















  1. 输入电压检测,上偏电阻102K、下偏电阻5K1;
  2. 输入欠压保护:此脚电压≤1.55V(对应输入32.5V),5、8、9脚同时输出高电平(关闭3路输出),7脚输出低电平(关继电器),6脚输出低电平(输入告警);
  3. 输入欠压恢复:此脚电压≥1.67V(对应输入35V),7脚输出高电平(开继电器),延时100mS后,5、9脚同时输出低电平(开-12V、+12V),再延时100mS,8脚输出低电平(开50V),6脚输出高电平(输入告警解除);
  4. 输入过压保护:此脚电压≥3.71V(对应输入78V),5、8、9脚同时输出高电平(关闭3路输出),7脚输出低电平(关继电器),6脚输出低电平(输入告警);
  5. 输入过压恢复:此脚电压≤3.57V(对应输入75V),7脚输出高电平(开继电器),延时100mS后,5、9脚同时输出低电平(开-12V、+12V),再延时100mS,8脚输出低电平(开50V),6脚输出高电平(输入告警解除)。





































































/* * File:   main.h* Author: PD821** Created on September 8, 2023, 5:33 PM*/#ifndef MAIN_H
#define	MAIN_H#ifdef	__cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif//typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
//typedef unsigned int  uint16_t;
//Configuration bits: selected in the GUI//CONFIG1
#pragma config FEXTOSC = OFF            // FEXTOSC External Oscillator mode Selection bits->Oscillator not enabled
#pragma config RSTOSC = HFINT32         // Power-up default value for COSC bits->HFINTOSC with 2x PLL (32MHz)
#pragma config CLKOUTEN = OFF           // Clock Out Enable bit->CLKOUT function is disabled; I/O or oscillator function on OSC2
#pragma config CSWEN = ON               // Clock Switch Enable bit->Writing to NOSC and NDIV is allowed
#pragma config FCMEN = ON               // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable->Fail-Safe Clock Monitor is enabled//CONFIG2
#pragma config MCLRE = ON               // Master Clear Enable bit->MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR; Weak pull-up enabled
#pragma config PWRTE = OFF              // Power-up Timer Enable bit->PWRT disabled
#pragma config WDTE = OFF               // Watchdog Timer Enable bits->WDT disabled; SWDTEN is ignored
#pragma config LPBOREN = OFF            // Low-power BOR enable bit->ULPBOR disabled
#pragma config BOREN = ON               // Brown-out Reset Enable bits->Brown-out Reset enabled, SBOREN bit ignored
#pragma config BORV = LOW               // Brown-out Reset Voltage selection bit->Brown-out voltage (Vbor) set to 2.45V
#pragma config PPS1WAY = ON             // PPSLOCK bit One-Way Set Enable bit->The PPSLOCK bit can be cleared and set only once; PPS registers remain locked after one clear/set cycle
#pragma config STVREN = ON              // Stack Overflow/Underflow Reset Enable bit->Stack Overflow or Underflow will cause a Reset
#pragma config DEBUG = OFF              // Debugger enable bit->Background debugger disabled//CONFIG3
#pragma config WRT = OFF                // User NVM self-write protection bits->Write protection off
#pragma config LVP = ON                 // Low Voltage Programming Enable bit->Low Voltage programming enabled. MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR. MCLRE configuration bit is ignored.//CONFIG4
#pragma config CP = OFF                 // User NVM Program Memory Code Protection bit->User NVM code protection disabled
#pragma config CPD = OFF                // Data NVM Memory Code Protection bit->Data NVM code protection disabled//CPU clock define
#define     _XTAL_FREQ                  32000000
#define 	ACQ_US_DELAY                1/** bit 7-2 CHS<5:0>: Analog Channel Select bits
111111 = FVR (Fixed Voltage Reference)(2)
111110 = DAC1 output(1)
111101 = Temperature Indicator(3)
111100 =VSS
111011 = Reserved. No channel connected. •
010101 = ANC5(4)
010100 = ANC4(4)
010011 = ANC3(4)
010010 = ANC2(4)
010001 = ANC1(4)
010000 = ANC0(4)
001011 = Reserved. No channel connected. •
000101 = ANA5
000100 = ANA4
000011 = Reserved. No channel connected.
000010 = ANA2
000001 = ANA1
000000 = ANA0*/    
#define		nVIN                    5                   // RA5/ANA5
#define		nTMP1                   1                   // RA1/ANA1
#define		nCOMP1                  2                   // RA2/ANA2
#define		nCOMP2                  16                  // RC0/ANC0
#define     SAMPLE_CNT              32                  // ADC sampling count#define     PV12_OVP                PORTAbits.RA0       //+12V OVP check
#define     NV12_OVP                PORTAbits.RA1       //-12V OVP check#define		RLY_RDY_TIMEOUT		    500                 //If VDC input is normal, we need to delay 500ms before turning on RELAY
#define		V12OUT_RDY_TIMEOUT		100                 //If relay is ready, we delay 100ms before turning on the +12V and -12V output
#define		V50OUT_RDY_TIMEOUT		100                 //If +12 and -12V are both ready, we delay 100ms before turning on the 50V output
#define     IO_FILTER_CNT      		10                  //IO filter count
#define		IO_FILTER_VALID_CNT		10                  //IO valid count of filter
#define     OP_FILTER_CNT      		20                  //OPEN-LOOP filter count
#define		OP_FILTER_VALID_CNT		20                  //OPEN-LOOP valid count of filter
#define     HICCUP_OFF_TIME         3000                //turn OFF about 3 seconds
#define     HICCUP_ON_TIME          50                  //turn ON about 50 milli-seconds
#define     RELAY_ALWAYS_ON         0                   //Is the relay always ON once powered-on? 0: OFF, 1: ON
#define     LOCK_NO_DELAY           1                   //Do we need to lock the output once OVP occurs? 1: turn off the output immediately, 0: delay sometime to turn off the output
#define     LOCK_TIMEOUT            5000                //If the LOCK_NO_DELAY is set to 0, we delay sometime to check the OVP
#define     DELAY_TURN_OFF_TIME     50                  //delay some time to turn OFF the output once the IN_OK is abnormal
#define     WARNING_FLAG_VP12       0x0A13
#define     WARNING_FLAG_VN12       0x1813    //Relay
#define     RELAY_ON()              do { LATCbits.LATC3 = 1; } while(0)
#define     RELAY_OFF()             do { LATCbits.LATC3 = 0; } while(0)//VDC
#define     IN_OK()                 do { LATCbits.LATC4 = 1; } while(0)
#define     IN_NOT_OK()             do { LATCbits.LATC4 = 0; } while(0)//-12V
#define     VN12_ON()               do { LATCbits.LATC5 = 0; } while(0)
#define     VN12_OFF()             	do { LATCbits.LATC5 = 1; } while(0)//+12V
#define     VP12_ON()               do { LATCbits.LATC1 = 0; } while(0)
#define     VP12_OFF()    			do { LATCbits.LATC1 = 1; } while(0)//50V
#define     V50_ON()                do { LATCbits.LATC2 = 0; } while(0)
#define     V50_OFF()    			do { LATCbits.LATC2 = 1; } while(0)struct ALARM
{unsigned	VDC_UVP							: 1;	//VDC under-voltageunsigned	VDC_OVP							: 1;	//VDC over-voltageunsigned	VDC_READY						: 1;	//VDC is readyunsigned	RLY_READY   					: 1;	//the relay is readyunsigned	OTP 					        : 1;	//over temperature protectionunsigned	VN12_OVP      					: 1;    //-12V output is OVPunsigned	VP12_EN							: 1;	//+12V is ready to openunsigned	VP12_ON							: 1;	//+12V output is on or offunsigned	VP12_OVP      					: 1;    //+12V output is OVPunsigned	VP12_OPEN_LOOP  				: 1;    //+12V open-loopunsigned	IN_OK						    : 1;    //IN-OK signalunsigned	OUT_LOCKED					    : 1;    //lock the output permanentlyunsigned	VN12_OPEN_LOOP      			: 1;    //-12V open-loopunsigned	VN12_EN							: 1;	//-12V is ready to openunsigned	VN12_ON							: 1;	//-12V output is on or offunsigned	V50_EN        					: 1;    //50V output is ready to open
{struct ALARM	alarm;uint16_t	allbits;
}; typedef union ALARM_STATUS_UNION ALARM_STATUS;#define			ADCFS					1024.0  //the maximum AD value of 10-bit ADC
#define			ADCREF                  5.0     //5V reference voltage
#define			ADC_DIV_REF             (float)(ADCFS/ADCREF)//===========================================================================
//					DC under/over voltage macros
#define         VIN_DIV_RUP				(51.0 + 51.0) //up and down resistors
#define         VIN_DIV_RLOW			5.1
#define         VIN_SENSE_FULLSCALE     ((1.0 + VIN_DIV_RUP/VIN_DIV_RLOW) * ADCREF)	//Maximum input voltage 105V
#define         VIN_DIV_GAIN			((float)(VIN_DIV_RLOW/(VIN_DIV_RLOW + VIN_DIV_RUP)))//gain: 5.1/(5.1+102)
#define         VDC_UV_OFF				32.5     //DC under voltage alarm
#define         VDC_UV_ON				35.0     //DC under voltage recovered
#define         VDC_OV_OFF				78.0     //DC over voltage alarm
#define         VDC_OV_ON				75.0     //DC over voltage recovered
#define         VDC_UV_OFF_AD			(uint16_t)(VDC_UV_OFF * VIN_DIV_GAIN * ADC_DIV_REF)
#define         VDC_UV_ON_AD			(uint16_t)(VDC_UV_ON * VIN_DIV_GAIN * ADC_DIV_REF)
#define         VDC_OV_OFF_AD			(uint16_t)(VDC_OV_OFF * VIN_DIV_GAIN * ADC_DIV_REF)
#define         VDC_OV_ON_AD			(uint16_t)(VDC_OV_ON * VIN_DIV_GAIN * ADC_DIV_REF)//===========================================================================
//					OTP macros
//#define       OTP1_OFF				3.35   //NTC=3.89893K, temperature: 105
//#define       OTP1_RECOVER			2.84   //NTC=6.60883K, temperature: 90
//#define       OTP1_OFF_AD				687    //(0x2AF)//105C, ((uint16_t)(((OTP1_OFF)/(ADCREF)) * (ADCFS)))
//#define       OTP1_RECOVER_AD			581    //(0x246)//90C, ((uint16_t)(((OTP1_RECOVER)/(ADCREF)) * (ADCFS)))
#define         OTP1_OFF				3.5    //temperature: 96
#define         OTP1_RECOVER			2.8    //NTC=6.60883K, temperature: 90
#define			OTP1_OFF_AD				717    //(0x2AF)//105C, ((uint16_t)(((OTP1_OFF)/(ADCREF)) * (ADCFS)))
#define			OTP1_RECOVER_AD			573    //(0x246)//90C, ((uint16_t)(((OTP1_RECOVER)/(ADCREF)) * (ADCFS)))//===========================================================================
//					OPEN-LOOP macros
#define         OP_VP12_OFF				2.5
#define         OP_VP12_RECOVER			2.2
#define			OP_VP12_OFF_AD			(uint16_t)(OP_VP12_OFF * ADC_DIV_REF)
#define			OP_VP12_RECOVER_AD		(uint16_t)(OP_VP12_RECOVER * ADC_DIV_REF)
#define         OP_VN12_OFF				2.5
#define         OP_VN12_RECOVER			2.2
#define			OP_VN12_OFF_AD			(uint16_t)(OP_VN12_OFF * ADC_DIV_REF)
#define			OP_VN12_RECOVER_AD		(uint16_t)(OP_VN12_RECOVER * ADC_DIV_REF)#ifdef	__cplusplus
#endif#endif	/* MAIN_H */


#include "xc.h"
#include "main.h"//#define 	PORTBIT(ADR,BIT_LOC) ((unsigned)(&ADR)*8+(BIT_LOC))
//static bit 	in_SDA 	@PORTBIT(PORTC,1);//SDA data
volatile uint16_t timer1ReloadVal;
uint16_t    rly_rdy_timeout = 0;    //once VDC is normal, we delay some time to turn ON the relay
uint16_t    v12_rdy_timeout = 0;
uint16_t    v50_rdy_timeout = 0;
uint8_t     v12_off_timeout = 0;    //delay some time to turn off the +12V output
uint16_t    cHiccup1OnTime = 0;     //the ON time that the +12V output lasts after delaying 3 seconds
uint16_t    cHiccup1OffTime = 0;    //hiccup OFF time counter
uint8_t     cHiccup1OnFlag = 0;     //flag indicating that hiccup OFF time has reached the designated time and needs to reopen the output for a short time
uint16_t    cHiccup2OnTime = 0;     //the ON time that the -12V output lasts after delaying 3 seconds
uint16_t    cHiccup2OffTime = 0;    //hiccup OFF time counter
uint8_t     cHiccup2OnFlag = 0;     //flag indicating that hiccup OFF time has reached the designated time and needs to reopen the output for a short time
uint8_t     cFlag_1ms = 0;
uint8_t     cFlag_2ms = 0;          //2 milli-seconds timeout for ADC to start the conversion
uint8_t     cSample_cnt = 0;
uint8_t     cSample_flag = 0;       //flag indicating that all the four channels are sampled and the next conversion is ready to start
uint16_t    ovp1_time_cnt = 0;      //once output is OVP, we can decide whether it is necessary to delay some time or immediately to turn OFF the output
uint16_t    ovp2_time_cnt = 0;
volatile	uint8_t	cchannel = 5;   //default channel is VIN
volatile	uint8_t	c2mS_Nct = 0;   //2 milli-seconds counter
volatile    uint8_t io_cnt = 0;
uint8_t     adc_filter_cnt = 0;     //ADC filter counter
uint8_t     op_filter_cnt = 0;      //OPEN-LOOP filter counter//ADC filter and OPEN-LOOP filter
uint8_t vdc_ovp_off = 0,vdc_ovp_recovered = 0;
uint8_t vdc_uvp_off = 0,vdc_uvp_recovered = 0;
uint8_t otp_off = 0,otp_recovered = 0;
uint8_t op_vp12_off = 0,op_vp12_recovered = 0;
uint8_t op_vn12_off = 0,op_vn12_recovered = 0;//Unless stated otherwise, the following variables are similar to those that VDC uses
volatile	uint16_t	iSample_ad = 0;
volatile	uint16_t	iAd_data[4] ={0};uint8_t vp12_ovp_H = 0; //OVP check
uint8_t vp12_ovp_L = 0;ALARM_STATUS AlarmStatus;/******************************************************
name: Init_OSC
brief: configure the system oscillator
input: none
output: none
void Init_OSC(void)
{//NOSC HFINTOSC; NDIV 1; OSCCON1 = 0x60;//CSWHOLD may proceed; SOSCPWR Low power; SOSCBE crystal oscillator; OSCCON3 = 0x00;//LFOEN disabled; ADOEN disabled; SOSCEN disabled; EXTOEN disabled; HFOEN disabled; OSCEN = 0x00;//HFFRQ 32_MHz; OSCFRQ = 0x07;//HFTUN 0; OSCTUNE = 0x00;
name: Init_Timer
brief: configure the timer period, 1 milli-second
input: none
output: none
void Init_Timer(void)
{//Set the Timer to the options selected in the GUI//T1GSS T1G_pin; TMR1GE disabled; T1GTM disabled; T1GPOL low; T1GGO_nDONE done; T1GSPM disabled; T1GCON = 0x00;//TMR1H 224; TMR1H = 0xE0;//TMR1L 192; TMR1L = 0xC0;// Clearing IF flag before enabling the interrupt.PIR1bits.TMR1IF = 0;// Load the TMR value to reload variabletimer1ReloadVal=(uint16_t)((TMR1H << 8) | TMR1L);// Enabling TMR1 interrupt.PIE1bits.TMR1IE = 1;// Set Default Interrupt Handler//TMR1_SetInterruptHandler(TMR1_DefaultInterruptHandler);// T1CKPS 1:1; T1SOSC T1CKI_enabled; T1SYNC synchronize; TMR1CS FOSC/4; TMR1ON enabled; //bit7-bit6: TMR1CS<1:0>: Timer1 Clock Source Select bits//00 = Timer1 clock source is instruction clock (FOSC/4)T1CON = 0x01;//0b0000 0001
name: Init_ADC
brief: configure the ADC module
input: none
output: none
void Init_ADC(void)
{//ADFM right; ADNREF VSS; ADPREF VDD; ADCS FOSC/32 = 1M clock frequency; /** bit 7 ADFM: ADC Result Format Select bit* bit 6-4 ADCS<2:0>: ADC Conversion Clock Select bits111 = ADCRC (dedicated RC oscillator)110 =FOSC/64101 =FOSC/16100 =FOSC/4011 = ADCRC (dedicated RC oscillator)010 =FOSC/32001 =FOSC/8000 =FOSC/2*/ADCON1 = 0xA0; //1010, right justified, FOSC/32//ADACT no_auto_trigger; ADACT = 0x00;//ADRESL 0; ADRESL = 0x00;//ADRESH 0; ADRESH = 0x00;//set the default ADC channelcchannel = nVIN;ADCON0bits.CHS = cchannel;//ADGO stop; ADON enabled; CHS ANA0; //bit 1 GO/DONE: ADC Conversion Status bit//bit 0 ADON: ADC Enable biADCON0 = 0x01;
name: Init_GPIO
brief: configure the all pins needed
input: none
output: none
void Init_GPIO(void)
{//LATx registers, set default pin value//RC1-V2-ON: 1: OFF//RC2-Alarm: 0: OFF//RC3-Relay: 0: OFF//RC4-IN-OK: 0: OFF//RC5-V1-ON: 1: OFFLATA = 0x00;	// 0000 0000LATC = 0x22;	// 0010 0010//TRISx registers, RA0-RA5 are all input modeTRISA = 0x3F;	// 0011 1111TRISC = 0x01;	// 0000 0001, RC0 is input, RC1-RC5 are output mode//ANSELx registers, the following pins are configured as analog input//RA5: VIN //RA1: OTP//RA2: COMP1//RC0: COMP2ANSELC = 0x01;	// 0000 0001ANSELA = 0x26;	// 0010 0110//WPUx registers, wake pull-up register, this is mainly used for input pins//WPUA = 0x08;	// 0000 1000//WPUC = 0x36;	// 0011 0110//ODx registers, open-drain control//bit 5-4 ODCA<5:4>: PORTA Open-Drain Enable bits//For RA<5:4> pins, respectively//1 = Port pin operates as open-drain drive (sink current only)//0 = Port pin operates as standard push-pull drive (source and sink current)ODCONA = 0x00;ODCONC = 0x00;//SLRCONx registers for RA and RC, slew rate controlSLRCONA = 0x37;//0011 0111/*bit 5-0 SLRC<5:0>: PORTC Slew Rate Enable bitsFor RC<5:0> pins, respectively1 = Port pin slew rate is limited0 = Port pin slews at maximum rate*/SLRCONC = 0x3F;//0011 1111, //INLVLx registers,  input threshold control/** The INLVLA register (Register 12-8) controls the inputvoltage threshold for each of the available PORTA inputpins. A selection between the Schmitt Trigger CMOS orthe TTL Compatible thresholds is available. The inputthreshold is important in determining the value of a readof the PORTA register and also the level at which aninterrupt-on-change occurs, if that feature is enabled.* bit 5-0 INLVLA<5:0>: PORTA Input Level Select bitsFor RA<5:0> pins, respectively1 = ST input used for PORT reads and interrupt-on-change0 = TTL input used for PORT reads and interrupt-on-change*/INLVLA = 0x3F;INLVLC = 0x3F;//bit 4-0 RxyPPS<4:0>: Pin Rxy Output Source Selection bits//10100(0x14) = Rxy source is EUSART TC/CK//RC4PPS = 0x14;   //RC4->EUSART:TX;    //use RC4 as the EUSART TX pin//set the default IO status of all output pinsRELAY_OFF();IN_NOT_OK();VP12_OFF();VN12_OFF();V50_OFF();
}/** interrupt service routine* here we mainly process the timer1's overflow event*/
void __interrupt() ISR(void)							
{//interrupt handlerif(INTCONbits.PEIE == 1){if(PIR1bits.TMR1IF == 1)	// 1000 us{cFlag_1ms = 1;if(++c2mS_Nct>=2){cFlag_2ms = 1;c2mS_Nct = 0;}//Clear the TMR1 interrupt flagPIR1bits.TMR1IF = 0;//TMR1_WriteTimer(timer1ReloadVal);TMR1H = (uint8_t)(timer1ReloadVal >> 8);TMR1L = (uint8_t)timer1ReloadVal;}}      
description:get the AD conversion result
input: channel: the channel to be converted
output: the 16-bit result
uint16_t ADC_GetConversion(uint8_t channel)
{// select the A/D channelADCON0bits.CHS = channel;    // Turn on the ADC moduleADCON0bits.ADON = 1;// Acquisition time delay__delay_us(ACQ_US_DELAY);// Start the conversionADCON0bits.ADGO = 1;// Wait for the conversion to finishwhile (ADCON0bits.ADGO);// Conversion finished, return the resultreturn ((uint16_t)((ADRESH << 8) + ADRESL));
name:void	ADC_Sample(void)
description:ADC sample, convert ADC per 2 milli-seconds
input: None
output: iAd_data[0]: VDC voltage;iAd_data[1]: OTP;iAd_data[2]: COMP1;iAd_data[3]: COMP2 
void ADC_Sample(void)
{uint16_t	iTemp;if(cSample_flag == 0){if (cSample_cnt == 0){cSample_cnt = 1;return;}switch(cchannel){case nVIN:									//VDC{//GO_nDONE = 1;        					// A2D start conversionADCON0bits.ADGO = 1;__delay_us(ACQ_US_DELAY);while (ADCON0bits.ADGO);iTemp = ADRESH<<8;iTemp = iTemp + ADRESL;iSample_ad = iSample_ad + iTemp;if(++cSample_cnt > SAMPLE_CNT){cSample_cnt = 0;iAd_data[0] = iSample_ad>>5;iSample_ad = 0;cchannel = nTMP1;ADCON0bits.CHS = cchannel;}break;}		case nTMP1:									//temperature{//GO_nDONE = 1;ADCON0bits.ADGO = 1;__delay_us(ACQ_US_DELAY);while (ADCON0bits.ADGO);iTemp = ADRESH<<8;iTemp = iTemp + ADRESL;iSample_ad = iSample_ad + iTemp;if(++cSample_cnt > SAMPLE_CNT){cSample_cnt = 0;iAd_data[1] = iSample_ad>>5;iSample_ad = 0;cchannel = nCOMP1;ADCON0bits.CHS = cchannel;	}break;}	case nCOMP1:									//COMP1, -12V OPEN-LOOP{//GO_nDONE = 1;ADCON0bits.ADGO = 1;__delay_us(ACQ_US_DELAY);while (ADCON0bits.ADGO);iTemp = ADRESH<<8;iTemp = iTemp + ADRESL;iSample_ad = iSample_ad + iTemp;if(++cSample_cnt > SAMPLE_CNT){cSample_cnt = 0;iAd_data[2] = iSample_ad>>5;iSample_ad = 0; cchannel = nCOMP2;		ADCON0bits.CHS = cchannel;}break;}case nCOMP2:									//COMP2, +12V OPEN-LOOP{//GO_nDONE = 1;ADCON0bits.ADGO = 1;__delay_us(ACQ_US_DELAY);while (ADCON0bits.ADGO);iTemp = ADRESH<<8;iTemp = iTemp + ADRESL;iSample_ad = iSample_ad + iTemp;if(++cSample_cnt > SAMPLE_CNT){cSample_cnt = 0;iAd_data[3] = iSample_ad>>5;iSample_ad = 0; cchannel = nVIN;		ADCON0bits.CHS = cchannel;cSample_flag = 1;}break;}default:{cSample_cnt = 0;iSample_ad = 0; cchannel = nVIN;ADCON0bits.CHS = cchannel;break;}	}}
name: ADC_Process
brief: just call the ADC_Sample function and clear * cSamle_flag if it is set.* This function is called by main function.
input: none
output: none
void ADC_Process(void)
{ADC_Sample();if(cSample_flag == 1){cSample_flag = 0;}
void ADC_Sample(void)
{uint16_t	iTemp;if(cFlag_2ms == 1){	switch(cchannel){case nVIN:									//VDC{//GO_nDONE = 1;        					// A2D start conversionADCON0bits.ADGO = 1;__delay_us(ACQ_US_DELAY);while (ADCON0bits.ADGO);iTemp = ADRESH<<8;iTemp = iTemp + ADRESL;iSample_ad = iSample_ad + iTemp;if(cSample_cnt>=15){cSample_cnt = 0;iAd_data[0] = iSample_ad>>4;iSample_ad = 0;cchannel = nTMP1;ADCON0bits.CHS = cchannel;}else{	cSample_cnt++;}	break;}		case nTMP1:									//temperature{//GO_nDONE = 1;ADCON0bits.ADGO = 1;__delay_us(ACQ_US_DELAY);while (ADCON0bits.ADGO);iTemp = ADRESH<<8;iTemp = iTemp + ADRESL;iSample_ad = iSample_ad + iTemp;if(cSample_cnt>=15){cSample_cnt = 0;iAd_data[1] = iSample_ad>>4;iSample_ad = 0;cchannel = nCOMP1;ADCON0bits.CHS = cchannel;	}else{	cSample_cnt++;}	break;}	case nCOMP1:									//COMP1, -12V OPEN-LOOP{//GO_nDONE = 1;ADCON0bits.ADGO = 1;__delay_us(ACQ_US_DELAY);while (ADCON0bits.ADGO);iTemp = ADRESH<<8;iTemp = iTemp + ADRESL;iSample_ad = iSample_ad + iTemp;if(cSample_cnt>=15){cSample_cnt = 0;iAd_data[2] = iSample_ad>>4;iSample_ad = 0; cchannel = nCOMP2;		ADCON0bits.CHS = cchannel;}else{cSample_cnt++;}	break;}case nCOMP2:									//COMP2, +12V OPEN-LOOP{//GO_nDONE = 1;ADCON0bits.ADGO = 1;__delay_us(ACQ_US_DELAY);while (ADCON0bits.ADGO);iTemp = ADRESH<<8;iTemp = iTemp + ADRESL;iSample_ad = iSample_ad + iTemp;if(cSample_cnt>=15){cSample_cnt = 0;iAd_data[3] = iSample_ad>>4;iSample_ad = 0; cchannel = nVIN;		ADCON0bits.CHS = cchannel;}else{cSample_cnt++;}	break;}default:{cSample_cnt = 0;iSample_ad = 0; cchannel = nVIN;ADCON0bits.CHS = cchannel;break;}	}if(PV12_OVP == 1)//+12V{vp12_ovp_H++;}else{vp12_ovp_L++;}if(io_cnt>=IO_FILTER_CNT)//set or clear OVP flag{if(vp12_ovp_H>=IO_FILTER_VALID_CNT){AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OVP = 1;}if(vp12_ovp_L>=IO_FILTER_VALID_CNT){AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OVP = 0;//no need to clear this bit}vp12_ovp_H = 0;vp12_ovp_L = 0;vn12_ovp_H = 0;vn12_ovp_L = 0;io_cnt = 0;}else{io_cnt++;}//c2mS_Nct = 0;cFlag_2ms = 0;}
name: Fault_Check
brief: set or clear all the flags, mainly the ADC resultperiod: 2 milli-second
input: none
output: none
static void Fault_Check(void)
{if(cFlag_2ms == 1){if(iAd_data[0]<=VDC_UV_OFF_AD)	//DC under/over voltage filtervdc_uvp_off++;if(iAd_data[0]>=VDC_UV_ON_AD)vdc_uvp_recovered++;if(iAd_data[0]>=VDC_OV_OFF_AD)vdc_ovp_off++;if(iAd_data[0]<=VDC_OV_ON_AD)vdc_ovp_recovered++;	if(iAd_data[1]>=OTP1_OFF_AD)	//OTPotp_off++;if(iAd_data[1]<=OTP1_RECOVER_AD)otp_recovered++;if(adc_filter_cnt >= IO_FILTER_CNT){if(vdc_uvp_off >= IO_FILTER_VALID_CNT && AlarmStatus.alarm.VDC_UVP == 0)    //VDC under voltage{AlarmStatus.alarm.VDC_UVP = 1;}	else if(vdc_uvp_recovered >= IO_FILTER_VALID_CNT && AlarmStatus.alarm.VDC_UVP == 1){AlarmStatus.alarm.VDC_UVP = 0;		}if(vdc_ovp_off >= IO_FILTER_VALID_CNT && AlarmStatus.alarm.VDC_OVP == 0)	//VDC over voltage{AlarmStatus.alarm.VDC_OVP = 1;}	else if(vdc_ovp_recovered >= IO_FILTER_VALID_CNT && AlarmStatus.alarm.VDC_OVP == 1){AlarmStatus.alarm.VDC_OVP = 0;		}if(otp_off >= IO_FILTER_VALID_CNT && AlarmStatus.alarm.OTP == 0)	//OTP{AlarmStatus.alarm.OTP = 1;}	else if(otp_recovered >= IO_FILTER_VALID_CNT && AlarmStatus.alarm.OTP == 1){AlarmStatus.alarm.OTP = 0;		}adc_filter_cnt = 0;vdc_uvp_off = 0;vdc_uvp_recovered = 0;vdc_ovp_off = 0;vdc_ovp_recovered = 0;		otp_off = 0;otp_recovered = 0;}else{adc_filter_cnt++;}//+12V and -12V OPEN-LOOP check//OPEN-LOOP time check should ber longer to avoid the peak current while starting upif(iAd_data[3] >= OP_VP12_OFF_AD)op_vp12_off++;if(iAd_data[3] <= OP_VP12_RECOVER_AD)op_vp12_recovered++;if(iAd_data[2] >= OP_VN12_OFF_AD)op_vn12_off++;if(iAd_data[2] <= OP_VN12_RECOVER_AD)op_vn12_recovered++;if(op_filter_cnt >= OP_FILTER_CNT){if(op_vp12_off >= OP_FILTER_VALID_CNT && AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OPEN_LOOP == 0)	//OPEN-LOOP of COMP2{AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OPEN_LOOP = 1;}	//else if(op_vp12_recovered >= OP_FILTER_VALID_CNT && AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OPEN_LOOP == 1)//{//AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OPEN_LOOP = 0;//}if(op_vn12_off >= OP_FILTER_VALID_CNT && AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_OPEN_LOOP == 0)	//OPEN-LOOP of COMP1{AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_OPEN_LOOP = 1;}//the warning flat can't be cleared here once it is set//else if(op_vn12_recovered >= OP_FILTER_VALID_CNT && AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_OPEN_LOOP == 1)//{//AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_OPEN_LOOP = 0;//}op_filter_cnt = 0;op_vp12_off = 0;op_vp12_recovered = 0;op_vn12_off = 0;op_vn12_recovered = 0;}else{op_filter_cnt++;}cFlag_2ms = 0;}
name: Process_VP12
brief: process the +12V output
input: none
output: none
static void Process_VP12(void)
{//POWER Dispatch. Under/over voltage protection OR output error OR over temperature, we need to deal with them respectively//if((AlarmStatus.allbits & WARNING_FLAG_VP12)==0)//IN_OK must be set to 1if(AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK == 1 && AlarmStatus.alarm.OUT_LOCKED == 0 && AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OPEN_LOOP == 0 && AlarmStatus.alarm.OTP == 0){if(AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_EN == 1)//only when all the conditions are ready can we turn on the +12V output{VP12_ON();AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_ON = 1; }else{    VP12_OFF();AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_ON = 0;}cHiccup1OffTime = 0;cHiccup1OnTime = 0;cHiccup1OnFlag = 0;}else if(AlarmStatus.alarm.OUT_LOCKED == 1) //output is locked{VP12_OFF();AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_EN = 0;AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_ON = 0;cHiccup1OffTime = 0;cHiccup1OnTime = 0;cHiccup1OnFlag = 0;}else if(AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OPEN_LOOP == 1)//OPEN-LOOP hiccup{if(++cHiccup1OffTime>=HICCUP_OFF_TIME)//OFF time{VN12_ON();cHiccup1OffTime = HICCUP_OFF_TIME;cHiccup1OnFlag = 1;}else{VP12_OFF();cHiccup1OnTime = 0;cHiccup1OnFlag = 0;}}else //other exceptions processed in Task_Manager function{//TODO}/*else//other exceptions, such as OVP, UVP or OTP or output is LOCKED{//rly_rdy_timeout=0;if(AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK == 0)//we need to delay some to open the output, including -12V, +12V and 50V{v12_rdy_timeout = 0;}v50_rdy_timeout = 0;cHiccup1OffTime = 0;cHiccup1OnTime = 0;cHiccup1OnFlag = 0;#if(RELAY_ALWAYS_ON == 0){AlarmStatus.alarm.RLY_READY = 0;RELAY_OFF();}#endif//VDC_OK=0;if(AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK==0)//only after the IN_OK is set to 0 can set we turn OFF the +12V{if(++vp12_off_timeout>=DELAY_TURN_OFF_TIME){vp12_off_timeout=0;VP12_OFF();}}else//OTHER exception rather than IN_OK error, turn OFF the output directly{VP12_OFF();}AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_EN = 0;AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_ON = 0;}*/if(cHiccup1OnFlag == 1)//hiccup{		if(++cHiccup1OnTime>=HICCUP_ON_TIME)//the 49V output is on for 50 milli-seconds{			if(iAd_data[3]>=OP_VP12_OFF_AD)//if it is still in OPEN-LOOP state{cHiccup1OffTime = 0;}else{if(iAd_data[3]<OP_VP12_RECOVER_AD)//recovered, return difference is necessary{AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OPEN_LOOP = 0;                }cHiccup1OffTime = 0;}cHiccup1OnTime = 0;cHiccup1OnFlag = 0;}}
name: Process_VN12
brief: process the -12V output
input: none
output: none
static void Process_VN12(void)
{//POWER Dispatch. Under/over voltage protection OR output error OR over temperature, we need to deal with them respectively//if((AlarmStatus.allbits & WARNING_FLAG_VN12) == 0)//IN_OK must be set to 1if(AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK == 1 && AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_OPEN_LOOP == 0 && AlarmStatus.alarm.OTP == 0){if(AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_EN == 1)//only when all the conditions are ready can we turn on the -12V output{VN12_ON();AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_ON = 1; }else{    VN12_OFF();AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_ON = 0;}cHiccup2OffTime = 0;cHiccup2OnTime = 0;cHiccup2OnFlag = 0;}else if(AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_OPEN_LOOP == 1)//OPEN-LOOP hiccup{if(++cHiccup2OffTime>=HICCUP_OFF_TIME)//OFF time{VN12_ON();cHiccup2OffTime = HICCUP_OFF_TIME;cHiccup2OnFlag = 1;}else{VN12_OFF();cHiccup2OnTime = 0;cHiccup2OnFlag = 0;}}else    //other exceptions processed in Task_Manager function{//TODO}/*else//other exceptions, such as OVP, UVP or OTP{//rly_rdy_timeout=0;v12_rdy_timeout=0;cHiccup2OffTime=0;cHiccup2OnTime=0;cHiccup2OnFlag=0;#if(RELAY_ALWAYS_ON == 0){AlarmStatus.alarm.RLY_READY = 0;RELAY_OFF();}#endif//VDC_OK=0;if(AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK == 0)//only after the IN_OK is set to 0 can set we turn OFF the -12V{if(++v12_off_timeout>=DELAY_TURN_OFF_TIME){v12_off_timeout = 0;VN12_OFF();}}else//OTHER exception rather than IN_OK error, turn OFF the output directly{VN12_OFF();}AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_EN = 0;AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_ON = 0;}*/if(cHiccup2OnFlag == 1)//hiccup{		if(++cHiccup2OnTime>=HICCUP_ON_TIME)//the -12V output is on for 40 milli-seconds{			if(iAd_data[2]>=OP_VN12_OFF_AD)//if it is still in OPEN-LOOP state{cHiccup2OffTime = 0;}else{if(iAd_data[2]<OP_VN12_RECOVER_AD)//recovered, return difference is necessary{AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_OPEN_LOOP = 0;                }cHiccup2OffTime = 0;}cHiccup2OnTime = 0;cHiccup2OnFlag = 0;}}
*@name: Task_Manager
*@description: switch all the states according to the power-supply statuse.g. if the VDC is over-voltage, we need to shut off the main outputAt the same time, we turn ON/OFF the signals according to the status
*@params: none
*@return: none
static void Task_Manager(void)
{//===============================================================================//		  ****** DC power-supply, following the DC powered-on sequences ******//          1. DC_OK                        -->START//          2. delay 50ms                   -->RELAY ON//          6. delay 100ms                  -->49V ON       //===============================================================================    if(AlarmStatus.alarm.VDC_UVP == 0 && AlarmStatus.alarm.VDC_OVP == 0){AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK = 1;//It is not until the VDC is normal that we set the IN_OK signal to 1.v12_off_timeout = 0;}else{AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK = 0;}    #if (RELAY_ALWAYS_ON == 1){if(rly_rdy_timeout++ >= RLY_RDY_TIMEOUT){rly_rdy_timeout = 0;AlarmStatus.alarm.RLY_READY = 1;}}#else//if(AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK == 1 && AlarmStatus.alarm.OTP == 0)//delay some time before we open the relayif(AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK == 1){        if(rly_rdy_timeout++ >= RLY_RDY_TIMEOUT) //ONLY when the first time the device is powered-on do we need to delay some time to turn ON the relay.{//rly_rdy_timeout=0;rly_rdy_timeout = RLY_RDY_TIMEOUT;AlarmStatus.alarm.RLY_READY = 1;}}else{//rly_rdy_timeout=0;AlarmStatus.alarm.RLY_READY = 0;}      #endifif(AlarmStatus.alarm.RLY_READY == 1)	//prepare to open +12V AND -12V output{if(v12_rdy_timeout++>=V12OUT_RDY_TIMEOUT)//delay 100ms{//The reason why we don't clear variable v12_rdy_timeout is because we turn ON the -12V and +12V directly without any delay once the OTP is recovered.//v12_rdy_timeout=0;v12_rdy_timeout = V12OUT_RDY_TIMEOUT;AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_EN = 1;AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_EN = 1;}}else{v12_rdy_timeout = 0;AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_EN = 0;AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_EN = 0;}//if(AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_EN == 1 && AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_EN == 1)    //ONLY when the +12V or -12V is powered-on can we turn ON the 50V outputif(AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_EN == 1 || AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_EN == 1) {            if(v50_rdy_timeout++>=V50OUT_RDY_TIMEOUT)//delay 100ms{v50_rdy_timeout = 0;AlarmStatus.alarm.V50_EN = 1;}}else//the 50V output is not affected by the 12V and -12V{//v50_rdy_timeout = 0;//AlarmStatus.alarm.V50_EN = 0;}if(PV12_OVP == 1)//+12V OVP check{vp12_ovp_H++;}else{vp12_ovp_L++;}if(io_cnt>=IO_FILTER_CNT)//set or clear OVP flag{if(vp12_ovp_H>=IO_FILTER_VALID_CNT){AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OVP = 1;}if(vp12_ovp_L>=IO_FILTER_VALID_CNT){AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OVP = 0;//no need to clear this bit}vp12_ovp_H = 0;vp12_ovp_L = 0;io_cnt = 0;}else{io_cnt++;}if(AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OVP == 1)//ONLY when the OVP flag is set can we start counting{if(ovp1_time_cnt++>=LOCK_TIMEOUT){ovp1_time_cnt = LOCK_TIMEOUT;}}else{ovp1_time_cnt = 0;}if(AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK == 1)//VDC error information{IN_OK();}else{IN_NOT_OK();}if(AlarmStatus.alarm.RLY_READY == 1)//power on the relay{RELAY_ON();}else{    RELAY_OFF();        }if(AlarmStatus.alarm.V50_EN == 1)//turn ON the 50V output{V50_ON();}else{V50_OFF();}if(AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK == 0 || AlarmStatus.alarm.OTP == 1)//other exceptions, such as OVP, UVP or OTP{//rly_rdy_timeout=0;//open the delay directly from exception without any delayif(AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK == 0)//Each time VDC is abnormal, we need to delay some to open the output, including -12V, +12V and 50V{v12_rdy_timeout = 0;}v50_rdy_timeout = 0;cHiccup1OffTime = 0;cHiccup1OnTime = 0;cHiccup1OnFlag = 0;cHiccup2OffTime = 0;cHiccup2OnTime = 0;cHiccup2OnFlag = 0;AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_EN = 0;AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_ON = 0;AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_EN = 0;AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_ON = 0;AlarmStatus.alarm.V50_EN = 0;VN12_OFF();VP12_OFF();V50_OFF();#if(RELAY_ALWAYS_ON == 0){if(AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK == 0)//don't need to turn OFF the relay once OTP flag is set{AlarmStatus.alarm.RLY_READY = 0;RELAY_OFF();}}        #endif/*//VDC_OK=0;if(AlarmStatus.alarm.IN_OK == 0)//only after the IN_OK is set to 0 can set we turn OFF the +12V{if(++v12_off_timeout>=DELAY_TURN_OFF_TIME){v12_off_timeout=0;VN12_OFF();VP12_OFF();}}else//OTHER exception rather than IN_OK error, turn OFF the output directly{VN12_OFF();VP12_OFF();}*/}
*@name: OVP_Lock_Check
*@description: output over voltage processHere we need to lock the 12V output or delay some time then lock it.
*@params: none
*@return: none
static void OVP_Lock_Check(void)
{#if(LOCK_NO_DELAY == 1)//lock the output immediately once OVP occurs{//if(AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OVP == 1 || AlarmStatus.alarm.VN12_OVP == 1)//Once the OVP flag is set, we'll never clear it.if(AlarmStatus.alarm.VP12_OVP == 1){			AlarmStatus.alarm.OUT_LOCKED = 1;}        else{//AlarmStatus.alarm.OUT_LOCKED=0;}}#else{if(ovp1_time_cnt>=LOCK_TIMEOUT || ovp2_time_cnt>=LOCK_TIMEOUT){        AlarmStatus.alarm.OUT_LOCKED=1;}else{AlarmStatus.alarm.OUT_LOCKED=0;}}#endif
*@name: Process_1MS
*@description: 1 milli-second task polling
*@params: none
*@return: none
void Process_1MS(void)
{if(cFlag_1ms == 0){return;}		cFlag_1ms = 0;Task_Manager();Process_VP12();Process_VN12();
}/* main task */
int main(void)
{Init_OSC();Init_Timer();Init_GPIO();Init_ADC();INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;INTCONbits.GIE = 1;while(1){        ADC_Process();Fault_Check();Process_1MS();OVP_Lock_Check();}return 0;






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本章概要 中间操作 跟踪和调试流元素排序移除元素应用函数到元素在 map() 中组合流 中间操作 中间操作用于从一个流中获取对象&#xff0c;并将对象作为另一个流从后端输出&#xff0c;以连接到其他操作。 跟踪和调试 peek() 操作的目的是帮助调试。它允许你无修改地查看…


1.下载maven 说明&#xff1a;以下载maven3.6.1为例 1.1网址 Maven – Welcome to Apache Maven 1.2点击下载 1.3点击Maven 3 archives 1.4 点击相应的版本 1.5 点击binaries下载 说明&#xff1a;binaries是二进制的意思 1.6点击zip格式 1.7 蓝奏云获取 说明&#xff1a…


文章目录 gateway产生的背景&#xff0c;为什么要是用gateway什么是网关gateway 带来的好处功能特征gateway在项目中使用的依赖 什么是断言断言分类内置自定义示例 断言和过滤器的不同 gateway产生的背景&#xff0c;为什么要是用gateway 一个系统会被拆分为多个微服务&#x…

软考 -- 计算机学习(2)

文章目录 一、安全性知识1.1 信息安全和信息系统安全1.2 信息安全技术1.3 网络安全技术 二、多媒体技术三、软件工程基础知识3.1 信息系统生命周期3.2 软件过程模型3.3 信息系统开发方法3.4 系统分析和设计概述3.5 结构化开发方法3.6 系统运行与维护 四、项目管理4.1 进度管理4…