Android 粒子喷泉动效


在学习open gl es实现动效的时候,打算回顾了一下用普通的2D坐标系实现粒子效果和 open gl 3d 坐标系的区别,以及难易程度,因此本篇以Canvas 2D坐标系实现了一个简单的demo。




x = startX  +  (Vx*t + 1/2*aX*t * t)

y = startY + (Vy * t + 1/2*aY*t * t)

t: 时间  ,vY,vX 各个方向的速度,aX,aY各个方向的加速度



  1. 具备起点位置

  2. 需要计算出速度和运动角度,当然,难点也是速度的计算和定义。

  3. 符合运动学方程,但与现实规律有区别,因为在手机中使用的单位和重力加速度都是有一定区别的。


2.1 构建粒子对象,在open gl中由于没有对象化的概念,绘制时通过数组的偏移实现,当然后果是代码可读性差一些。

public class Particle {private float speedZ = 0;private float x;private float y;private float speedX;private float speedY;int color;long startTime;private float radius = 10;public Particle(float x, float y, float speedX, float speedY, int color,float speedZ,long clockTime) {this.x = x;this.y = y;this.speedX = speedX;this.speedY = speedY;this.speedZ = speedZ;this.color = color;this.startTime = clockTime;}public void draw(Canvas canvas, long clockTime, Paint paint) {long costTime = (clockTime - startTime)/2;float gravityY = costTime * costTime / 3000f;  //重力加速度float dx = costTime * speedX;float dy = costTime * speedY + gravityY;float v = costTime / 500f;float ty = y + dy;  // vt + t*t/2*gfloat tx = x + dx;int paintColor = paint.getColor();if(v > 1f && speedZ != 1) {//非z轴正半轴的降低透明度int argb = argb((int) (Color.alpha(color) /v),,,;paint.setColor(argb);}else {paint.setColor(color);}float tRadius = radius;//这只Blend叠加效果,这个api版本较高        paint.setBlendMode(BlendMode.DIFFERENCE);  canvas.drawCircle(tx,ty,tRadius,paint);paint.setColor(paintColor);if(ty > radius){reset(clockTime);}}private void reset(long clockTime) {startTime = clockTime;}public static int argb(@IntRange(from = 0, to = 255) int alpha,@IntRange(from = 0, to = 255) int red,@IntRange(from = 0, to = 255) int green,@IntRange(from = 0, to = 255) int blue) {return (alpha << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;}


2.2 构建粒子系统

public class CanvasParticleSystem {private Particle[] particles;private int maxParticleCount = 500;private Random random = new Random();private final float angle = 30f;  //x轴的活动范围private int index = 0;private float radius = 60;  //x轴和y轴不能超过的边界public void addParticle(float centerX,float centerY,float maxWidth,float maxHeight,long clockTime){if(particles == null){particles = new Particle[maxParticleCount];}if(index >= particles.length) {return;}float degree = (float) Math.toRadians((270 - angle) + 2f * angle * random.nextFloat());float dx = (float) (radius * Math.cos(degree)) * 2f;  //计算初目标位置x的随机点float dy = -(float) ((maxHeight * 1f / 2 - radius * 2f) * random.nextFloat()) - maxHeight / 2f;//计算目标y的随机点float dt = 1000;  //时间按1s计算//    dx = speedx * dt + centerX;//    dy = speedy * dt + centerY;float sx = (dx - centerX) / dt;  // x轴方向的速度float sy = (dy - centerY) / dt;   //y轴方向的速度int num = (int) (random.nextFloat() * 100);float sz = 0;if(num % 5 == 0) {sz = random.nextBoolean() ? -1 : 1;}int argb = argb(random.nextFloat(), random.nextFloat(), random.nextFloat());// argb = argb(210, 110, 80);Particle p = new Particle(centerX,centerY,sx,sy, argb,sz,clockTime);particles[index++] = p;}public void drawFrame(Canvas canvas, Paint paint,long clockTime) {for (int i = 0; i < particles.length;i++) {Particle particle = particles[i];if(particle == null) continue;particle.draw(canvas,clockTime,paint);}}public  int argb( float red, float green, float blue) {return ((int) (1 * 255.0f + 0.5f) << 24) |((int) (red   * 255.0f + 0.5f) << 16) |((int) (green * 255.0f + 0.5f) <<  8) |(int) (blue  * 255.0f + 0.5f);}

2.3 粒子View实现

public class PracticeView extends View {Paint paint;CanvasParticleSystem particleSystem;private long clockTime = 0L; //自定义时钟,防止粒子堆积long startTimeout = 0;  public PracticeView(Context context) {super(context);init();}public PracticeView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {super(context, attrs);init();}public PracticeView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);init();}public void init(){paint = new Paint();paint.setAntiAlias(true);paint.setDither(false);paint.setStrokeWidth(2f);particleSystem = new CanvasParticleSystem();}@Overrideprotected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {super.onDraw(canvas);int width = getWidth();int height = getHeight();if (width <= 10 || height <= 10) {return;}int save =;canvas.translate(width/2,height);fillParticles(5,width, height);particleSystem.drawFrame(canvas,paint,getClockTime());canvas.restoreToCount(save);clockTime += 32;postInvalidateDelayed(16);}private void fillParticles(int size,int width, int height) {if(SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTimeout > 60) {for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {particleSystem.addParticle(0, 0, width, height,getClockTime());}startTimeout = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();}}private long getClockTime() {return clockTime;}


总体上使用Canvas 绘制高帧率的粒子动效,其对比open gl肯定有很多差距,甚至有一些天然缺陷比如Z轴的处理。当然,易用性肯定是Canvas 2D的优势了。





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