六、保持长期高效的七个法则(二)Rules for Staying Productive Long-Term(2)

Rule #5 - If your work changes, your system should too. 准则五:如果你的工作变了,你的系统也应该改变。

For some, work will be consistent enough to not need major changes.You simply stick to the same system and you’ll get the results you want.

For me, I’ve found that as what I’m trying to do changes dramatically, I often need very different approaches to work on things:

In college, I often relied on Weekly/Daily Goals.My work was mostly a set of fairly concrete and predictable tasks that needed to be finished to stay on top of things.

During the MIT Challenge, the tasks themselves were larger and more ambiguous.My daily goals would have looked like, “Work on class problems all day.” Setting fixed working hours made more sense here, so I could focus when I needed to, but still give myself time to relax.

During the Year Without English, I had core tasks I set hours for, just as with the MIT Challenge. But I also had dedicated habits for doing small tasks like flashcards or listening to podcasts outside of my normal working rhythms.This helped me capture spare moments in the day

When writing my book, deep work hours were essential.I still had other work, so I kept to-do lists for those.But setting aside the entire morning for research and writing meant I could get a lot done.Putting this first also kept me from procrastinating by using my other work as an excuse to keep from doing hard research/writing.
在写书的时候,深度工作时间是非常重要的。我还有其他工作,所以我为那些事保留了待做事项清单。 但留出整个早上进行研究和写作,意味着我可以完成很多工作。把这个放在第一位,也让我不至于以其他工作为借口来拖延,不做困难的研究/写作。

When I had to promote my book, my daily schedule looked like Swiss cheese, with up to five podcasts per day.A calendar-driven approach, where I scheduled my tasks made more sense here otherwise it would be hard to decide when was the best time to work on things.

Some features of my system rarely change.I almost always have a calendar and daily to-do list, for instance.But adjusting to a new system when I have different types of projects has been more successful for me than stubbornly trying to fit everything into a single system.

Rule #6 - Always measure against your baseline(not somebody else’s)

If you’re ever evaluating a productivity system, the right measurement to make is “am I getting more done than I was a week/month/year ago?” If you’re, instead, asking yourself, “how close am I to being perfectly productive?” or worse, “how productive am I compared to so-and-so?” you’re going to have a bad time.

The tyranny of ideal productivity is a major problem.I’ve worked with students in my courses whom set up a project successfully and were making consistent progress towards it.When I asked them how they’re doing, however, they complained that they still didn’t think they’re productive enough.

But how much is enough?

There’s certainly being insufficiently productive for your current goals or environment.If I were falling behind in my classes or failing to reach my deadlines, that might be cause be cause for reflection.

On the other hand, there’s a perverse tendency to judge yourself against some ideal benchmark.Comparing yourself against a theoretical possibility, rather than your own past results.If you get more done than you were getting done before, the system is successful.That you’re not able to work for sixteen hours without break cannot be viewed as a failure.

Rule #7 - A system cannot give your work meaning or motivation

A system can only shape and direct the motivations you already have, it cannot give you ones you don’t already possess.

Work that feels miserable to you doesn’t magically become exciting with the right productivity system.At best, it becomes an endurable chore.

Many failures of productivity are, at their root, deeper problems of meaning and mission in life.If you’re spending your days at a job you hate, if you’re studying a major you were coerced into rather than freely chose, if your dream job has become a nightmare, then no productivity system can fix this.

Productivity systems work better the more natural enthusiasm you have. They work like a lens, magnifying and directing the diffuse energy you already possess. The people, therefore, that tend to succeed with productivity systems already have a meaning and drive for their work.They have ambitions and recognize that getting things done efficiently is necessary for reaching them.




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