



1、 单项选择(10分)

( ) 1. 下列单词中含有相同元音因素的是_____.

A that; these B thank; that C this; those

( ) 2. --________, Gina! --Good morning, Bob!

A Good afternoon B Hello C Good morning

( ) 3. –What's this ________? --It's a pen.

A in English B in Chinese C with English

( ) 4. --________ is your ruler? --It's yellow.

A What's color B What color C What about

( ) 5. This is _____ red apple. That is _____ orange.

A a; an B a; the C an; a

( ) 6. --Jenny, this is my friend, Tom. Tom, this is my sister, Jenny.

--____________, Tom.

A Hello B Nice to meet you C Excuse me

( ) 7. –Look at the boy, is he Jack?

--________. His name is Mike.

A Yes, it is B Yes, he is. C No, he isn't

( ) 8. --______ are your books? Are they on the table?

--No, they are under the table.

A Where B Whose C What

( ) 9. --Is the blue pen ______?

--No, ______ pen is black.

A his; hers B hers; his C yours, my

( ) 10. –____________?

--Yes, P-E-N-C-I-L.

A How do you spell it? B Spell it, please. C Can you spell it?

2、 补全对话(5分)


Lucy and Tina are talking about whose are the school things. L is for Lucy. T is for Tina.

L: 11.________, my name is Lucy. What's your name?

T: I'm Tina. 12.________________.

L: Nice to meet you, too. I found a school bag this morning.

T: Oh, 13.______________.

L: It's blue.

T: No, it isn't. Mine is black.

L: There are a ruler, three pens, an eraser, an English book and some notebooks in it.

T: Oh, I think it's Tom's.

L: 14._________________.

T: It's 486-7925.

L: Ok, I see. Thanks.

T: 15._________.

A. You're welcome.

B. What's your telephone number?

C. What's his phone number?

D. What color is it?

E. What color are they?

F. Nice to meet you.

G. Excuse me

3、 完形填空(10分)

请阅读下面短文,理解文章大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、 C、 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。

Li Hong and his English friend

Good morning, everyone. My name is Li Hong. Li is my 1.______ name. My first name is Hong. I have a good 2._____. His name is Jack Brown. His last name is Brown. 3._____ is his given name. We call him Jack. 4._____ is from England.

We both study at No. 5 middle school. I'm in Class Three, Grade Seven. He is in Class One, Grade Seven. We are in the 5._____ school, but we' re in different 6.______. At school we study English, math, Chinese, history(历史), geography(地理) 7._____ some other subjects. I like English very much. My 8._____ teacher is Mr. Black. He's very friendly and 9._____. We all like his class.

My QQ number is 285374698 and 10._______ number is 257-3469. His telephone number is 354-7725. He doesn't have QQ number.

( ) 16. A first B family C lost

( ) 17. A friend B brother C teacher

( ) 18. A Brown B Jack Brown C Jack

( ) 19. A She B Her C He

( ) 20. A some B same C first

( ) 21. A classes B classrooms C grades

( ) 22. A or B and C but

( ) 23. A math B Chinese C English

( ) 24. A tall B nice C beautiful

( ) 25. A telephone B ID card C car

4、 阅读理解(50分)

A 根据语篇内容,选择最佳标题

A My family B My brother C My school

D My room E My teacher F My mother

( ) 26. My mother is an English teacher. She works in our school. She is tall with glasses. Her class is very interesting, and her students like her very much.

( ) 27. I have a small family. There are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is a farmer. My mother is a nurse. My sister and I are students.

( ) 28. Look at this boy. His name is Tom. He is not my friend, but my brother. He likes playing basketball. We often play it after class.

( ) 29. This is a photo of my room. A big bed is in the middle of the room. There is a clock on the wall. Some books and a pen are on the table. Oh, my baseball is under the chair.

( ) 30. Hi! My name is Lily. I like English very much. Mr. Brown is our English teacher. He is good to us and treats us like his kids. His classes are very interesting.


My name's Bob Smith. I'm twelve years old. I study at No. 3 Middle School. This is a photo of my family. The man is my father. His name is Dale Smith. He is a teacher in my school. He teaches English. And the woman is my mother, she is a teacher, too. Who's that woman near my father? Oh, she is my aunt. She is a nurse. My grandparents aren't in the photo, because they were in the USA at that time. I have a cat. Its name is Mimi. I love my family and I love my cat, too.

( ) 31. How old is Bob Smith?

A Eleven B Twelve C Thirteen

( ) 32. What is Bob's father?

A He is a worker. B He is a teacher. C He is a nurse.

( ) 33. Where does Bob's aunt work in?

A A school B A hospital C A factory

( ) 34. Why are Bob's grandparents not in the photo?

A Because they were in the USA.

B Because they were sleeping

C Because they were in the town.

( ) 35. According to the passage, Which is not RIGHT?

A Bob has a dog. B Bob's aunt is near his father C Bob's mother is a doctor.


Hello! I'm Betty. This is a photo of my room. Can you see the books? Yes. They are in the bookcase. These are my notebooks and pencil box. They are on the desk. Where are my pencils? They are in the pencil box. That's my bed. What is that on it? It's a white jacket. What's this on the sofa? It's my hat. It's purple. There are two photos on the wall(墙). This is a photo of my family. Look! These are my parents. Those are my grandparents. And this is me. That is photo of my dog. What's her name? Her name is Lucky. Oh, where is Lucky? She is not on the sofa. She is not under my desk. Aha! She's under the chair.

D 请从A-F中选出适当的句子填入文中,有一个是多余选项。

Hello, My name is Li Lei. I'm twelve years old. 41._______. They are now twelve years old. They are English. But they are now in China with their parents. 42._______, but they are not in the same class. Tom is in Class Three and Tim is in Class One. They look the same and wear the same clothes. 43.________. Tom likes blue best. His schoolbag and quilt are blue. But 44.______. He often wears green clothes and buys green rulers. 45.________. We are good friends.

A Tim likes green

B But they don't like the same color

C Tom and Tim are twin brothers

D They go to the same school

E Tim likes red

F They are friendly and nice to others

E 阅读下面短文,回答后面的问题。

My name is Lucy. Amy is my sister. She is my good friend, too. We are twins. We are 13 years old. 我们在同一个年级. But we are in different classes. She is really friendly. She always plays with me after class. Sometimes we play tennis or ping-pong together(一起). We like sports very much.

Our favorite subject is art. Amy and I both like green. And I like blue, too. In Amy's room, we do our homework first. Then we draw pictures. Amy's friends call her Li Hua. That's her Chinese name. I think it's cool to have two names.

Today we go to our friend Jack's house. There are many of our classmates and friends there. Some of them are Chinese. I think it is someone's birthday, but Jack says they often have English parties together on weekends. I learn to use chopsticks. Chinese always use them when eating. How interesting it is to have a party with so many friends!

46. Who is Amy?


47. Are they in the same class?


48. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(将划线的英语翻译成汉语)


49. Translate the underlined sentence into English.(将划线的汉语翻译成英语)


50. Do you have a good friend? What do you often do after class?


5、 词语运用(10分)


too, be, and, girl, boy, who, what, of, she, a, Sam, but

My cousin Sandy is 51.______English girl. Her last name is White. She 52_____ tidy. In her room,her books 53.______a tape player are in the bookcase. 54._____ schoolbag is on the desk. Her pencil box is on the desk, 55._____.

Some pens and a set 56._____keys are in the pencil box. A baseball is under the desk,57._____it's not Sandy's. It's her brother58._____.Sandy has a computer. It's on the table. Next to the computer is a photo. Two 59._____ are in it. Do you know60._____the two girls are?Well,they are Sandy's good friends,Mary and Anna.

6、 书面表达(15分)






Dear Linda:





一、1-5 B C A B A 6-10 B C A C C

二、11-15 G F D C A

三、16-20 B A C C B 21-25 A B C B A

四、A 26-30 F A B D E

B 31-35 B B B A B

C 36. In 37 jacket 38.purple 39.photos 40. Chair

D 41-45 C D B A F

E 46.Amy is Lucy's sister.

47. No, they aren't

48. 那儿又很多我的同学和朋友。

49. We are in the same grade.

50. Yes, I do. We often play basketball.


51.an; 52.is 53. and 54. Her 55. too

56.of 57.but 58.Sam's 59.girls 60.who


Dear Linda:

My name is Tina. I am 13 years old. Now I am a middle school student. I am in Grade 7. I can tell you about my classroom.

My classroom is very big and tidy. There are a teacher's desk, many students' desks, chairs, a bookcase and a big blackboard. Look, our schoolbags are on the chair. Some books and pencil boxes are on the students' desks. Our classroom is bright(明亮的), too.

I love my class and classroom. What about you?







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