此文档主要是记录一下 最近的一次机遇 arcpy 来发布 地图文件到 arcgis服务器 上面
arcpy 主要是来自于 ArcGIS_Desktop_105_154030.zip 安装之后会在 python 的安装目录 安装另外的一份带 arcgis 的 python 环境, 然后 本文相关类库 也是基于 这个
arcpy 的 python 环境
然后执行 “import arcpy” 测试 arcpy 的使用, 如下 没有任何 报错, 表示可以正常使用
arcgis 服务器的信息
基于 docker 直接搭建, 然后 不要挂载 任何信息, 相关的问题 会少一些
root@ubuntu:~/docker/arcgis# cat docker-compose.ymlversion: '3'
services:arcgisserver:image: huas/arcgisserver:10.3.1container_name: arcgisserver
# volumes:
# - ./gisdata:/arcgisports:- 6080:6080
测试的 mk.mxd 的文件
看一下 我们这里的 mxd 文件, 在 arcmap 中打开效果如下
然后我们这里发布的代码 也是直接来源于网络
Github 上面 suwenjiang 的 TinyTools 下面的 Publishservice.py
项目链接如下 TinyTools
核心业务 没有任何修改, 仅仅是 调整了一下 注释, 因为原文 注释似乎是乱了
import sys
import timeimport arcpy__author__ = 'jiangmb'from arcpy import mapping
import xml.dom.minidom as DOM
import os
import tempfile# create connection to arcgis server
class CreateContectionFile(object):def __init__(self):self.__filePath = Noneself.__loginDict = Nonedef CreateContectionFile(self):try:server_url = "http://{}:{}/arcgis/admin".format(self.__loginDict['server'], self.__loginDict['port'])connection_file_path = str(self.__filePath) #use_arcgis_desktop_staging_folder = Falseif os.path.exists(connection_file_path):os.remove(connection_file_path)out_name = os.path.basename(connection_file_path)path = os.path.split(self.filePath)[0]print ("++++++++ INFO: before connect to arcgis server succeed ++++++++")result = mapping.CreateGISServerConnectionFile("ADMINISTER_GIS_SERVICES", path, out_name, server_url, "ARCGIS_SERVER", use_arcgis_desktop_staging_folder, path,self.__loginDict['userName'], self.__loginDict['passWord'], "SAVE_USERNAME")print ("++++++++ INFO: connect to arcgis server succeed ++++++++")return connection_file_pathexcept Exception as msg:print (msg)@propertydef filePath(self):return self.__filePath@filePath.setterdef filePath(self, value):self.__filePath = value@propertydef loginInfo(self):return self.__loginDict@loginInfo.setterdef loginInfo(self, value):self.__loginDict = value# create service definition draft
class CreateSddraft:def CreateSddraft(self, mapDocPath, con, serviceName, copy_data_to_server=True, folder=None):mapDoc = mapping.MapDocument(mapDocPath)sddraft = mapDocPath.replace(".mxd", ".sddraft")print ("++++++++ INFO: before " + serviceName + " create draft file ++++++++")result = mapping.CreateMapSDDraft(mapDoc, sddraft, serviceName, 'ARCGIS_SERVER', con, copy_data_to_server, folder)print ("++++++++ INFO: after " + serviceName + " create draft file ++++++++")return sddraftdef setTheClusterName(self, xml, clusterName):doc = DOM.parse(xml)doc.getElementsByTagName('Cluster')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue = clusterNameoutXml = xmlf = open(outXml, 'w')doc.writexml(f)f.close()return outXml# publish arcgis service
class PublishServices:def checkfileValidation(self, mxdLists):print ("++++++++ INFO: before before check mxd file list ++++++++")file_to_be_published = []for file in mxdLists:mxd = mapping.MapDocument(file)brknlist = mapping.ListBrokenDataSources(mxd)if not len(brknlist) == 0:print ("++++++++ ERROR: process mxd file " + os.path.split(file)[1] + " ++++++++")else:file_to_be_published.append(file)print ("++++++++ INFO: after before check mxd file list ++++++")return file_to_be_publisheddef publishServices(self, mxdLists, con, clusterName='default', copy_data_to_server=True, folder=None):for file in self.checkfileValidation(mxdLists):serviceName = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(file)[1])[0]clsCreateSddraft = CreateSddraft()sddraft = clsCreateSddraft.CreateSddraft(file, con, serviceName, copy_data_to_server, folder)analysis = arcpy.mapping.AnalyzeForSD(sddraft)dirName = os.path.split(file)[0]if analysis['errors'] == {}:print ("++++++++ WARNING: there are warning as follow +++++++")print (analysis['warnings'])sd = dirName + "\\" + serviceName + ".sd"if (os.path.exists(sd)):print ("++++++++ INFO: remove old service definition :" + serviceName + " +++++++")os.remove(sd)try:print ("++++++++ INFO: before generate service definition from service definition draft : " + serviceName + " +++++++")arcpy.StageService_server(sddraft, sd)print ("++++++++ INFO: after generate service definition from service definition draft : " + serviceName + " +++++++")print ("++++++++ INFO: before upload service definition to arcgis server : " + str(serviceName) + " ++++++")arcpy.UploadServiceDefinition_server(sd, con, in_cluster=clusterName)print ("++++++++ INFO: after upload service definition to arcgis server : " + str(serviceName) + " ++++++")except Exception as msg:print (msg)else:print ('++++++++ ERROR: process error:' + analysis['errors'] + '++++++++')time.sleep(5)sys.exit(1)def checkWarnings(self, warnings):for warning in warnings:if warning[1] == 24011:print ("++++++++ check warning, received error code 24011 +++++++")return Truereturn Falsedef GetMxFileList(self, filePath):if not os.path.exists(filePath):print ("++++++++ ERROR: target mxd folder does not exists +++++++")sys.exit(1)list = []for root, dirname, files in os.walk(filePath):for file in files:if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == '.mxd':mxdfile = os.path.join(root, file)list.append(mxdfile)if list == []:print ("++++++++ INFO: collected empty mxd file list ++++++++")time.sleep(5)sys.exit(1)return listdef publishMxdFolder():server = ""userName = "admin"passWord = "admin@2021"port = "6080"mxdDir = "D:\\Jobs\\99_arcgis\\mxd\\test01Mk"servic_dir = "jerry_20230620"clusterName = "default"logDict = {'server': server,'userName': userName,'passWord': passWord,'port': port}contionfile = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'server.ags')instace = CreateContectionFile()instace.filePath = contionfileinstace.loginInfo = logDictinstace.CreateContectionFile()if (os.path.isfile(contionfile) == False):print ("++++++++ ERROR: connect to arcgis server failed ++++++++")time.sleep(5)sys.exit(1)clsPublishservice = PublishServices()fileList = clsPublishservice.GetMxFileList(mxdDir)if len(servic_dir) == 0:servic_dir == Noneif len(clusterName) == 0:clusterName = 'default'clsPublishservice = PublishServices()clsPublishservice.publishServices(fileList, contionfile, clusterName, copy_data_to_server=False, folder=servic_dir)if __name__ == '__main__':publishMxdFolder()
然后执行给定的脚本, 日志信息如下
++++++++ INFO: before connect to arcgis server succeed ++++++++
++++++++ INFO: connect to arcgis server succeed ++++++++
++++++++ INFO: before before check mxd file list ++++++++
++++++++ INFO: after before check mxd file list ++++++
++++++++ INFO: before mk create draft file ++++++++
++++++++ INFO: after mk create draft file ++++++++
++++++++WARNING: there are warning as follow +++++++
{(u'Map is being published with data copied to the server using data frame full extent', 10045): [], (u"Layer's data source is not registered with the server and data will be copied to the server", 24011): [<map layer u'mk'>, <map layer u'lyjq'>], (u'Missing Tags in Item Description', 24059): [], (u"Layer's data source doesn't have a spatial index", 10002): [<map layer u'mk'>], (u'Missing Summary in Item Description', 24058): []}
++++++++ INFO: remove old service definition :mk +++++++
++++++++ INFO: before generate service definition from service definition draft : mk +++++++
++++++++ INFO: after generate service definition from service definition draft : mk +++++++
++++++++ INFO: before upload service definition to arcgis server : mk ++++++
++++++++ INFO: after upload service definition to arcgis server : mk ++++++
然后 刷新 arcgis服务器 上面的服务信息, 就可以看到对应的服务信息
mk 服务的 rest url 信息如下
然后前端这边 使用给定的图层服务信息, 这里使用的是 ol 包
let tileSources = new TileArcGISRest({url:''
let tileLayers = new Tile({className:'testLayer',source: tileSources,zIndex: 1,
页面上查看效果, 和 arcmap 中看到的效果 一致