加州大学欧文分校英语中级语法专项课程04:Intermediate Grammar Project学习笔记(完结)

Intermediate Grammar Project

Course Certificate


Specialization Certificate


Specialization Intro


Course Intro


本文是学习 Coursera: Intermediate Grammar Project 这门课的学习笔记。



  • Intermediate Grammar Project
  • Week 01: Introduction
    • Capstone Introduction
    • Capstone Assignment and Rubric
    • Practice Peer-graded Assignment: Grammar Points Summary
  • Week 02: Choose Your Technology
      • Technology Tool Survey
  • Week 03: Find Real-World Examples
    • Search for Examples
  • Week 04: Work in Progress
  • Week 05: Reflect on Learning
  • Week 06: You Made It!
    • Final Checklist
  • 后记

Capstone: 顶石;墓顶石


portfolio: 美 [pɔːrtˈfoʊlioʊ] 文件夹;卷宗夹;投资组合;

Week 01: Introduction

Mastering grammar will give you confidence in your speaking and writing of English. Furthermore, improving these skills will help you achieve your academic or professional goals. You learned a lot of important grammar in this specialization, and you want to make sure you will remember it. In this capstone, you will create a grammar scrapbook of difficult or interesting English grammatical structures–studied in the specialization–that you want to take with you. You will choose a multi-media tool of your choice, such as video or e-book, to showcase proper use of the grammar, and you will also give authentic examples of the grammar found in articles, movies, or songs to make the scrapbook interesting. Doing this project will help reinforce what you have learned in the past few months

Capstone Introduction

Hi, and
welcome to the Capstone Project for the Learn English: Intermediate
Grammar Specialization. For this project you are going to
make an electronic scrapbook or portfolio using the grammar points that
you’ve learned in the specialization. You’ll also include explanations of the
grammar points using your own words and you’ll include examples of each grammar
point from media such as websites, articles, signs, movies, or songs, almost
anywhere that you can find language.


You’ll find the directions for
this assignment on the course page. So after you watch this video, look for
that and read again about the assignment. But basically, the assignment is to
make a grammar scrapbook or portfolio. To do this,
you’ll need to choose a technology tool. This could be almost anything. You can make a video,
you could make a blog, you could use an app on your smartphone or
on your computer. You could use a website or
you could look for an electronic portfolio,
which is also on the Internet. This just depends on your preference. What kind of a scrapbook would you
like to have after this course ends? Some examples of these
tools are listed here. Explain Everything is an app for
smartphones. You can use this to add pictures and
text to make a presentation that can then be shared as a movie or
a PDF or several other things. Wikipages are used to make websites, so you could create your
scrapbook as a website. Voice Thread is a tool for
making presentations online. Wordpress is used if you
want to make a blog. Dropr is an electronic portfolio site. These are just a few examples
of the many hundreds of things that you could use to
create your capstone project.


Feel free to be creative. If you know of another tool
that would work, that’s fine. You’ll also need to go back through all
of the grammar that was covered in this specialization. Your grammar scrapbook or
portfolio must include between eight and twelve grammar points
from this specialization. For each one, you will explain
the rules using your own words. Once you find which grammar points you’re
going to use, you need to look for examples of each grammar
point from the media. The examples should be interesting and
fun. They could be from songs,
movies, TV shows, they could be from celebrity interviews or
athlete quotes. Anything that uses grammar. Keep in mind, this will be the step
that takes you probably the longest. It will take some time to find good
examples of your 8 to 12 grammar points. But don’t get discouraged,
just keep trying.


Let me give you a few examples of
the kind of media you could look for. Here’s a video with an example of present
perfect tense, it’s from a song by U2 and you’ll hear them singing, I still
haven’t found what I’m looking for. This uses present perfect tense. >> But I still haven’t
found what I’m looking for. [MUSIC] But I still haven’t found
what I’m looking for. [MUSIC] Here’s an example of a photo. You can see this is from
a person’s cell phone, where they took a screenshot
of a text conversation. And this conversation had
several adjective clauses. Remember learning about adjective
classes in the second course of this specialization? Here’s an example that’s an audio file,
that means an mp3. You’ll hear a superlative
adjective used by HAL, who was the robot in
2001: A Space Odyssey. >> The 9,000 series is the most
reliable computer ever made. No 9000 computer has ever made
a mistake or distorted information. We are all,
by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error.

Did you hear the superlative? Here’s an example of
text from an article and there’s a photo that goes along with it. Don’t you think the photo
makes it more interesting? Prince Harry said that the best birthday
present for his grandmother, the Queen, would be to have a day off, so
she could lie about and do nothing. This is an example of a tricky verb form from the third course
in the specialization. Notice too that on each of these examples
I’m telling you where I got the quote from or where I got the video from or
where I got the audio file from. You must do that in order to prevent
plagiarism, which is dishonesty. So you always have to say where
you are getting your sources from. Be sure you do that in your portfolio.

These are just informal citations where
I put the website that I got it from. In a minute you will see how I
more formerly cite these sources. You might be wondering why you
have to do this kind of a project. Well, one of the reasons, the most important reason, is to review
what you’ve learned in the three courses. You’ve learned a lot of grammar very
quickly so you need something to make you think about it again before you
go away from this specialization. You’ll also find when you’re looking for the examples that you are paying a lot
of attention to the grammar in media. This will help you continue learning. You’ll also start to be
aware of other grammar. This will just make you
a better English speaker. And finally, this will give you a chance
to showcase what you have learned. You can show off all of
your new grammar knowledge. And I hope you’ll think it’s fun.

Here are the sources that I used
in my presentation just now. These are all listed in MLA format. Remember, earlier I just put the website
where I got the source from. Here, I’m being more
formal using MLA format. You need to do both in your scrapbook. You can put just a website or
the name of the person near the example, but at the end of your scrapbook you
should also have a collection of all of your sources using a standard
format MLA or APA. And I’ll give you some resources
later if you need help doing that. So, that’s a quick explanation of what
your capstone project is going to be. Go to the course page and look for
the handout that you can read for more information. Good luck.

Capstone Assignment and Rubric





Practice Peer-graded Assignment: Grammar Points Summary

Upload your Grammar Points handout here. Make sure you chose between 12 and 15 grammar points. You can have more than 15, but you definitely cannot have fewer than 12.

Week 02: Choose Your Technology

This week, you’ll spend time trying out different tools that you could use to create your scrapbook. Don’t just choose the first thing you think of. Choose a technology tool that will make your project interesting and memorable.

Technology Tool Survey


Week 03: Find Real-World Examples

Search for Examples

Now that you have picked out your 12-15 grammar points, you need to find interesting examples of the grammar used in the real world. These examples can come from movies, articles, songs, signs, websites, or almost anywhere that you find sentences.

Use the handout below to keep track of the media you find or use a method of your own. You can first collect links or files of your examples and then go back to edit or format them as needed for putting into your scrapbook.

Week 04: Work in Progress

This week, you need to start putting your scrapbook together. Put the grammar and examples into your scrapbook and arrange them to look nice. Working with technology takes more time than you might expect, so don’t get behind.

Week 05: Reflect on Learning

This week, you should be getting close to finishing the project. Keep working on it. You need to finish the project by next week. As you work this week, reflect on what you have learned in this specialization.

Week 06: You Made It!

Good job making it to the final week! This week, you’ll finish your scrapbook and submit the capstone project for a grade. Be sure to edit and check it carefully before you submit it.

Final Checklist

Before you submit your capstone project, use the checklist below to make sure you’ve met all of the requirements.

  • use a technology tool such as a website, an app, an e-book, a portfolio, a video, etc.
  • include 12-15 grammar points from this specialization
  • include at least one example from the real world for each grammar point
  • organize the content in an attractive way
  • text should be at least 28 point font
  • images should be large enough to see clearly
  • make sure the scrapbook is free from mistakes
  • make sure the scrapbook is shareable


2024年5月4日14点16分完成这门课,这是 https://www.coursera.org/specializations/intermediate-grammar 这个专项的最后一门课,主要是用来复习之前学过的知识点。前三门课才是教授知识点的课程。花费时间完成这个中级语法课程专项。

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