论文原文:[1810.00826] How Powerful are Graph Neural Networks? (arxiv.org)
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2. 论文逐段精读
2.1. Abstract
①Even though the occurrence of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) changes graph representation learning to a large extent, it and its variants are all limited in representation abilities.
2.2. Introduction
①Briefly introduce how GNN works (combining node information from k-hop neighbors and then pooling)
②The authors hold the view that ⭐ other graph models mostly based on plenty experimental trial-and-errors rather than theoretical understanding
③They combine GNNs and the Weisfeiler-Lehman (WL) graph isomorphism test to build a new framework, which relys on multisets
④GIN is excellent in distinguish, capturing and representaion
heuristics n.[U] (formal) 探索法;启发式
heuristic adj.(教学或教育)启发式的
2.3. Preliminaries
2.4. Theoretical framework: overview
2.5. Building powerful graph neural networks
2.5.1. Graph isomorphism network (GIN)
2.5.2. Graph-level readout of GIN
2.6. Less powerful but still interesting GNNs
2.6.1. 1-layer perceptrons are not sufficient
2.6.2. Structures that confuse mean and max-pooling
2.6.3. Mean learns distributions
2.6.4. Max-pooling learns sets with distinct elements
2.6.5. Remarks on other aggregators
2.7. Other related work
2.8. Experiments
2.8.1. Results
2.9. Conclusion
3. 知识补充
4. Reference List
Xu, K. et al. (2019) 'How Powerful are Graph Neural Networks?', ICLR 2019. doi: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1810.00826