Linux vim mode | raw / cooked


vim terminal “raw” mode

Vim 终端 “raw” 模式

1. 原始模式与已处理模式的区别

We know vim puts the terminal in “raw” mode where it receives keystrokes as they are typed, opposed to “cooked” mode where the command is not processed fully unless the end-user enters it in the terminal.
我们知道,vim 会将终端置于“原始”模式,在这种模式下,终端会即时接收按键输入,与“已处理”模式不同,在“已处理”模式下,命令只有在终端中输入后才会被完全处理。

2. 模式切换的机制

How does the shell distinguish when to go into either mode? How does this switch happen? Is there a mode in between “raw” and “cooked” mode?
那么,shell 是如何区分何时进入这两种模式的呢?这种切换是如何发生的?在“原始”模式和“已处理”模式之间是否存在一种中间模式?

To clarify, any process that has access to a terminal can change that terminal’s settings, simply by calling tcsetattr() with the appropriate attributes (the same call used by the termstate_ functions in cush).
需要明确的是,任何能够访问终端的进程都可以通过调用 tcsetattr() 并设置适当的属性来更改该终端的设置(cush 中的 termstate_ 函数也使用了相同的调用)。

vim is an example of a process that does that. Raw mode is also entered by the readline() function cush (and bash) uses. That’s why, for instance, Ctrl-A and Ctrl-E work and many other readline shortcuts. When readline() returns, the terminal is set back into whatever state it was in before the call, so we don’t notice. If we had implemented our shell with, say, scanf() and printf() only, we wouldn’t have put the terminal into the raw state, so a shell could be implemented without raw mode, albeit with less user comfort.
vim 是一个会这样做的进程的例子。cush(以及 bash)使用的 readline() 函数也会进入原始模式。这就是为什么,例如,Ctrl-A 和 Ctrl-E 以及许多其他 readline 快捷键可以正常工作。当 readline() 返回时,终端会恢复到调用之前的状态,所以我们察觉不到。如果我们只用 scanf() 和 printf() 来实现我们的 shell,我们就不会将终端置于原始状态,因此虽然可以实现一个没有原始模式的 shell,但用户体验会差很多。

3. POSIX 中的原始模式定义

As to what “raw” mode is and how to enter it. It turns out that “raw” vs “cooked” mode isn’t actually the official term (anymore). The terms come from Unix System 7. In POSIX, what’s commonly called “raw” mode is a combination of switches. tcsetattr(3) describes it as:
关于“原始”模式是什么以及如何进入它的问题。事实证明,“原始”模式与“已处理”模式并不是官方术语(至少不再是)。这些术语来源于 Unix System 7。在 POSIX 中,通常所说的“原始”模式实际上是一组组合开关。tcsetattr(3) 对其描述如下:

3.1 原始模式的设置

Raw mode

cfmakeraw() sets the terminal to something like the “raw” mode of the old Version 7 terminal driver: input is available character by character, echoing is disabled, and all special processing of terminal input and output characters is disabled. The terminal attributes are set as follows:
cfmakeraw() 将终端设置为类似于旧版 Version 7 终端驱动程序中的“原始”模式:输入是逐字符可用的,回显被禁用,并且终端输入和输出字符的所有特殊处理都被禁用。终端属性被设置如下:

termios_p->c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK | ISTRIP| INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON);
termios_p->c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
termios_p->c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN);
termios_p->c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB);
termios_p->c_cflag |= CS8;

You can look up what all these attributes mean, but the key attribute here is ICANON, and that’s how POSIX refers to line-by-line vs key-by-key processing mode, as “canonical” (line-by-line) and “non-canonical” mode.
您可以查阅这些属性的具体含义,但其中的关键属性是 ICANON,POSIX 就是通过它来区分逐行处理模式与逐键处理模式的,分别称为“规范”(逐行)模式和“非规范”模式。

4. 实践原始模式

If you want to try out raw mode yourself, here’s a short program:

4.1 示例代码

// raw.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <assert.h>int
{int terminal_fd = open(ctermid(NULL), O_RDWR);assert (terminal_fd != -1);struct termios tty_state;int rc = tcgetattr(terminal_fd, &tty_state);struct termios saved_tty_state = tty_state;assert (rc == 0);tty_state.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK | ISTRIP| INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON);tty_state.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;tty_state.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN);tty_state.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB);tty_state.c_cflag |= CS8;printf("press ctrl-d to exit\n");rc = tcsetattr(terminal_fd, TCSANOW, &tty_state);assert (rc == 0);char c; while (read(0, &c, 1) == 1 && c != 0x4)write(1, &c, 1);// restore sane state on exitrc = tcsetattr(terminal_fd, TCSANOW, &saved_tty_state);assert (rc == 0);

4.2 编译与运行

Compile with gcc -o raw raw.c and then you can start it with ./raw. Everything input is echoed back. Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Z don’t work anymore. If you type Enter it goes to the beginning of the line (type Ctrl-J to go to the next line). Type Ctrl-D (0x4) to exit.
使用 gcc -o raw raw.c 编译该程序,然后可以通过 ./raw 启动它。输入的所有内容都会被回显。Ctrl-C 和 Ctrl-Z 不再起作用。如果你按下回车键,光标会回到行首(按下 Ctrl-J 可以移到下一行)。按下 Ctrl-D(0x4)退出。

5. 原始模式与已处理模式的应用

The program above demonstrates how to set a terminal into raw mode and restore its original state upon exit. It reads input character by character and echoes them back to the terminal. This behavior is typical of raw mode, where the terminal processes input and output at the character level without any special handling of control characters like Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Z.
上述程序演示了如何将终端设置为原始模式,并在退出时恢复其原始状态。它逐字符读取输入并将它们回显到终端。这种行为是原始模式的典型特征,在这种模式下,终端会在字符级别处理输入和输出,而不会对像 Ctrl-C 或 Ctrl-Z 这样的控制字符进行特殊处理。

This is particularly useful for applications like text editors (e.g., vim) or interactive shells that require fine-grained control over user input and terminal output. By disabling canonical processing (ICANON) and other terminal attributes, these applications can implement their own input handling mechanisms, such as key bindings and command-line editing features.
这对于像文本编辑器(例如 vim)或交互式 shell 这样的应用程序特别有用,因为它们需要对用户输入和终端输出进行精细控制。通过禁用规范处理(ICANON)和其他终端属性,这些应用程序可以实现自己的输入处理机制,例如按键绑定和命令行编辑功能。

In contrast, “cooked” mode (or canonical mode) is the default mode for most terminal applications. In this mode, the terminal buffers input until a newline character is received, allowing for line editing and processing of special control characters. This mode is more user-friendly for command-line interfaces where users expect to be able to edit their input before executing a command.

6. 总结

To summarize, the distinction between raw and cooked modes lies in how the terminal handles input and output. Raw mode provides direct, character-by-character access, while cooked mode processes input line by line and interprets control characters. The ability to switch between these modes allows applications to tailor their behavior to the specific needs of the user interface they are implementing.

【Linux】vim 三种模式的切换、常用命令总结

冰冷的希望于 2023-08-25 23:04:37 发布

vim 是一个非常强大而且常用的 Linux 文本工具。

1. 模式

vim 主要有三种模式,分别是命令模式、输入模式、末行模式,三者切换关系如下:


默认是命令模式,按 iao 进入输入模式,再按 ESC 返回到命令模式。在命令模式输入 : 切换到末行模式,再按 ESC 又返回到命令模式。输入模式和末行模式之间不能直接切换,只能通过命令模式切换。

2. 命令模式

xXx 是删除下一个字符,X 是删除上一个字符
数字 + x删除指定数量的字符,例如 10x 表示删除 10 个字符
数字 + dd删除指定数量的行,例如 20dd 表示删除 20 行
数字 + yy复制指定数量的行,例如 20yy 表示复制 20 行
pPp 是粘贴到下一行,P 是粘贴到上一行
ggGgg 是回到第一行,G 是回到最后一行
数字 + G跳转到指定行,例如 20G 表示跳转到第 20 行
y1GyGy1G 是复制当前行前面的所有数据,yG 是复制当前行之后的全部数据
d1GdGd1G 是删除当前行前面的所有数据,dG 是删除当前行之后的全部数据
vVCtrl+vv 是光标起始和结束之间的文本会被选中,V 是光标起始和结束之间的所有行被选中,Ctrl+v 是光标起始和结束之间构成的矩形区域被选中

3. 输入模式

iIi 是从光标所在位置开始输入,I 是从光标所在行第一个非空白字符开始输入
aAa 是从光标所在的下一个字符开始输入,A 是从光标所在行的最后一个字符开始输入
oOo 是从光标所在行的下一行新的一行开始输入,O 是从光标所在行的上一行新的一行开始输入
rRr 是取代光标所在的字符一次,R 是依次取代光标所在字符

4. 末行模式

:set nu显示行号
:set nonu隐藏行号
:%s/要替换的字符/替换后的字符/g全局替换文本,% 表示对整个文件进行操作,g 表示全局替换


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