = 0; j < ne; ++j) {x[i++] = ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[p], j);}}
}static void ggml_opt_get_grad(int np, struct ggml_tensor * const ps[], float * g) {int i = 0;for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {const int64_t ne = ggml_nelements(ps[p]) ;
// TODO: add function to get all elements at oncefor (int64_t j = 0; j < ne; ++j) {g[i++] = ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[p]->grad, j);}}
}// floating point type used to accumulate sums
typedef double ggml_float;inline static void ggml_vec_add_f32 (const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float * y) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i]  = x[i] + y[i]; }
inline static void ggml_vec_add1_f32(const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float   v) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i]  = x[i] + v;    }
inline static void ggml_vec_acc_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x)                  { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] += x[i];        }
inline static void ggml_vec_acc1_f32(const int n, float * y, const float   v)                  { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] += v;           }
inline static void ggml_vec_sub_f32 (const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float * y) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i]  = x[i] - y[i]; }
inline static void ggml_vec_set_f32 (const int n, float * x, const float   v)                  { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) x[i]  = v;           }
inline static void ggml_vec_cpy_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x)                  { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i]  = x[i];        }
inline static void ggml_vec_neg_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x)                  { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i]  = -x[i];       }
inline static void ggml_vec_mul_f32 (const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float * y) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i]  = x[i]*y[i];   }
inline static void ggml_vec_div_f32 (const int n, float * z, const float * x, const float * y) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i]  = x[i]/y[i];   }static void ggml_opt_set_params(int np, struct ggml_tensor * const ps[], const float * x) {int i = 0;for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {const int64_t ne = ggml_nelements(ps[p]) ;
// TODO: add function to set tensor from arrayfor (int64_t j = 0; j < ne; ++j) {ggml_set_f32_1d(ps[p], j, x[i++]);}}
}static void ggml_vec_dot_f32(const int n, float *  s, const float *  x, const float *  y) {
#ifdef GGML_SIMDfloat sumf = 0.0f;
const int np = (n & ~(GGML_F32_STEP - 1));GGML_F32_VEC sum[GGML_F32_ARR] = { GGML_F32_VEC_ZERO };GGML_F32_VEC ax[GGML_F32_ARR];
GGML_F32_VEC ay[GGML_F32_ARR];for (int i = 0; i < np; i += GGML_F32_STEP) {
for (int j = 0; j < GGML_F32_ARR; j++) {
ax[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(x + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);
ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);sum[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_FMA(sum[j], ax[j], ay[j]);
}// reduce sum0..sum3 to sum0
GGML_F32_VEC_REDUCE(sumf, sum);// leftovers
for (int i = np; i < n; ++i) {
sumf += x[i]*y[i];
// scalarggml_float sumf = 0.0;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {sumf += (ggml_float)(x[i]*y[i]);}
#endif*s = sumf;
}inline static void ggml_vec_mad_f32(const int n, float *  y, const float *  x, const float v) {
//    inline static void ggml_vec_mad_f32(const int n, float * restrict y, const float * restrict x, const float v) {
//#if defined(GGML_SIMD)
//    const int np = (n & ~(GGML_F32_STEP - 1));
//GGML_F32_VEC vx = GGML_F32_VEC_SET1(v);
//GGML_F32_VEC ax[GGML_F32_ARR];
//GGML_F32_VEC ay[GGML_F32_ARR];
//for (int i = 0; i < np; i += GGML_F32_STEP) {
//for (int j = 0; j < GGML_F32_ARR; j++) {
//ax[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(x + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);
//ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);
//ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_FMA(ay[j], ax[j], vx);
//GGML_F32_VEC_STORE(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR, ay[j]);
//for (int i = np; i < n; ++i) {
//y[i] += x[i]*v;
//#elsescalarfor (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {y[i] += x[i]*v;}
}//inline static void ggml_vec_scale_f32(const int n, float * y, const float   v) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] *= v;          }
inline static void ggml_vec_scale_f32(const int n, float * y, const float   v) {
#if defined(GGML_USE_ACCELERATE)vDSP_vsmul(y, 1, &v, y, 1, n);
#elif defined(GGML_SIMD)const int np = (n & ~(GGML_F32_STEP - 1));GGML_F32_VEC vx = GGML_F32_VEC_SET1(v);GGML_F32_VEC ay[GGML_F32_ARR];for (int i = 0; i < np; i += GGML_F32_STEP) {
for (int j = 0; j < GGML_F32_ARR; j++) {
ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_LOAD(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR);
ay[j] = GGML_F32_VEC_MUL(ay[j], vx);GGML_F32_VEC_STORE(y + i + j*GGML_F32_EPR, ay[j]);
}// leftovers
for (int i = np; i < n; ++i) {
y[i] *= v;
// scalarfor (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {y[i] *= v;}
}inline static void ggml_vec_norm_f32 (const int n, float * s, const float * x) { ggml_vec_dot_f32(n, s, x, x); *s = sqrtf(*s);   }
inline static void ggml_vec_sqr_f32  (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = x[i]*x[i];   }
inline static void ggml_vec_sqrt_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = sqrtf(x[i]); }
inline static void ggml_vec_log_f32  (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = logf(x[i]);   }
inline static void ggml_vec_abs_f32  (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = fabsf(x[i]); }
inline static void ggml_vec_sgn_f32  (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = (x[i] > 0.f) ? 1.f : ((x[i] < 0.f) ? -1.f : 0.f); }
inline static void ggml_vec_step_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = (x[i] > 0.f) ? 1.f : 0.f; }
inline static void ggml_vec_tanh_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = tanhf(x[i]);  }
inline static void ggml_vec_elu_f32  (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = (x[i] > 0.f) ? x[i] : expf(x[i])-1; }
inline static void ggml_vec_relu_f32 (const int n, float * y, const float * x) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i] = (x[i] > 0.f) ? x[i] : 0.f; }struct hf_adam{hf_adam(){ggml_opt_init(ctx, hf_adam::opt, hf_adam::opt_params, 0);cout<<"------init------"  <<endl;//hf_play_init();* hf_adam::gf = ggml_build_forward (a.e);* hf_adam::gb = ggml_build_backward(ctx, hf_adam::gf, true);hf_adam::np = 0;hf_adam::nx = 0;for (int i = 0; i < hf_adam::gf->n_nodes; ++i) {if (hf_adam::gf->nodes[i]->is_param) {GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("found param %d: grad->op = %d\n", np, gf->nodes[i]->grad->op);GGML_ASSERT( hf_adam::np < GGML_MAX_PARAMS);ps[ hf_adam::np++] = hf_adam::gf->nodes[i];hf_adam::nx += ggml_nelements(hf_adam::gf->nodes[i]);}}// -----------hf_play_init();------endGGML_ASSERT(ggml_is_scalar(a.e));
//        if ((opt->params.type != hf_adam::opt->params.type) || (opt->nx !=  hf_adam::nx) || (opt->params.past != hf_adam::opt->params.past)) {if ((false) || (opt->nx !=  hf_adam::nx) || (opt->params.past != hf_adam::opt->params.past)) {int iter = opt->iter;ggml_opt_init(opt->ctx, opt, hf_adam::opt->params,  hf_adam::nx);opt->iter = iter;}// constantssched = opt->params.adam.sched;decay = opt->params.adam.decay * sched;alpha = opt->params.adam.alpha * sched;beta1 = opt->params.adam.beta1;beta2 = opt->params.adam.beta2;eps   = opt->params.adam.eps;x  = (float *)opt->adam.x->data;  // view of the parametersg1 = (float *)opt->adam.g1->data; // gradientg2 = (float *)opt->adam.g2->data; // gradient squaredm  = (float *)opt->adam.m->data;  // first momentv  = (float *)opt->adam.v->data;  // second momentmh = (float *)opt->adam.mh->data; // first moment hatvh = (float *)opt->adam.vh->data; // second moment hatpf = opt->params.past > 0 ? (float *)opt->adam.pf->data : NULL; // past function values}static string  about ;//= "this is a namespace for train only one epoch for adam";static struct ggml_opt_params opt_params;// = ggml_opt_default_params(GGML_OPT_ADAM); // 获取默认的优化参数static struct ggml_opt_context * opt ;// = (struct ggml_opt_context *) alloca(sizeof(struct ggml_opt_context));
//    staticstatic struct ggml_tensor * gfbuf ;//= ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_I32, sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) / ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32)+ (sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) % ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32) ? 1 : 0));static struct ggml_tensor * gbbuf ;//= ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_I32, sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) / ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32)+ (sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) % ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32) ? 1 : 0));// build forward + backward compute graphsstatic struct ggml_cgraph * gf ;//= (struct ggml_cgraph *) hf_adam::gfbuf->data;static struct ggml_cgraph * gb ;// = (struct ggml_cgraph *) hf_adam::gbbuf->data;static int np;static int nx;static ggml_cgraph ge ;//= a.ge;// constantsstatic float sched ;static float decay ;static float alpha ;static float beta1 ;static float beta2 ;static float eps   ;static float * x  ;  // view of the parametersstatic float * g1 ; // gradientstatic float * g2 ; // gradient squaredstatic float * m  ;  // first momentstatic float * v  ;  // second momentstatic float * mh ; // first moment hatstatic float * vh ; // second moment hatstatic float * pf ; // past function valuesstatic int flag ;//= true;};
string  hf_adam::about = "this is a namespace for train only one epoch for adam";
struct ggml_opt_params hf_adam::opt_params = ggml_opt_default_params(GGML_OPT_ADAM); // 获取默认的优化参数
struct ggml_opt_context * hf_adam::opt = (struct ggml_opt_context *) alloca(sizeof(struct ggml_opt_context));
struct ggml_tensor * hf_adam::gfbuf = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_I32, sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) / ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32)+ (sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) % ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32) ? 1 : 0));
struct ggml_tensor * hf_adam::gbbuf = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_I32, sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) / ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32)+ (sizeof(struct ggml_cgraph) % ggml_type_size(GGML_TYPE_I32) ? 1 : 0));
struct ggml_cgraph * hf_adam::gf = (struct ggml_cgraph *) hf_adam::gfbuf->data;
struct ggml_cgraph * hf_adam::gb = (struct ggml_cgraph *) hf_adam::gbbuf->data;
int  hf_adam::np = 0;
int  hf_adam::nx = 0;
struct ggml_cgraph hf_adam::ge = a.ge;float hf_adam::sched = 0.f;
float hf_adam::decay = 0.f;
float hf_adam::alpha = 0.f;
float hf_adam::beta1 = 0.f;
float hf_adam::beta2 = 0.f;
float hf_adam::eps   = 0.f;float * hf_adam::x  = nullptr;  // view of the parameters
float * hf_adam::g1 = nullptr; // gradient
float * hf_adam::g2 = nullptr; // gradient squared
float * hf_adam::m  = nullptr;  // first moment
float * hf_adam::v  = nullptr;  // second moment
float * hf_adam::mh = nullptr; // first moment hat
float * hf_adam::vh = nullptr; // second moment hatfloat * hf_adam::pf = nullptr; // past function valuesint hf_adam::flag = 1;#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
//   ref: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980.pdf
//void ggml_opt_adam(  ) {
// update viewggml_opt_get_params(hf_adam::np, ps, hf_adam::x);struct ggml_tensor * f = a.e;// compute the function valueggml_graph_reset  (hf_adam::gf);ggml_set_f32      (f->grad, 1.0f);ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, hf_adam::gb, hf_adam::opt->params.n_threads);hf_adam::opt->adam.fx_prev = ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0);hf_adam::opt->adam.fx_best = hf_adam::opt->adam.fx_prev;if (hf_adam::pf) {hf_adam::pf[hf_adam::opt->iter % hf_adam::opt->params.past] = hf_adam::opt->adam.fx_prev;}// initializeif (hf_adam::opt->just_initialized) {
//        opt->adam.n_no_improvement = 0; //  *** stack smashing detected ***: terminatedhf_adam::opt->just_initialized = false;}float * fx_best = &hf_adam::opt->adam.fx_best;float * fx_prev = &hf_adam::opt->adam.fx_prev;int * n_no_improvement = &hf_adam::opt->adam.n_no_improvement;int iter0 = hf_adam::opt->iter;for (int t = 0; t < 50; ++t) {
//        for (int t = 0; t < params.adam.n_iter; ++t) {
//            cout<< t <<endl;hf_adam::opt->iter = iter0 + t + 1;GGML_PRINT_DEBUG  ("=== iter %d ===\n", t);GGML_PRINT_DEBUG  ("f      = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0));GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5("df/dx0 = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[0]->grad, 0));GGML_PRINT_DEBUG_5("df/dx1 = %10.6f\n", ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[1]->grad, 0));for (int i = 0; i < hf_adam::np; ++i) {GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("param %d: %10.6f, g = %10.6f\n", i,ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[i], 0), ggml_get_f32_1d(ps[i]->grad, 0));}const int64_t t_start_wall = ggml_time_us();const int64_t t_start_cpu = ggml_cycles();
//        UNUSED(t_start_wall);
//        UNUSED(t_start_cpu);{
// update the gradientggml_opt_get_grad(hf_adam::np, ps, hf_adam::g1); // np : 8 ,ps: ggml_tensor * [256] ,g1 float * 梯度向量。该向量包含了每个参数对应的梯度值,用于计算梯度的一阶矩估计。// m_t = beta1*m_t-1 + (1 - beta1)*g_tggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::m, hf_adam::beta1);ggml_vec_mad_f32  (hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::m, hf_adam::g1, 1.0f - hf_adam::beta1);// g2 = g1^2ggml_vec_sqr_f32  (hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::g2, hf_adam::g1);// v_t = beta2*v_t-1 + (1 - beta2)*g_t^2ggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::v, hf_adam::beta2);ggml_vec_mad_f32  (hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::v, hf_adam::g2, 1.0f - hf_adam::beta2);// m^hat = m_t / (1 - beta1^t)
// v^hat = v_t / (1 - beta2^t)
// x_t = x_t-1 - sched*(alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps) + decay*x_t-1)
// x_t = x_t-1 - sched*alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps) - sched*decay*x_t-1
// x_t = x_t-1*(1-sched*decay) - sched*alpha*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps)
// x_t = x_t-1*(1-sched*decay) + sched*decay*(-alpha/decay)*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps)
// x_t = mix(x_t-1, (-alpha/decay)*m^hat/(sqrt(v^hat) + eps), sched*decay)ggml_vec_cpy_f32  (hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::mh, hf_adam::m);ggml_vec_cpy_f32  (hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::vh, hf_adam::v);ggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::mh, hf_adam::alpha/(1.0f - powf(hf_adam::beta1, hf_adam::opt->iter)));ggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::vh,  1.0f/(1.0f - powf(hf_adam::beta2, hf_adam::opt->iter)));ggml_vec_sqrt_f32 (hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::vh, hf_adam::vh);ggml_vec_acc1_f32 (hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::vh, hf_adam::eps);ggml_vec_div_f32  (hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::mh, hf_adam::mh, hf_adam::vh);ggml_vec_scale_f32(hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::x,  1.0f - hf_adam::decay);ggml_vec_sub_f32  (hf_adam::nx, hf_adam::x,  hf_adam::x,  hf_adam::mh);// update the parametersggml_opt_set_params(hf_adam::np, ps, hf_adam::x);}ggml_graph_reset  (hf_adam::gf);ggml_set_f32      (f->grad, 1.0f);ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, hf_adam::gb, hf_adam::opt->params.n_threads);const float fx = ggml_get_f32_1d(f, 0);// check convergenceif (fabsf(fx - fx_prev[0])/fx < hf_adam::opt->params.adam.eps_f) {GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("converged\n");return ;}// delta-based convergence testif (hf_adam::pf != NULL) {
// need at least params.past iterations to start checking for convergenceif (hf_adam::opt->params.past <= iter0 + t) {const float rate = (hf_adam::pf[(iter0 + t)%hf_adam::opt->params.past] - fx)/fx;if (fabsf(rate) < hf_adam::opt->params.delta) {return ;}}hf_adam::pf[(iter0 + t)%hf_adam::opt->params.past] = fx;}fx_prev[0] = fx;{const int64_t t_end_cpu = ggml_cycles();GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("time iter:      %5.3f s\n", ((float)(t_end_cpu - t_start_cpu))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
//            UNUSED(t_end_cpu);const int64_t t_end_wall = ggml_time_us();GGML_PRINT_DEBUG("wall time iter: %5.3f s\n", (t_end_wall - t_start_wall)/1e6);
//            UNUSED(t_end_wall);}}ggml_graph_reset(&a.ge); // 重置计算图ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, &a.ge, /*n_threads*/ 1); // 使用指定上下文计算计算图float fe = ggml_get_f32_1d(a.e, 0); // 获取张量e的第一个元素值printf("%s: e = %.4f\n", __func__, fe); // 输出e的值hf_out(a.output);return ;
}void hf_play_start_train() {ggml_cgraph ge = a.ge;if(hf_adam::flag == 1){hf_adam mhf_adam;hf_adam::flag = 0;}//    while(1){
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)if(*istrain){hf_set_data_random();// ggml_opt(ctx, opt_params, e); // 通过指定的优化参数优化张量ecout<<"pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp" <<endl;cout<< hf_adam::about << endl;
//            ggml_opt_adam(ctx, hf_adam::opt, hf_adam::opt->params, a.e, hf_adam::gf, hf_adam::gb);//  ggml_opt_resume_g(ctx, hf_adam::opt, a.e, hf_adam::gf, hf_adam::gb);ggml_opt_adam();ggml_opt_adam();ggml_opt_adam();ggml_opt_adam();ggml_opt_adam();//ggml_opt_adam(ctx, hf_adam::opt, hf_adam::opt->params, a.e, hf_adam::gf, hf_adam::gb);
//            hf_set_data_random();ggml_graph_reset(&a.ge); // 重置计算图ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, &a.ge, /*n_threads*/ 1); // 使用指定上下文计算计算图float fe = ggml_get_f32_1d(a.e, 0); // 获取张量e的第一个元素值printf("%s: e = %.4f\n", __func__, fe); // 输出e的值hf_out(a.output);*istrain = 0;}else{cout<<"oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" <<endl;ggml_graph_reset(&a.ge); // 重置计算图ggml_graph_compute_with_ctx(ctx, &a.ge, /*n_threads*/ 1); // 使用指定上下文计算计算图float fe = ggml_get_f32_1d(a.e, 0); // 获取张量e的第一个元素值printf("%s: e = %.4f\n", __func__, fe); // 输出e的值hf_out(a.output);
//            for(int i=0;i<10000000;i++);*istrain = 1;}
//    }return ;
}#ifdef __cplusplus
#endifint main(void) {
// for(int index=0;index<100;index++){
//     hf_play_start_train();
// }hf_play_start_train();hf_play_start_train();hf_play_start_train();hf_play_start_train();hf_play_start_train();hf_play_start_train();hf_play_start_train();hf_play_start_train();hf_play_start_train();hf_play_start_train();hf_play_start_train();hf_play_start_train();return 0;





文章目录 获取挂载路径监控U盘热拔插事件libusb 文件系统类型通过挂载点获取挂载路径添libudev加库 获取挂载路径 #include <stdio.h> #include <libudev.h> #include <string.h>int main() {struct udev *udev;struct udev_enumerate *enumerate;struct ud…


价格是你所付出的东西&#xff0c;而价值是你得到的东西 EVO大赛是什么&#xff1f; “EVO”大赛全称“Evolution Championship Series”&#xff0c;是北美最高规格格斗游戏比赛&#xff0c;大赛正式更名后已经连续举办12年&#xff0c;是全世界最大规模的格斗游戏赛事。常见…

bpmnjs Properties-panel拓展(属性设置篇)

最近有思考工作流相关的事情&#xff0c;绘制bpmn图的工具认可度比较高的就是bpmn.js了&#xff0c;是一个基于node.js的流程图绘制框架。初始的框架只实现了基本的可视化&#xff0c;想在xml进行客制化操作的话需要拓展&#xff0c;简单记录下几个需求的实现过程。 修改基础 …

Transformer (Attention Is All You Need) 论文精读笔记

Transformer(Attention Is All You Need) Attention Is All You Need 参考&#xff1a;跟李沐学AI-Transformer论文逐段精读【论文精读】 摘要&#xff08;Abstract&#xff09; 首先摘要说明&#xff1a;目前&#xff0c;主流的序列转录&#xff08;序列转录&#xff1a;给…

【数据结构】排序(插入、选择、交换、归并) -- 详解

一、排序的概念及其运用 1、排序的概念 排序&#xff1a;所谓排序&#xff0c;就是使一串记录&#xff0c;按照其中的某个或某些关键字的大小&#xff0c;递增或递减的排列起来的操作。 稳定性&#xff1a;假定在待排序的记录序列中&#xff0c;存在多个具有相同的关键字的记…

Go 结构体

现在有一个需求&#xff0c;要求存储学生的详细信息&#xff0c;例如&#xff0c;学生的学号&#xff0c;学生的姓名&#xff0c;年龄&#xff0c;家庭住址等。按照以前学习的存储方式&#xff0c;可以以如下的方式进行存储&#xff1a; 通过定义变量的信息&#xff0c;进行存储…


什么是二进制&#xff1f; 数字电路 中 只有 高电平 和低电平 就是 1 和0 进位规则是“逢二进一”&#xff0c;借位规则是“借一当二”。 二进制、八进制 、十进制、十六进制 二进制 有两个数来表示 &#xff1a; 0、1 八进制 有8个数来表示 &#xff1a; 0、1、2、3、4、…


一、创建项目 创建一个SpringBoot项目&#xff0c;环境&#xff1a;JDK8&#xff0c;添加依赖&#xff1a;Spring Web、MyBatis FrameWork(最主要&#xff09; 二、创建核心类 1.项目分层 2.核心类 在mqserver包中添加一个包&#xff0c;名字为core&#xff0c;表示核心类…

uniapp 项目实践总结(一)uniapp 框架知识总结

导语&#xff1a;最近开发了一个基于 uniapp 框架的项目&#xff0c;有一些感触和体会&#xff0c;所以想记录以下一些技术和经验&#xff0c;在这里做一个系列总结&#xff0c;算是对自己做一个交代吧。 目录 简介全局文件全局组件常用 API条件编译插件开发 简介 uniapp 是…

openGauss学习笔记-47 openGauss 高级数据管理-权限

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文章目录 Nginx日志格式修改配置logstash收集nginx日志引入Redis收集日志写入redis从redis中读取日志 引入FilebeatFilebeat简介Filebeat安装和配置 配置nginx转发ES和kibanaELK设置账号和密码 书接上回&#xff1a;《ELK中Logstash的基本配置和用法》 Nginx日志格式修改 默认…

Gorilla LLM:连接海量 API 的大型语言模型

如果你对这篇文章感兴趣&#xff0c;而且你想要了解更多关于AI领域的实战技巧&#xff0c;可以关注「技术狂潮AI」公众号。在这里&#xff0c;你可以看到最新最热的AIGC领域的干货文章和案例实战教程。 一、前言 在当今这个数字化时代&#xff0c;大型语言模型&#xff08;LLM…


大家好&#xff0c;我是带我去滑雪&#xff01; 前一期利用python爬取了谷歌趋势某个关键词的每日搜索次数&#xff0c;本期利用爬取的数据进行多种机器学习方法进行学习&#xff0c;其中方法包括&#xff1a;随机森林、XGBOOST、决策树、支持向量机、神经网络、K邻近等方法&am…

聚类分析 | MATLAB实现基于DBSCAD密度聚类算法可视化

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目录 前言前期准备1.数据库的导入2.运行后端服务2.1数据库的后端配置2.2后端服务下载依赖&#xff0c;第三方库2.3启动后端服务 3.开启gitcode代码托管 ✨ 原创不易&#xff0c;还希望各位大佬支持一下&#xff01; &#x1f44d; 点赞&#xff0c;你的认可是我创作的动力&…


首先把c文件拖到vscode中 然后安装这个插件 安装完毕后会提示你代码中的语法错误&#xff0c;并在编译器的右上角出现编译按钮 我当前的问题是没有GCC&#xff0c;我们点一下编译的按钮也可以看出来这个问题 在 django笔记中 附录二 windows上直接安装uwsgi(不可行) 附录二 win…

【Go 基础篇】切片:Go语言中的灵活数据结构


243:vue+Openlayers 更改鼠标滚轮缩放地图大小,每次缩放小一点

第243个 点击查看专栏目录 本示例的目的是介绍如何在vue+openlayers项目中设置鼠标滚轮缩放地图大小,每次滑动一格滚轮,设定的值非默认值1。具体的设置方法,参考源代码。 直接复制下面的 vue+openlayers源代码,操作2分钟即可运行实现效果 文章目录 示例效果配置方式示例源…

科技政策 | 四川省科学技术厅关于发布2024年第一批省级科技计划项目申报指南的通知

原创 | 文 BFT机器人 近日&#xff0c;四川省科学技术厅发布了2024年第一批省级科技计划项目申报指南&#xff1b;其中包括自然科学基金项目、重点研发计划、科技成果转移转化引导计划、科技创新基地&#xff08;平台&#xff09;和人才计划。 01 自然科学基金项目 实施周期 …


摘要 全景图像生成是计算机视觉领域的一个重要研究方向。本文对五种经典的全景图像生成算法进行综述&#xff0c;包括基于相机运动估计的算法、基于特征匹配的算法、基于图像切割的算法、基于多项式拟合的算法和基于深度学习的算法。通过对这些算法的原理、优缺点、适用场景等…