《计算机组成及汇编语言原理》学习第 13 天,p177-p177 总结,总计 1 页。
1.real mode
A programming model where the program has access to the entire capability of the machine, bypassing security and memory management. Useful primarily for operating systems and other supervisor-level programs(实模式是一种编程模型,其中程序可以绕过安全管理和内存管理去访问机器的全部功能。实模式主要对操作系统和管理级程序有用)。
微软的 DOS 系统运行在实模式下。
2.protected mode
A programming model where the capacity of the programs is typically limited by memory management and security issues; useful for user-level programs on a multiprocessing system(保护模式是一种编程模型,其中程序能力通常受内存管理和安全问题限制。保护模式对多进程系统上的用户级程序有用)。
微软的 Windows 系统, Linux 系统运行在保护模式下。
interest 除了有“兴趣爱好”之意,也有另外一个意思:c/u. sth worth paying attention to or sth being significant(值得关注的xxx)。
p177, Two modes of particular interest are real mode, essentially a detailed recreation of the 8088 operating environment (one program running at a time, only 1 megabyte of memory available, and no memory protection), and protected mode, which incorporates the memory management system described later (section 8.4.1) with support for multitasking.
essentially 之前自己一直理解不到位,应理解为“adv. used to emphasize the basic nature(本质) of a person, thing, or situcation”
c. sth that has been made to be the same as sth that happended or existed in the past。
(1)holdover: hold(“keep”) + over(“beyond”)
c. sth kept beyond a designated time。
p177, Second, the complicated ones (from the programmer’s point of view) are, for the most part, holdovers from the old 8088 architecture.
chapter 8 简评:介绍 Pentium 电脑架构。
1. 编程
(1) Patrick Juola,《计算机组成及汇编语言原理》:https://book.douban.com/subject/3069889/
2. 英语
(1) Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com
(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org