

   个人介绍: 研一|统计学|干货分享


  • 1 探索数据集
    • 1.1 读取并显示数据示例
    • 1.2 数据集大小
    • 1.3 自变量因变量构建
    • 1.4 One-hot编码
    • 1.5 图像数据示例
    • 1.6 pickle包保存python对象
  • 2 构建神经网络并训练
    • 2.1 读取pickle文件
    • 2.2 神经网络核心关键函数定义
    • 2.3 神经网络模型定义
    • 2.4 模型训练
      • 2.4.1 预测概率
      • 2.4.2 训练集正确率
      • 2.4.3 测试集正确率
      • 2.4.4 训练集判别矩阵
      • 2.4.5 不同数字预测精确率
    • 2.5 结果可视化
      • 2.5.1 每次epoch训练预测情况
      • 2.5.2 迭代30次正确率绘图
  • 3 模型优化
    • 3.1 调整神经元数量
      • 3.1.1 每次epoch训练预测情况
      • 3.1.2 正确率绘图
    • 3.2 更换隐藏层层数
      • 3.2.1 每次epoch训练预测情况
      • 3.2.2 正确率绘图


1 探索数据集

1.1 读取并显示数据示例


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimage_size = 28 # width and length
num_of_different_labels = 10 #  i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 9
image_pixels = image_size * image_sizetrain_data = np.loadtxt("D:\\mnist_train.csv", delimiter=",")
test_data = np.loadtxt("D:\\mnist_test.csv", delimiter=",") 


array([[7., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],[2., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],[1., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],...,[9., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],[5., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],[9., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]])

1.2 数据集大小




(10000, 785)
(60000, 785)


1.3 自变量因变量构建


train_imgs = np.asfarray(train_data[:, 1:]) / 255
test_imgs = np.asfarray(test_data[:, 1:]) / 255 
train_labels = np.asfarray(train_data[:, :1])
test_labels = np.asfarray(test_data[:, :1])

1.4 One-hot编码


import numpy as nplable_range = np.arange(10)for label in range(10):one_hot = (lable_range==label).astype(int)print("label: ", label, " in one-hot representation: ", one_hot)# 将数据集的标签转换为one-hot labellabel_range = np.arange(num_of_different_labels)train_labels_one_hot = (label_range==train_labels).astype(float)
test_labels_one_hot = (label_range==test_labels).astype(float)

1.5 图像数据示例


# 示例
for i in range(10):img = train_imgs[i].reshape((28,28))plt.imshow(img, cmap="Greys")plt.show()


1.6 pickle包保存python对象

因为csv文件读取到内存比较慢,我们用pickle这个包来保存python对象(这里面python对象指的是numpy array格式的train_imgs, test_imgs, train_labels, test_labels)


import picklewith open("D:\\pickled_mnist.pkl", "bw") as fh:data = (train_imgs, test_imgs, train_labels,test_labels)pickle.dump(data, fh)

2 构建神经网络并训练

2.1 读取pickle文件


import picklewith open("D:\\19实验\\实验课大作业\\pickled_mnist.pkl", "br") as fh:data = pickle.load(fh)train_imgs = data[0]
test_imgs = data[1]
train_labels = data[2]
test_labels = data[3]train_labels_one_hot = (lable_range==train_labels).astype(float)
test_labels_one_hot = (label_range==test_labels).astype(float)image_size = 28 # width and length
num_of_different_labels = 10 #  i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 9
image_pixels = image_size * image_size

2.2 神经网络核心关键函数定义


import numpy as npdef sigmoid(x):return 1 / (1 + np.e ** -x)
activation_function = sigmoidfrom scipy.stats import truncnorm
def truncated_normal(mean=0, sd=1, low=0, upp=10):return truncnorm((low - mean) / sd, (upp - mean) / sd, loc=mean, scale=sd)
class NeuralNetwork:def __init__(self, num_of_in_nodes, #输入节点数num_of_out_nodes, #输出节点数num_of_hidden_nodes,#隐藏节点数learning_rate):#学习率self.num_of_in_nodes = num_of_in_nodesself.num_of_out_nodes = num_of_out_nodesself.num_of_hidden_nodes = num_of_hidden_nodesself.learning_rate = learning_rate self.create_weight_matrices()#初始为一个隐藏节点    def create_weight_matrices(self):#创建权重矩阵# A method to initialize the weight #matrices of the neural network#一种初始化神经网络权重矩阵的方法rad = 1 / np.sqrt(self.num_of_in_nodes)  X = truncated_normal(mean=0, sd=1, low=-rad, upp=rad)  #形成指定分布self.weight_1 = X.rvs((self.num_of_hidden_nodes, self.num_of_in_nodes)) #rvs:产生服从指定分布的随机数rad = 1 / np.sqrt(self.num_of_hidden_nodes)X = truncated_normal(mean=0, sd=1, low=-rad, upp=rad)self.weight_2 = X.rvs((self.num_of_out_nodes, self.num_of_hidden_nodes)) #rvs: 产生服从指定分布的随机数def train(self, input_vector, target_vector):## input_vector and target_vector can #be tuple, list or ndarray#input_vector = np.array(input_vector, ndmin=2).T#输入target_vector = np.array(target_vector, ndmin=2).T#输出output_vector1 = np.dot(self.weight_1, input_vector) #隐藏层值output_hidden = activation_function(output_vector1)#删除不激活output_vector2 = np.dot(self.weight_2, output_hidden)#输出output_network = activation_function(output_vector2)##删除不激活# calculate output errors:计算输出误差output_errors = target_vector - output_network# update the weights:更新权重tmp = output_errors * output_network * (1.0 - output_network)     self.weight_2 += self.learning_rate  * np.dot(tmp, output_hidden.T)# calculate hidden errors:计算隐藏层误差hidden_errors = np.dot(self.weight_2.T, output_errors)# update the weights:tmp = hidden_errors * output_hidden * (1.0 - output_hidden)self.weight_1 += self.learning_rate * np.dot(tmp, input_vector.T)#测试集def run(self, input_vector):# input_vector can be tuple, list or ndarrayinput_vector = np.array(input_vector, ndmin=2).Toutput_vector = np.dot(self.weight_1, input_vector)output_vector = activation_function(output_vector)output_vector = np.dot(self.weight_2, output_vector)output_vector = activation_function(output_vector)return output_vector#判别矩阵def confusion_matrix(self, data_array, labels):cm = np.zeros((10, 10), int)for i in range(len(data_array)):res = self.run(data_array[i])res_max = res.argmax()target = labels[i][0]cm[res_max, int(target)] += 1return cm    #精确度def precision(self, label, confusion_matrix):col = confusion_matrix[:, label]return confusion_matrix[label, label] / col.sum()#评估def evaluate(self, data, labels):corrects, wrongs = 0, 0for i in range(len(data)):res = self.run(data[i])res_max = res.argmax()if res_max == labels[i]:corrects += 1else:wrongs += 1return corrects, wrongs

2.3 神经网络模型定义


ANN = NeuralNetwork(num_of_in_nodes = image_pixels, #输入num_of_out_nodes = 10, #输出节点数num_of_hidden_nodes = 100,#隐藏节点learning_rate = 0.1)#学习率

2.4 模型训练

2.4.1 预测概率


for i in range(len(train_imgs)):ANN.train(train_imgs[i], train_labels_one_hot[i])for i in range(20):res = ANN.run(test_imgs[i])print(test_labels[i], np.argmax(res), np.max(res))


[7.] 7 0.9992648448921
[2.] 2 0.9040034245332168
[1.] 1 0.9992201001324703
[0.] 0 0.9923701545281887
[4.] 4 0.989297708155559
[1.] 1 0.9984582148795715
[4.] 4 0.9957673752296046
[9.] 9 0.9889417895800644
[5.] 6 0.5009071817613537
[9.] 9 0.9879513019542627
[0.] 0 0.9932950902790246
[6.] 6 0.9387061553685657
[9.] 9 0.9962530965286298
[0.] 0 0.9974524110371016
[1.] 1 0.9991354417269441
[5.] 5 0.7607733657668813
[9.] 9 0.9968080255475414
[7.] 7 0.9967748204232602
[3.] 3 0.8820920415159276
[4.] 4 0.9978584850755227

2.4.2 训练集正确率


corrects, wrongs = ANN.evaluate(train_imgs, train_labels)#训练集判别正确和错误数量
print("accuracy train: ", corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))##正确率


accuracy train:  0.9425333333333333

2.4.3 测试集正确率


corrects, wrongs = ANN.evaluate(test_imgs, test_labels)
print("accuracy: test", corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))#测试集正确率


accuracy: test 0.9412

2.4.4 训练集判别矩阵


cm = ANN.confusion_matrix(train_imgs, train_labels)
print(cm)   #训练集判别矩阵


[[5822    1   54   35   15   41   47   12   31   31][   2 6638   62   31   17   24   21   64  163   14][   6   19 5487   57   16    9    2   45   16    4][   7   27   87 5773    3  130    3   16  148   67][  11   11   68    8 5332   34   12   48   28   44][  10    4    6   69    0 4952   34    5   32    5][  31    5   53   19   49   96 5782    5   37    2][   1    9   45   35    6    6    0 5812    5   28][  20    9   70   32    9   37   15   11 5209    9][  13   19   26   72  395   92    2  247  182 5745]]

2.4.5 不同数字预测精确率


for i in range(10):print("digit: ", i, "precision: ", ANN.precision(i, cm))


digit:  0 precision:  0.9829478304913051
digit:  1 precision:  0.9845743102936814
digit:  2 precision:  0.9209466263846928
digit:  3 precision:  0.9416082205186755
digit:  4 precision:  0.9127011297500855
digit:  5 precision:  0.9134845969378343
digit:  6 precision:  0.9770192632646164
digit:  7 precision:  0.9276935355147645
digit:  8 precision:  0.8902751666381815
digit:  9 precision:  0.9657085224407463

2.5 结果可视化

2.5.1 每次epoch训练预测情况


epochs = 30
NN = NeuralNetwork(num_of_in_nodes = image_pixels, num_of_out_nodes = 10, num_of_hidden_nodes = 100,learning_rate = 0.1)for epoch in range(epochs):  print("epoch: ", epoch)for i in range(len(train_imgs)):NN.train(train_imgs[i], train_labels_one_hot[i])corrects, wrongs = NN.evaluate(train_imgs, train_labels)print("accuracy train: ", corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))train_acc.append(corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))corrects, wrongs = NN.evaluate(test_imgs, test_labels)print("accuracy: test", corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))test_acc.append(corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))


epoch:  0
accuracy train:  0.94455
accuracy: test 0.9422
epoch:  1
accuracy train:  0.9628
accuracy: test 0.9579
epoch:  2
accuracy train:  0.9699
accuracy: test 0.9637
epoch:  3
accuracy train:  0.9761166666666666
accuracy: test 0.9649
epoch:  4
accuracy train:  0.979
accuracy: test 0.9662
epoch:  5
accuracy train:  0.9820833333333333
accuracy: test 0.9679
epoch:  6
accuracy train:  0.9838166666666667
accuracy: test 0.9697
epoch:  7
accuracy train:  0.9845666666666667
accuracy: test 0.97
epoch:  8
accuracy train:  0.9855333333333334
accuracy: test 0.9703
epoch:  9
accuracy train:  0.9868166666666667
accuracy: test 0.97
epoch:  10
accuracy train:  0.9878166666666667
accuracy: test 0.9714
epoch:  11
accuracy train:  0.98845
accuracy: test 0.9716
epoch:  12
accuracy train:  0.98905
accuracy: test 0.9721
epoch:  13
accuracy train:  0.9898166666666667
accuracy: test 0.9723
epoch:  14
accuracy train:  0.9903
accuracy: test 0.9722
epoch:  15
accuracy train:  0.9907666666666667
accuracy: test 0.9719
epoch:  16
accuracy train:  0.9910833333333333
accuracy: test 0.9715
epoch:  17
accuracy train:  0.9918
accuracy: test 0.9714
epoch:  18
accuracy train:  0.9924166666666666
accuracy: test 0.971
epoch:  19
accuracy train:  0.99265
accuracy: test 0.9712
epoch:  20
accuracy train:  0.9932833333333333
accuracy: test 0.972
epoch:  21
accuracy train:  0.9939333333333333
accuracy: test 0.9716
epoch:  22
accuracy train:  0.9944333333333333
accuracy: test 0.972
epoch:  23
accuracy train:  0.9948
accuracy: test 0.9719
epoch:  24
accuracy train:  0.9950833333333333
accuracy: test 0.9718
epoch:  25
accuracy train:  0.9950833333333333
accuracy: test 0.9722
epoch:  26
accuracy train:  0.99525
accuracy: test 0.9725
epoch:  27
accuracy train:  0.9955833333333334
accuracy: test 0.972
epoch:  28
accuracy train:  0.9958166666666667
accuracy: test 0.9717
epoch:  29
accuracy train:  0.9962666666666666
accuracy: test 0.9717

2.5.2 迭代30次正确率绘图


# matplotlib其实是不支持显示中文的 显示中文需要一行代码设置字体  
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mpl.rcParams['font.family'] = 'SimHei'  
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x=np.arange(1,31,1)plt.title('迭代30次正确率')
plt.plot(x, train_acc, color='green', label='训练集')
plt.plot(x, test_acc, color='red', label='测试集')plt.legend() # 显示图例


3 模型优化

3.1 调整神经元数量

3.1.1 每次epoch训练预测情况


epochs = 50
NN = NeuralNetwork(num_of_in_nodes = image_pixels, num_of_out_nodes = 10, num_of_hidden_nodes = 50,learning_rate = 0.1)for epoch in range(epochs):  print("epoch: ", epoch)for i in range(len(train_imgs)):NN.train(train_imgs[i], train_labels_one_hot[i])corrects, wrongs = NN.evaluate(train_imgs, train_labels)print("accuracy train: ", corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))train_acc.append(corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))corrects, wrongs = NN.evaluate(test_imgs, test_labels)print("accuracy: test", corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))test_acc.append(corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))


epoch:  0
accuracy train:  0.93605
accuracy: test 0.935
epoch:  1
accuracy train:  0.95185
accuracy: test 0.9501
epoch:  2
accuracy train:  0.9570333333333333
accuracy: test 0.9526
epoch:  3
accuracy train:  0.9630833333333333
accuracy: test 0.9556
epoch:  4
accuracy train:  0.9640166666666666
accuracy: test 0.9556
epoch:  5
accuracy train:  0.9668333333333333
accuracy: test 0.957
epoch:  6
accuracy train:  0.96765
accuracy: test 0.957
epoch:  7
accuracy train:  0.9673166666666667
accuracy: test 0.9566
epoch:  8
accuracy train:  0.96875
accuracy: test 0.9559
epoch:  9
accuracy train:  0.97145
accuracy: test 0.957
epoch:  10
accuracy train:  0.974
accuracy: test 0.9579
epoch:  11
accuracy train:  0.9730666666666666
accuracy: test 0.9569
epoch:  12
accuracy train:  0.9730166666666666
accuracy: test 0.9581
epoch:  13
accuracy train:  0.9747666666666667
accuracy: test 0.959
epoch:  14
accuracy train:  0.9742166666666666
accuracy: test 0.9581
epoch:  15
accuracy train:  0.97615
accuracy: test 0.9596
epoch:  16
accuracy train:  0.9759
accuracy: test 0.9586
epoch:  17
accuracy train:  0.9773166666666666
accuracy: test 0.9596
epoch:  18
accuracy train:  0.9778833333333333
accuracy: test 0.9606
epoch:  19
accuracy train:  0.9789166666666667
accuracy: test 0.9589
epoch:  20
accuracy train:  0.9777333333333333
accuracy: test 0.9582
epoch:  21
accuracy train:  0.9774
accuracy: test 0.9573
epoch:  22
accuracy train:  0.9796166666666667
accuracy: test 0.9595
epoch:  23
accuracy train:  0.9792666666666666
accuracy: test 0.959
epoch:  24
accuracy train:  0.9804333333333334
accuracy: test 0.9591
epoch:  25
accuracy train:  0.9806
accuracy: test 0.9589
epoch:  26
accuracy train:  0.98105
accuracy: test 0.9596
epoch:  27
accuracy train:  0.9806833333333334
accuracy: test 0.9587
epoch:  28
accuracy train:  0.9809833333333333
accuracy: test 0.9595
epoch:  29
accuracy train:  0.9813333333333333
accuracy: test 0.9595

3.1.2 正确率绘图


# matplotlib其实是不支持显示中文的 显示中文需要一行代码设置字体  
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mpl.rcParams['font.family'] = 'SimHei'  
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False   # 步骤二(解决坐标轴负数的负号显示问题)  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x=np.arange(1,31,1)plt.title('神经元数量为50时正确率')
plt.plot(x, train_acc, color='green', label='训练集')
plt.plot(x, test_acc, color='red', label='测试集')plt.legend() # 显示图例


3.2 更换隐藏层层数

3.2.1 每次epoch训练预测情况


class NeuralNetwork:def __init__(self, num_of_in_nodes, #输入节点数num_of_out_nodes, #输出节点数num_of_hidden_nodes1,#隐藏第一层节点数num_of_hidden_nodes2,#隐藏第二层节点数learning_rate):#学习率self.num_of_in_nodes = num_of_in_nodesself.num_of_out_nodes = num_of_out_nodesself.num_of_hidden_nodes1 = num_of_hidden_nodes1self.num_of_hidden_nodes2 = num_of_hidden_nodes2self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.create_weight_matrices()#初始为一个隐藏节点    def create_weight_matrices(self):#创建权重矩阵#A method to initialize the weight #matrices of the neural network#一种初始化神经网络权重矩阵的方法rad = 1 / np.sqrt(self.num_of_in_nodes)  X = truncated_normal(mean=0, sd=1, low=-rad, upp=rad)  #形成指定分布self.weight_1 = X.rvs((self.num_of_hidden_nodes1, self.num_of_in_nodes)) #rvs:产生服从指定分布的随机数rad = 1 / np.sqrt(self.num_of_hidden_nodes1)X = truncated_normal(mean=0, sd=1, low=-rad, upp=rad)self.weight_2 = X.rvs((self.num_of_hidden_nodes2, self.num_of_hidden_nodes1)) #rvs: 产生服从指定分布的随机数rad = 1 / np.sqrt(self.num_of_hidden_nodes2)X = truncated_normal(mean=0, sd=1, low=-rad, upp=rad)self.weight_3 = X.rvs((self.num_of_out_nodes, self.num_of_hidden_nodes2)) #rvs: 产生服从指定分布的随机数def train(self, input_vector, target_vector):#input_vector and target_vector can #be tuple, list or ndarrayinput_vector = np.array(input_vector, ndmin=2).T#输入target_vector = np.array(target_vector, ndmin=2).T#输出output_vector1 = np.dot(self.weight_1, input_vector) #隐藏层值output_hidden1 = activation_function(output_vector1)#删除不激活output_vector2 = np.dot(self.weight_2, output_hidden1)#输出output_hidden2 = activation_function(output_vector2)#删除不激活output_vector3 = np.dot(self.weight_3, output_hidden2)#输出output_network = activation_function(output_vector3)##删除不激活# calculate output errors:计算输出误差output_errors = target_vector - output_network# update the weights:更新权重tmp = output_errors * output_network * (1.0 - output_network)     self.weight_3 += self.learning_rate  * np.dot(tmp, output_hidden2.T)hidden1_errors = np.dot(self.weight_3.T, output_errors)tmp = hidden1_errors * output_hidden2 * (1.0 - output_hidden2)     self.weight_2 += self.learning_rate  * np.dot(tmp, output_hidden1.T)# calculate hidden errors:计算隐藏层误差hidden_errors = np.dot(self.weight_2.T, hidden1_errors)# update the weights:tmp = hidden_errors * output_hidden1 * (1.0 - output_hidden1)self.weight_1 += self.learning_rate * np.dot(tmp, input_vector.T)#测试集def run(self, input_vector):# input_vector can be tuple, list or ndarrayinput_vector = np.array(input_vector, ndmin=2).Toutput_vector = np.dot(self.weight_1, input_vector)output_vector = activation_function(output_vector)output_vector = np.dot(self.weight_2, output_vector)output_vector = activation_function(output_vector)output_vector = np.dot(self.weight_3, output_vector)output_vector = activation_function(output_vector)return output_vector#判别矩阵def confusion_matrix(self, data_array, labels):cm = np.zeros((10, 10), int)for i in range(len(data_array)):res = self.run(data_array[i])res_max = res.argmax()target = labels[i][0]cm[res_max, int(target)] += 1return cm    #精确度def precision(self, label, confusion_matrix):col = confusion_matrix[:, label]return confusion_matrix[label, label] / col.sum()#评估def evaluate(self, data, labels):corrects, wrongs = 0, 0for i in range(len(data)):res = self.run(data[i])res_max = res.argmax()if res_max == labels[i]:corrects += 1else:wrongs += 1return corrects, wrongs##迭代30次
epochs = 30
NN = NeuralNetwork(num_of_in_nodes = image_pixels, num_of_out_nodes = 10, num_of_hidden_nodes1 = 100,num_of_hidden_nodes2 = 100,learning_rate = 0.1)for epoch in range(epochs):  print("epoch: ", epoch)for i in range(len(train_imgs)):NN.train(train_imgs[i], train_labels_one_hot[i])corrects, wrongs = NN.evaluate(train_imgs, train_labels)print("accuracy train: ", corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))train_acc.append(corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))corrects, wrongs = NN.evaluate(test_imgs, test_labels)print("accuracy: test", corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))test_acc.append(corrects / ( corrects + wrongs))


epoch:  0
accuracy train:  0.8972333333333333
accuracy: test 0.9005
epoch:  1
accuracy train:  0.8891833333333333
accuracy: test 0.8936
epoch:  2
accuracy train:  0.9146833333333333
accuracy: test 0.9182
epoch:  3
D:\ananconda\lib\site-packages\ipykernel_launcher.py:5: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in power"""
accuracy train:  0.8974833333333333
accuracy: test 0.894
epoch:  4
accuracy train:  0.8924166666666666
accuracy: test 0.8974
epoch:  5
accuracy train:  0.91295
accuracy: test 0.914
epoch:  6
accuracy train:  0.9191166666666667
accuracy: test 0.9205
epoch:  7
accuracy train:  0.9117666666666666
accuracy: test 0.9162
epoch:  8
accuracy train:  0.9220333333333334
accuracy: test 0.9222
epoch:  9
accuracy train:  0.9113833333333333
accuracy: test 0.9112
epoch:  10
accuracy train:  0.9134333333333333
accuracy: test 0.911
epoch:  11
accuracy train:  0.9112166666666667
accuracy: test 0.9103
epoch:  12
accuracy train:  0.914
accuracy: test 0.9126
epoch:  13
accuracy train:  0.9206833333333333
accuracy: test 0.9214
epoch:  14
accuracy train:  0.90945
accuracy: test 0.9073
epoch:  15
accuracy train:  0.9225166666666667
accuracy: test 0.9287
epoch:  16
accuracy train:  0.9226
accuracy: test 0.9205
epoch:  17
accuracy train:  0.9239833333333334
accuracy: test 0.9202
epoch:  18
accuracy train:  0.91925
accuracy: test 0.9191
epoch:  19
accuracy train:  0.9223166666666667
accuracy: test 0.92
epoch:  20
accuracy train:  0.9113
accuracy: test 0.9084
epoch:  21
accuracy train:  0.9241666666666667
accuracy: test 0.925
epoch:  22
accuracy train:  0.9236333333333333
accuracy: test 0.9239
epoch:  23
accuracy train:  0.9301166666666667
accuracy: test 0.9259
epoch:  24
accuracy train:  0.9195166666666666
accuracy: test 0.9186
epoch:  25
accuracy train:  0.9200833333333334
accuracy: test 0.9144
epoch:  26
accuracy train:  0.9204833333333333
accuracy: test 0.9186
epoch:  27
accuracy train:  0.9288666666666666
accuracy: test 0.9259
epoch:  28
accuracy train:  0.9293
accuracy: test 0.9282
epoch:  29
accuracy train:  0.9254666666666667
accuracy: test 0.9242

3.2.2 正确率绘图


# matplotlib其实是不支持显示中文的 显示中文需要一行代码设置字体  
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mpl.rcParams['font.family'] = 'SimHei'  
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False   # 步骤二(解决坐标轴负数的负号显示问题)  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x=np.arange(1,31,1)plt.title('隐藏层数为2时正确率')
plt.plot(x, train_acc, color='green', label='训练集')
plt.plot(x, test_acc, color='red', label='测试集')plt.legend() # 显示图例






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